blob: c112427e9ec98891e85d57c01dccd7c3cc6b96f6 [file] [log] [blame]
Version 1.0.6 (72ab437)
Server changes:
- Update to DIAL specificiation 2.0
Version 1.0.5 (06edbce)
Server changes:
- Update to DIAL specificiation 1.7.2
- CORE compliance security patch
- Added CORS compliance test scripts
Version 1.0.4 (1673785)
Server changes:
- Update to DIAL specificiation 1.7
- Catch SIGTERM so that we don't self terminate.
Version 1.0.2 (1673785)
Server changes:
- Fix an application state bug when the application is launched
without using DIAL.
- Remove unnecessary functionality from Mongoose.
- Use constant values for DIAL port.
- Propery reap child processes.
Client (test tool) changes:
- None
Version 1.0.1 (1601607)
General Changes:
- Simplified directory structure.
- Version.txt changed to Version.h.
- moved main Makefile into src dir.
Server changes:
- Server configuration options moved into dial_options.h.
- Added logic to walk/proc to see if the named app (eg Netflix)
is running before attempting to start/kill the app.
- Improved payload handling:
- Explicitly define payload size.
- Added logic to check validity of payload, and send HTTP 400
"bad request" responses to requests with improper payloads.
- Added URL encoding for payloads.
- Added logic to compare launch payload on subsequent launch
Client (test tool) changes:
- small change to printed format of server names.
Version 1.0 (1416215)
Initial release.