Enable DIAL for Netflix

Change-Id: I67d417c7178bbc243fa0cf004b73700c3e5d6b70
diff --git a/src/server/main.c b/src/server/main.c
index 7734b08..8de2f45 100644
--- a/src/server/main.c
+++ b/src/server/main.c
@@ -377,9 +377,7 @@
     struct DIALAppCallbacks cb_nf = {netflix_start, netflix_stop, netflix_status};
     struct DIALAppCallbacks cb_yt = {youtube_start, youtube_stop, youtube_status};
-    /* Until we update the Netflix app to version4.0 we must disable Netflix DIAL support */
-    (void)(cb_nf);
-    //DIAL_register_app(ds, "Netflix", &cb_nf, NULL);
+    DIAL_register_app(ds, "Netflix", &cb_nf, NULL);
     DIAL_register_app(ds, "YouTube", &cb_yt, NULL);
     gDialPort = DIAL_get_port(ds);
     printf("launcher listening on gDialPort %d\n", gDialPort);