blob: 455751674e8df17081d1934a2554211dc421317a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009 Mindspeed Technologies, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "types.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "fe.h"
#include "ipv6.h"
/* Modes */
/* Timer */
/* Status */
#define L2_BRIDGE_TIMED_OUT 0x1
#define L2FLOW_UPDATING (1 << 0)
* L2 Bridge Table structure
#if !defined(COMCERTO_2000)
typedef struct _tL2Bridge_entry {
struct tL2Bridge_entry *next;
U8 da[6];
U8 sa[6];
U16 ethertype;
U16 input_vlan;
U16 output_vlan;
U16 session_id;
struct itf *output_itf;
struct {
U32 pkt_priority : 8;
U32 vlan_priority : 3;
U32 vlan_priority_mark : 1;
U32 sa_wc : 1;
U32 qmod : 1;
U32 unused : 2;
U32 input_interface : 8;
U32 unused1 : 8;
} __attribute__((packed));
#ifdef CFG_STATS
U32 total_packets_transmitted;
// U8 input_name[16];
// U8 output_name[16];
} L2Bridge_entry, *PL2Bridge_entry;
#else // defined(COMCERTO_2000)
struct _tbridge_enable {
U8 used;
U8 enabled;
U16 onif_index;
#if defined (COMCERTO_2000_CONTROL)
/* control path SW bridge entry */
typedef struct _tL2Bridge_entry {
struct slist_entry list;
U32 valid;
U8 pad1[6];
U16 hash;
U8 da[6];
U8 sa[6];
U16 ethertype;
U16 input_vlan;
U16 output_vlan;
U16 session_id;
struct itf *output_itf;
struct {
U32 pkt_priority : 8;
U32 vlan_priority : 3;
U32 vlan_priority_mark : 1;
U32 sa_wc : 1;
U32 qmod : 1;
U32 unused : 2;
U32 input_interface : 8;
U32 unused1 : 8;
} __attribute__((packed));
#ifdef CFG_STATS
U32 total_packets_transmitted;
U8 pad2[16];
struct _thw_L2Bridge_entry *hw_l2bridge;
} L2Bridge_entry, *PL2Bridge_entry;
/* control plane HW bridge entry */
typedef struct _thw_L2Bridge_entry {
U32 flags;
U32 dma_addr;
U32 next;
U32 valid;
U16 pad1;
U16 hash;
U8 da[6];
U8 sa[6];
U16 ethertype;
U16 input_vlan;
U16 output_vlan;
U16 session_id;
struct itf *output_itf;
struct {
U32 pkt_priority : 8;
U32 vlan_priority : 3;
U32 vlan_priority_mark : 1;
U32 sa_wc : 1;
U32 qmod : 1;
U32 unused : 2;
U32 unused1 : 8;
U32 unused2 : 8;
} __attribute__((packed));
#ifdef CFG_STATS
U32 total_packets_transmitted[NUM_PE_CLASS];
//U32 pad3[3];
/* These fields are only used by host software (not fetched by data path), so keep them at the end of the structure */
struct dlist_head list;
struct _tL2Bridge_entry *sw_l2bridge; /** pointer to the software bridge entry */
unsigned long removal_time;
} hw_L2Bridge_entry, *Phw_L2Bridge_entry;
#else // !defined (COMCERTO_2000_CONTROL)
/* data path HW bridge entry */
typedef struct _tL2Bridge_entry {
U32 flags;
U32 dma_addr;
U32 next;
U32 valid;
U16 pad1;
U16 hash;
U8 da[6];
U8 sa[6];
U16 ethertype;
U16 input_vlan;
U16 output_vlan;
U16 session_id;
struct itf *output_itf;
struct {
U32 pkt_priority : 8;
U32 unused : 2;
U32 qmod : 1;
U32 sa_wc : 1;
U32 vlan_priority_mark : 1;
U32 vlan_priority : 3;
U32 unused1 : 8;
U32 unused2 : 8;
} __attribute__((packed));
#ifdef CFG_STATS
U32 total_packets_transmitted[NUM_PE_CLASS];
//U32 pad3[3];
} L2Bridge_entry, *PL2Bridge_entry;
#endif // !defined (COMCERTO_2000_CONTROL)
#endif // defined(COMCERTO_2000)
* L2/L3 Bridge structures
struct L2Flow{
U8 da[6];
U8 sa[6];
