blob: e6aa79240737dbb91e3a2eac111dd4f966e7fce4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Ping a host via the CISCO-PING-MIB. For more information about the
# CISCO-PING-MIB, see also
use strict;
use SNMP;
my $target = shift || die "no ping target supplied\n"; # numeric ip address
my $host = shift || 'localhost';
my $community = shift || 'private';
my $sess = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $host,
Community => $community,
Retries => 1);
my $dec = pack("C*",split /\./, $target);
my $oid = ".";
my $row = "300";
my $res;
$res = $sess->set([
["$oid.16", $row, 6, "INTEGER"],
["$oid.16", $row, 5, "INTEGER"],
["$oid.15", $row, "MoNDS", "OCTETSTR"],
["$oid.2", $row, 1, "INTEGER"],
["$oid.4", $row, 20, "INTEGER"],
["$oid.5", $row, 150, "INTEGER"],
["$oid.3", $row, $dec, "OCTETSTR"]]);
defined($res) || die "row creation failed";
$res = $sess->set([["$oid.16", $row, 1, "INTEGER"]]);
defined($res) || die "row activation failed";
sleep 30;
my ($sent, $received, $low, $avg, $high, $completed) = $sess->get([
["$oid.9", $row], ["$oid.10", $row], ["$oid.11", $row],
["$oid.12", $row], ["$oid.13", $row], ["$oid.14", $row]]);
printf "Packet loss: %d% (%d/%d)\n", (100 * ($sent-$received)) / $sent,
$received, $sent;
print "Average delay $avg (low: $low high: $high)\n";
$sess->set(["$oid.16", $row, 6, "INTEGER"]);