mgmt: Add LE scanning callback

This patch adds a new callback to allow the adapter to control LE
scanning. The current approach uses the active scanning with default
windows and intervals defined by the core spec without any filtering.
diff --git a/src/mgmt.c b/src/mgmt.c
index e368b8a..fc0e5e4 100644
--- a/src/mgmt.c
+++ b/src/mgmt.c
@@ -2055,6 +2055,40 @@
 	return 0;
+int mgmt_start_le_scanning(int index)
+	char buf[MGMT_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(struct mgmt_cp_start_discovery)];
+	struct mgmt_hdr *hdr = (void *) buf;
+	struct mgmt_cp_start_discovery *cp = (void *) &buf[sizeof(*hdr)];
+	struct controller_info *info = &controllers[index];
+	DBG("index %d", index);
+	if (!mgmt_low_energy(info->current_settings)) {
+		error("scanning failed: Low Energy not enabled/supported");
+		return -ENOTSUP;
+	}
+	info->discov_type = 0;
+	hci_set_bit(BDADDR_LE_PUBLIC, &info->discov_type);
+	hci_set_bit(BDADDR_LE_RANDOM, &info->discov_type);
+	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+	hdr->opcode = htobs(MGMT_OP_START_DISCOVERY);
+	hdr->len = htobs(sizeof(*cp));
+	hdr->index = htobs(index);
+	cp->type = info->discov_type;
+	if (write(mgmt_sock, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) {
+		int err = -errno;
+		error("failed to write to MGMT socket: %s", strerror(-err));
+		return err;
+	}
+	return 0;
 int mgmt_stop_discovery(int index)
 	char buf[MGMT_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(struct mgmt_cp_start_discovery)];
diff --git a/src/mgmt.h b/src/mgmt.h
index 95245d2..1d25cb0 100644
--- a/src/mgmt.h
+++ b/src/mgmt.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 int mgmt_set_fast_connectable(int index, gboolean enable);
 int mgmt_start_discovery(int index);
+int mgmt_start_le_scanning(int index);
 int mgmt_stop_discovery(int index);
 int mgmt_read_clock(int index, bdaddr_t *bdaddr, int which, int timeout,