U16 ethertype;
U16 session_id;
U16 vlan_tag; /* TCI */
struct L2Flow_tmp{
U8 *da_sa;
U16 ethertype;
U16 session_id;
U16 vlan_tag; /* TCI */
struct L3Flow{
U32 saddr[4];
U32 daddr[4];
U16 sport;
U16 dport;
U8 proto;
struct l2_qos_mark{
U16 queue : 5;
U16 vlan_pbits : 3;
U16 qmod_flag : 1;
U16 vlan_prio_inh_flag : 1;
U16 queue_from_vlan_flag : 1;
U16 unused : 5;
U16 unused : 5;
U16 queue_from_vlan_flag : 1;
U16 vlan_prio_inh_flag : 1;
U16 qmod_flag : 1;
U16 vlan_pbits : 3;
U16 queue : 5;
} __attribute__((packed));
#if !defined(COMCERTO_2000)
typedef struct _tL2Flow_entry {
struct slist_entry list;
struct L2Flow l2flow;
U32 last_l2flow_timer;
U8 input_if;
U8 output_if;
U16 status;
union {
U16 mark;
struct l2_qos_mark qos_mark;
U16 nb_l3_ref;
void *output_if_h;
U8 output_if_type;
} L2Flow_entry, *PL2Flow_entry;
typedef struct _tL3Flow_entry {
struct slist_entry list;
struct L3Flow l3flow;
PL2Flow_entry l2flow_entry;
U32 last_l3flow_timer;
U16 status;
union {
U16 mark;
struct l2_qos_mark qos_mark;
} L3Flow_entry, *PL3Flow_entry;
#if defined (COMCERTO_2000_CONTROL)
/* control path SW L2 flow entry */
typedef struct _tL2Flow_entry {
struct slist_entry list;
struct L2Flow l2flow;
U32 last_l2flow_timer;
struct itf *output_if;
U16 input_ifindex;
U16 status;
union {
U16 mark;
struct l2_qos_mark qos_mark;
U16 nb_l3_ref;
struct _thw_L2Flow_entry *hw_l2flow; /** pointer to the hardware flow entry */
} L2Flow_entry, *PL2Flow_entry;
/* control path SW L3 flow entry */
typedef struct _tL3Flow_entry {
struct slist_entry list;
struct L3Flow l3flow;
PL2Flow_entry l2flow_entry;
U32 last_l3flow_timer;
U16 status;
union {
U16 mark;
struct l2_qos_mark qos_mark;
struct _thw_L3Flow_entry *hw_l3flow; /** pointer to the hardware flow entry */
} L3Flow_entry, *PL3Flow_entry;
/* control path HW L2 flow entry */
typedef struct _thw_L2Flow_entry {
U32 flags;
U32 dma_addr;
U32 next;
U32 active;
struct L2Flow l2flow;
struct itf *output_if;
U16 input_ifindex;
U16 status;
union {
U16 mark;
struct l2_qos_mark qos_mark;
U16 nb_l3_ref;
/* These fields are only used by host software (not fetched by data path), so keep them at the end of the structure */
struct dlist_head list;
struct _tL2Flow_entry *sw_l2flow; /** pointer to the software L2 flow entry */
unsigned long removal_time;
} hw_L2Flow_entry, *Phw_L2Flow_entry;
/* control path HW L3 flow entry */
typedef struct _thw_L3Flow_entry {
U32 flags;
U32 dma_addr;
U32 next;
U32 active;
struct L3Flow l3flow;
union {
U16 mark;
struct l2_qos_mark qos_mark;
/* These fields are only used by host software (not fetched by data path), so keep them at the end of the structure */
struct dlist_head list;
struct _tL3Flow_entry *sw_l3flow; /** pointer to the software L3 flow entry */
unsigned long removal_time;
} hw_L3Flow_entry, *Phw_L3Flow_entry;
#else // !defined (COMCERTO_2000_CONTROL)
/* data path HW L2 flow entry */
typedef struct _tL2Flow_entry {
U32 flags;
U32 dma_addr;
U32 next;
U32 active;
struct L2Flow l2flow;
struct itf *output_if;
U16 input_ifindex;
U16 status;
union {
U16 mark;
struct l2_qos_mark qos_mark;
U16 nb_l3_ref;
} L2Flow_entry, *PL2Flow_entry;
/* data path HW L3 flow entry */
