blob: 3ee2412072d922e4163faf36551dc7ac02905365 [file] [log] [blame]
use SNMP;
# Hard-coded hostname and community. This is icky, but I didn't want to
# muddle the example with parsing command line arguments. Deal with it. -r
my $hostname='localhost';
my $port='161';
my $community='public';
$SNMP::debugging = 0;
$SNMP::dump_packet = 0;
$sess = new SNMP::Session( 'DestHost' => $hostname,
'Community' => $community,
'RemotePort' => $port,
'Timeout' => 300000,
'Retries' => 3,
'Version' => '2c',
'UseLongNames' => 1, # Return full OID tags
'UseNumeric' => 1, # Return dotted decimal OID
'UseEnums' => 0, # Don't use enumerated vals
'UseSprintValue' => 0); # Don't pretty-print values
die "Cannot create session: ${SNMP::ErrorStr}\n" unless defined $sess;
# Set up a list of two non-repeaters and some repeated variables.
# The 'get' performed for non-repeaters is a "GETNEXT" (the non-repeater
# requests are not fulfilled with SNMP GET's). This means that you must
# ask for the lexicographically preceeding variable for non-repeaters.
# For most branches (i.e. 'sysUpTime'), this "just works" -- be sure you
# don't ask for an instance, and the response will be as expected. However,
# if you want a specific variable instance (i.e. 'ifSpeed.5'), you must
# ask for the _preceeding_ variable ('ifSpeed.4' in this example).
# See section 4.2.3 of RFC 1905 for more details on GETBULK PDU handling.
my $vars = new SNMP::VarList( ['sysUpTime'], # Nonrepeater variable
['ifNumber'], # Nonrepeater variable
['ifSpeed'], # Repeated variable
['ifDescr'] ); # Repeated variable.
# Do the bulkwalk of the two non-repeaters, and the repeaters. Ask for no
# more than 8 values per response packet. If the caller already knows how
# many instances will be returned for the repeaters, it can ask only for
# that many repeaters.
@resp = $sess->bulkwalk(2, 8, $vars);
die "Cannot do bulkwalk: $sess->{ErrorStr} ($sess->{ErrorNum})\n"
if $sess->{ErrorNum};
# Print out the returned response for each variable.
for $vbarr ( @resp ) {
# Determine which OID this request queried. This is kept in the VarList
# reference passed to bulkwalk().
$oid = $$vars[$i++]->tag();
# Count the number of responses to this query. The count will be 1 for
# non-repeaters, 1 or more for repeaters.
$num = scalar @$vbarr;
print "$num responses for oid $oid: \n";
# Display the returned list of varbinds using the SNMP::Varbind methods.
for $v (@$vbarr) {
printf("\t%s = %s (%s)\n", $v->name, $v->val, $v->type);
print "\n";
# Now do the same bulkwalk again, but in asynchronous mode. Set up a Perl
# callback to receive the reference to the array of arrays of Varbind's for
# the return value, and pass along the $vars VarList to it. This allows us
# to print the oid tags (the callback code is almost the same as above).
# First, define the Perl callback to be called when the bulkwalk completes.
# The call to SNMP::finish() will cause the SNMP::MainLoop() to return once
# the callback has completed, so that processing can continue.
sub callback {
my ($vars, $values) = @_;
for $vbarr ( @$values ) {
# Determine which OID this request queried. This is kept in the
# '$vars' VarList reference passed to the Perl callback by the
# asynchronous callback.
$oid = (shift @$vars)->tag();
# Count the number of responses to this query. The count will be 1 for
# non-repeaters, 1 or more for repeaters.
$num = scalar @$vbarr;
print "$num responses for oid $oid: \n";
# Display the returned list of varbinds using the SNMP::Varbind methods.
for $v (@$vbarr) {
printf("\t%s = %s (%s)\n", $v->name, $v->val, $v->type);
print "\n";
# The actual bulkwalk request is done here. Note that the $vars VarList
# reference will be passed to the Perl callback when the bulkwalk completes.
my $reqid = $sess->bulkwalk(2, 8, $vars, [ \&callback, $vars ]);
die "Cannot do async bulkwalk: $sess->{ErrorStr} ($sess->{ErrorNum})\n"
if $sess->{ErrorNum};
# Now drop into the SNMP event loop and await completion of the bulkwalk.
# The call to SNMP::finish() in &callback will make the SNMP::MainLoop()
# return to the caller.
exit 0;