blob: f57f1257a958bebb4e31dea8611e2768910c1c29 [file] [log] [blame]
* hdhomerun_device_selector.c
* Copyright © 2009-2010 Silicondust USA Inc. <>.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception to the GNU Lesser General Public License,
* you may link, statically or dynamically, an application with a
* publicly distributed version of the Library to produce an
* executable file containing portions of the Library, and
* distribute that executable file under terms of your choice,
* without any of the additional requirements listed in clause 4 of
* the GNU Lesser General Public License.
* By "a publicly distributed version of the Library", we mean
* either the unmodified Library as distributed by Silicondust, or a
* modified version of the Library that is distributed under the
* conditions defined in the GNU Lesser General Public License.
#include "hdhomerun.h"
struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t {
struct hdhomerun_device_t **hd_list;
size_t hd_count;
struct hdhomerun_debug_t *dbg;
struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hdhomerun_device_selector_create(struct hdhomerun_debug_t *dbg)
struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds = (struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t));
if (!hds) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_create: failed to allocate selector object\n");
return NULL;
hds->dbg = dbg;
return hds;
void hdhomerun_device_selector_destroy(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, bool_t destroy_devices)
if (destroy_devices) {
size_t index;
for (index = 0; index < hds->hd_count; index++) {
struct hdhomerun_device_t *entry = hds->hd_list[index];
if (hds->hd_list) {
LIBTYPE int hdhomerun_device_selector_get_device_count(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds)
return (int)hds->hd_count;
void hdhomerun_device_selector_add_device(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, struct hdhomerun_device_t *hd)
size_t index;
for (index = 0; index < hds->hd_count; index++) {
struct hdhomerun_device_t *entry = hds->hd_list[index];
if (entry == hd) {
hds->hd_list = (struct hdhomerun_device_t **)realloc(hds->hd_list, (hds->hd_count + 1) * sizeof(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *));
if (!hds->hd_list) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_add_device: failed to allocate device list\n");
hds->hd_list[hds->hd_count++] = hd;
void hdhomerun_device_selector_remove_device(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, struct hdhomerun_device_t *hd)
size_t index = 0;
while (1) {
if (index >= hds->hd_count) {
struct hdhomerun_device_t *entry = hds->hd_list[index];
if (entry == hd) {
while (index + 1 < hds->hd_count) {
hds->hd_list[index] = hds->hd_list[index + 1];
hds->hd_list[index] = NULL;
struct hdhomerun_device_t *hdhomerun_device_selector_find_device(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, uint32_t device_id, unsigned int tuner_index)
size_t index;
for (index = 0; index < hds->hd_count; index++) {
struct hdhomerun_device_t *entry = hds->hd_list[index];
if (hdhomerun_device_get_device_id(entry) != device_id) {
if (hdhomerun_device_get_tuner(entry) != tuner_index) {
return entry;
return NULL;
int hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_file(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, char *filename)
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!fp) {
return 0;
while(1) {
char device_name[32];
if (!fgets(device_name, sizeof(device_name), fp)) {
struct hdhomerun_device_t *hd = hdhomerun_device_create_from_str(device_name, hds->dbg);
if (!hd) {
hdhomerun_device_selector_add_device(hds, hd);
return (int)hds->hd_count;
#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
int hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_windows_registry(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, wchar_t *wsource)
HKEY tuners_key;
LONG ret = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Silicondust\\HDHomeRun\\Tuners", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &tuners_key);
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_windows_registry: failed to open tuners registry key (%ld)\n", (long)ret);
return 0;
DWORD index = 0;
while (1) {
/* Next tuner device. */
wchar_t wdevice_name[32];
DWORD size = sizeof(wdevice_name);
ret = RegEnumKeyEx(tuners_key, index++, wdevice_name, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
/* Check device configuation. */
HKEY device_key;
ret = RegOpenKeyEx(tuners_key, wdevice_name, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &device_key);
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_windows_registry: failed to open registry key for %S (%ld)\n", wdevice_name, (long)ret);
wchar_t wsource_test[32];
size = sizeof(wsource_test);
if (RegQueryValueEx(device_key, L"Source", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&wsource_test, &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
wsprintf(wsource_test, L"Unknown");
if (_wcsicmp(wsource_test, wsource) != 0) {
/* Create and add device. */
char device_name[32];
sprintf(device_name, "%S", wdevice_name);
struct hdhomerun_device_t *hd = hdhomerun_device_create_from_str(device_name, hds->dbg);
if (!hd) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_windows_registry: invalid device name '%s' / failed to create device object\n", device_name);
hdhomerun_device_selector_add_device(hds, hd);
return (int)hds->hd_count;
static bool_t hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, struct hdhomerun_device_t *test_hd)
const char *name = hdhomerun_device_get_name(test_hd);
* Attempt to aquire lock.
char *error;
int ret = hdhomerun_device_tuner_lockkey_request(test_hd, &error);
if (ret > 0) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s chosen\n", name);
return TRUE;
if (ret < 0) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s communication error\n", name);
return FALSE;
* In use - check target.
char *target;
ret = hdhomerun_device_get_tuner_target(test_hd, &target);
if (ret < 0) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s communication error\n", name);
return FALSE;
if (ret == 0) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s in use, failed to read target\n", name);
return FALSE;
char *ptr = strstr(target, "//");
if (ptr) {
target = ptr + 2;
ptr = strchr(target, ' ');
if (ptr) {
*ptr = 0;
unsigned long a[4];
unsigned long target_port;
if (sscanf(target, "%lu.%lu.%lu.%lu:%lu", &a[0], &a[1], &a[2], &a[3], &target_port) != 5) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s in use, no target set (%s)\n", name, target);
return FALSE;
uint32_t target_ip = (uint32_t)((a[0] << 24) | (a[1] << 16) | (a[2] << 8) | (a[3] << 0));
uint32_t local_ip = hdhomerun_device_get_local_machine_addr(test_hd);
if (target_ip != local_ip) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s in use by %s\n", name, target);
return FALSE;
* Test local port.
hdhomerun_sock_t test_sock = hdhomerun_sock_create_udp();
if (test_sock == HDHOMERUN_SOCK_INVALID) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s in use, failed to create test sock\n", name);
return FALSE;
bool_t inuse = (hdhomerun_sock_bind(test_sock, INADDR_ANY, (uint16_t)target_port, FALSE) == FALSE);
if (inuse) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s in use by local machine\n", name);
return FALSE;
* Dead local target, force clear lock.
ret = hdhomerun_device_tuner_lockkey_force(test_hd);
if (ret < 0) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s communication error\n", name);
return FALSE;
if (ret == 0) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s in use by local machine, dead target, failed to force release lockkey\n", name);
return FALSE;
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s in use by local machine, dead target, lockkey force successful\n", name);
* Attempt to aquire lock.
ret = hdhomerun_device_tuner_lockkey_request(test_hd, &error);
if (ret > 0) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s chosen\n", name);
return TRUE;
if (ret < 0) {
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s communication error\n", name);
return FALSE;
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test: device %s still in use after lockkey force (%s)\n", name, error);
return FALSE;
struct hdhomerun_device_t *hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_and_lock(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, struct hdhomerun_device_t *prefered)
/* Test prefered device first. */
if (prefered) {
if (hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test(hds, prefered)) {
return prefered;
/* Test other tuners. */
size_t index;
for (index = 0; index < hds->hd_count; index++) {
struct hdhomerun_device_t *entry = hds->hd_list[index];
if (entry == prefered) {
if (hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_test(hds, entry)) {
return entry;
hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_choose_and_lock: no devices available\n");
return NULL;