typedef struct _tL3Flow_entry {
U32 flags;
U32 dma_addr;
U32 next;
U32 active;
struct L3Flow l3flow;
union {
U16 mark;
struct l2_qos_mark qos_mark;
} L3Flow_entry, *PL3Flow_entry;
#endif // !defined (COMCERTO_2000_CONTROL)
#if !defined(COMCERTO_2000) || defined(COMCERTO_2000_CONTROL)
extern struct slist_head bridge_cache[];
extern struct slist_head bridge_l3_cache[];
extern PVOID bridge_cache[];
extern PVOID bridge_l3_cache[];
* Commands
/* L2 Bridging Enable command */
typedef struct _tL2BridgeEnableCommand {
U16 interface;
U16 enable_flag;
U8 input_name[16];
}L2BridgeEnableCommand, *PL2BridgeEnableCommand;
/* L2 Bridging Add Entry command */
typedef struct _tL2BridgeAddEntryCommand {
U16 input_interface;
U16 input_vlan;
U8 destaddr[6];
U8 srcaddr[6];
U16 ethertype;
U16 output_interface;
U16 output_vlan;
U16 pkt_priority;
U16 vlan_priority;
U8 input_name[16];
U8 output_name[16];
U16 qmod;
U16 session_id;
}L2BridgeAddEntryCommand, *PL2BridgeAddEntryCommand;
/* L2 Bridging Remove Entry command */
typedef struct _tL2BridgeRemoveEntryCommand {
U16 input_interface;
U16 input_vlan;
U8 destaddr[6];
U8 srcaddr[6];
U16 ethertype;
U16 session_id;
U8 input_name[16];
}L2BridgeRemoveEntryCommand, *PL2BridgeRemoveEntryCommand;
/* L2 Bridging Query Status response */
typedef struct _tL2BridgeQueryStatusResponse {
U16 ackstatus;
U16 status;
U8 ifname[16];
U32 eof;
}L2BridgeQueryStatusResponse, *PL2BridgeQueryStatusResponse;
/* L2 Bridging Query Entry response */
typedef struct _tL2BridgeQueryEntryResponse {
U16 ackstatus;
U16 eof;
U16 input_interface;
U16 input_vlan;
U8 destaddr[6];
U8 srcaddr[6];
U16 ethertype;
U16 output_interface;
U16 output_vlan;
U16 pkt_priority;
U16 vlan_priority;
U8 input_name[16];
U8 output_name[16];
U16 qmod;
U16 session_id;
U16 reserved;
}L2BridgeQueryEntryResponse, *PL2BridgeQueryEntryResponse;
/* L2 Bridging Flow entry command */
typedef struct _tL2BridgeL2FlowEntryCommand {
U16 action; /*Action to perform*/
U16 ethertype; /* If VLAN Tag !=0, ethertype of next header */
U8 destaddr[6]; /* Dst MAC addr */
U8 srcaddr[6]; /* Src MAC addr */
U16 vlan_tag; /* TCI */
U16 session_id; /* Meaningful only if ethertype PPPoE */
U8 input_name[16]; /* Input itf name */
U8 output_name[16]; /* Output itf name */
/* L3-4 optional information*/
U32 saddr[4];
U32 daddr[4];
U16 sport;
U16 dport;
U8 proto;
U8 pad;
U16 mark;
U32 timeout;
} L2BridgeL2FlowEntryCommand, *PL2BridgeL2FlowEntryCommand;
/* L2 Bridging Control command */
typedef struct _tL2BridgeControlCommand {
U16 mode_timeout; /* Either set bridge mode or set timeout for flow entries */
}L2BridgeControlCommand, *PL2BridgeControlCommand;
/* Function proto */
int bridge_init(void);
void bridge_exit(void);
void M_BRIDGE_process_packet(PMetadata mtd) __attribute__((section ("fast_path")));
void M_bridge_entry(void) __attribute__((section ("fast_path")));
void M_bridge_enqueue(struct tMetadata *mtd);
int M_bridge_interface_deregister( U16 index );
int M_bridge_interface_register( U8 *name, U16 index );
PL2Flow_entry M_bridge_find_l2_flow_entry(U32 hash, struct L2Flow_tmp * l2flow);
PL3Flow_entry M_bridge_find_l3_flow_entry(U32 hash, struct L3Flow * l3flow);
