blob: 3802aa85392d1f22703235f690c5f757e9e8829b [file] [log] [blame]
# Ling Xiaofeng
These test cases are to test for accessing RFC-1213MIB variable
To run test:
cd this directory and type
# 07-Apr-2004 Mike Slifcak adapted for use with "make test" [RUNTESTS]
Environment Variables
SNMP_SLEEP -- number of seconds delay between actions. Defaults to 1
SNMP_VERBOSE - 1=verbose messages; 0=dots plus summary. Defaults to 0
Notes for proper operation in certain environments
Msys/MinGW provides a _minimal_ GNU environment
For best results with these tests:
copy c:\msys\bin\sh.exe c:\msys\bin\bash.exe