#if defined (COMCERTO_2000)
/* For C2000 unaligned accesses on layer-2 fields are managed in software */
typedef struct
U32 x[3];
/* For C1000 __packed attribut is used to handle unaligned accesses on layer-2 fields */
typedef struct
U32 x[3];
} __attribute__((packed)) PKT_L2_MAC_ARRAY;
#define READ_L2_FIELD_INT(var) (*(var))
static __inline U32 HASH_L2FLOW(struct L2Flow_tmp *l2flow)
U32 sum;
U32 hash;
lp = (PKT_L2_MAC_ARRAY *)l2flow->da_sa;
sum = ntohl(READ_L2_FIELD_INT(&lp->x[0])) + ntohl(READ_L2_FIELD_INT(&lp->x[1])) + ntohl(READ_L2_FIELD_INT(&lp->x[2])) + ntohs(l2flow->vlan_tag);
sum += (sum >> 16) + ntohs(l2flow->ethertype) + ntohs(l2flow->session_id);
hash = (sum >> 8) ^ (sum & 0xFF);
return hash & (NUM_BT_ENTRIES - 1);
static __inline U32 HASH_L3FLOW(struct L3Flow *l3flow)
U32 sum;
sum = ntohl(l3flow->saddr[0]) + ((ntohl(l3flow->daddr[0]) << 7) | (ntohl(l3flow->daddr[0]) >> 25));
sum ^= ntohl(l3flow->saddr[IP6_LO_ADDR]) + ((ntohl(l3flow->daddr[IP6_LO_ADDR]) << 7) | (ntohl(l3flow->daddr[IP6_LO_ADDR]) >> 25));
sum ^= ntohs(l3flow->sport) + ((ntohs(l3flow->dport) << 11) | (ntohs(l3flow->dport) >> 21));
sum ^= (sum >> 16);
sum ^= (sum >> 8);
return (sum ^ l3flow->proto) & (NUM_BT_L3_ENTRIES - 1);
static __inline U32 HASH_L2BRIDGE(void *pmacaddr, U16 ethertype, U16 interface)
U32 sum;
U32 hash;
ethertype = ntohs(ethertype);
lp = (PKT_L2_MAC_ARRAY *)pmacaddr;
sum = ntohl(READ_L2_FIELD_INT(&lp->x[0])) + ntohl(READ_L2_FIELD_INT(&lp->x[1])) + ntohl(READ_L2_FIELD_INT(&lp->x[2]));
sum += (sum >> 16) + ethertype + interface;
hash = (sum >> 8) ^ (sum & 0xFF);
return hash & (NUM_BT_ENTRIES - 1);
static __inline U32 HASH_L2BRIDGE_WC(void *pmacaddr, U16 interface)
U16 *lp;
U32 sum;
U32 hash;
interface = ntohs(interface);
lp = (U16 *)pmacaddr;
sum = lp[0] + lp[1] + lp[2];
sum += interface;
hash = (sum >> 8) ^ (sum & 0xFF);
return hash & (NUM_BT_ENTRIES - 1);
static __inline int TESTEQ_L2FLOW(struct L2Flow_tmp *l2flow_a, struct L2Flow *l2flow_b)
return TESTEQ_MACADDR2(l2flow_a->da_sa, l2flow_b->da) && (l2flow_a->ethertype == l2flow_b->ethertype)
&& (l2flow_a->session_id == l2flow_b->session_id)
&& (l2flow_a->vlan_tag == l2flow_b->vlan_tag);
static __inline int TESTEQ_L3FLOW(struct L3Flow *l3flow_a, struct L3Flow *l3flow_b)
return !IPV6_CMP(l3flow_a->saddr, l3flow_b->saddr) && !IPV6_CMP(l3flow_a->daddr, l3flow_b->daddr)
&& (l3flow_a->sport == l3flow_b->sport)
&& (l3flow_a->dport == l3flow_b->dport)
&& (l3flow_a->proto == l3flow_b->proto);
static __inline int TESTEQ_L2ENTRY(PL2Bridge_entry pEntry, void* daddr, U16 tid, U16 vlanid, U16 session_id)
int rc = 0;
if (TESTEQ_MACADDR2(daddr, pEntry->da) && tid == pEntry->ethertype && vlanid == pEntry->input_vlan) {
if ((tid == ETHERTYPE_PPPOE_END) && pEntry->session_id) {
if (pEntry->session_id == session_id)
rc = 1;
rc =1 ;
return rc;
/* PBUF route entry memory chunk is used to allocated a new L2 flow entry */
#define bridge_l2_get_buffer()\
static inline PVOID bridge_l3_get_buffer(void)
PVOID addr;
addr = bridge_l2_get_buffer() + sizeof(L2Flow_entry);
addr = (PVOID)ROUND_UP64(addr);
return addr;
#endif /* _MODULE_BRIDGE_H_ */