blob: 748af57d7f0110b70a74ccd7a8205ce92c71397f [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __CMM_ITF_H
#define __CMM_ITF_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libfci.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#include <linux/ip6_tunnel.h>
#include <linux/if_tunnel.h>
#include "rtnl.h"
#include "list.h"
#ifdef COMCERTO_2000
#define GEM_PORTS 3
#define GEM_PORTS 2
/* default value for WAN interface is eth0, and LAN interface is eth2 */
#define GEMAC0_PORT 0 //do not change !
#define GEMAC1_PORT 1 //do not change !
#define GEMAC2_PORT 2 //do not change !
struct gemac_port {
char ifname[12];
char logical_name[12];
int type;
int ifindex;
int port_id;
int enable;
#define LO_INTERFACE_NAME "lo"
#define WIFI_PORT0 GEM_PORTS //do not change !
extern struct gemac_port port_table[GEM_PORTS];
static inline int is_wan_port_ifindex(int ifindex)
int ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < GEM_PORTS; ii++)
if ((port_table[ii].ifindex == ifindex) && (port_table[ii].type == GEMAC_PORT_TYPE_WAN))
return 1;
return 0;
static inline int is_wan_port_id(int port_id)
int ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < GEM_PORTS; ii++)
if ((port_table[ii].port_id == port_id) && (port_table[ii].type == GEMAC_PORT_TYPE_WAN))
return 1;
return 0;
static inline void print_all_gemac_ports(char *buf, int buf_len)
int len = 0, ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < GEM_PORTS; ii++){
if (!port_table[ii].enable)
len += snprintf(&buf[len], buf_len, "%s|", port_table[ii].ifname);
buf_len = buf_len > len ? buf_len - len : 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < GEM_PORTS; ii++) {
if (!port_table[ii].enable)
len += snprintf(&buf[len], buf_len, "%s|", port_table[ii].logical_name);
buf_len = buf_len > len ? buf_len - len : 0;
buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0';
static inline int get_port_id(char *name)
int ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < GEM_PORTS; ii++)
if (!port_table[ii].enable)
if (!strcmp(name, port_table[ii].ifname) || !strcmp(name, port_table[ii].logical_name))
return port_table[ii].port_id;
return -1;
static inline int get_port_ifindex(char *name)
int ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < GEM_PORTS; ii++)
if (!strcmp(name, port_table[ii].ifname) || !strcmp(name, port_table[ii].logical_name))
return port_table[ii].ifindex;
return -1;
static inline char *get_port_name(int port_id, char *buf, int buf_size)
int ii;
buf[0] = '\0';
for (ii = 0; ii < GEM_PORTS; ii++)
if (!port_table[ii].enable)
if (port_table[ii].port_id == port_id)
snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%s", port_table[ii].ifname);
return buf;
#define MAX_BRIDGES 64
#define MAX_PORTS 64
#define ITF_BRIDGE (1 << 0)
#define ITF_VLAN (1 << 1)
#define ITF_BRIDGED (1 << 2)
#define ITF_TUNNEL (1 << 3)
#define ITF_PPPOE_SESSION_UP (1 << 4)
#define ITF_PPPOE_AUTO_MODE (1 << 5)
#define ITF_MACVLAN (1 << 6)
#define ITF_WIFI (1 << 7)
#define ITF_L2TP (1 << 8)
#ifndef SAM_LEGACY
#ifndef RTM_NEW4RD
#define RTM_NEW4RD 80 /* If RTM_NEW4RD is not defined we can safely assume that RTM_DEL4RD and RTM_GET4RD will also not be defined */
#define RTM_DEL4RD 81
#define RTM_GET4RD 82
struct ip6_4rd_map_msg {
__u32 reset;
__u32 ifindex;
__be32 prefix;
__u16 prefixlen;
struct in6_addr relay_prefix;
struct in6_addr relay_suffix;
__u16 relay_prefixlen;
__u16 relay_suffixlen;
__u16 psid_offsetlen;
__u16 eabit_len;
__u16 entry_num;
#define INFO_KIND_MACVLAN_STR "macvlan"
#ifndef SIOCGET6RD
struct ip_tunnel_6rd {
struct in6_addr prefix;
u_int32_t relay_prefix;
u_int16_t prefixlen;
u_int16_t relay_prefixlen;
struct l2tp_itf_info {
u_int16_t local_tun_id;
u_int16_t peer_tun_id;
u_int16_t local_ses_id;
u_int16_t peer_ses_id;
u_int16_t options;
struct socket *sock;
struct interface_addr {
struct list_head list;
unsigned int address[4];
unsigned short len;
int family;
unsigned char scope;
unsigned char prefixlen;
struct interface {
struct list_head list;
/* netlink address information */
struct list_head addr_list;
char ifname[IFNAMSIZ];
/* netlink link information */
int ifindex;
unsigned char macaddr[ETH_ALEN];
int macaddr_len;
unsigned short type; /* ARPHRD_* */
unsigned ifi_flags; /* IFF_* flags */
unsigned int mtu;
/* cmm information */
unsigned int itf_flags; /* bit field with ITF_xxx flags */
int phys_ifindex; /* physical interface index, if vlan/pppoe */
u_int16_t session_id; /* session id if pppoe interface */
unsigned char dst_macaddr[ETH_ALEN]; /* peer mac address if pppoe interface */
u_int16_t vlan_id; /* vlan id if vlan interface */
int ifindices[MAX_PORTS]; /* list of bridge ports if bridge interface */
struct ct_route rt; /* Route information if tunnel interface */
struct FlowEntry *flow_orig; /* Flow information if tunnel interface */
struct FlowEntry *flow_rep; /* Flow information if tunnel interface */
union {
struct ip6_tnl_parm tunnel_parm6;
struct ip_tunnel_parm tunnel_parm4;
struct ip_tunnel_6rd tunnel_parm6rd;
int tunnel_flags;
int tunnel_family;
int tunnel_enabled;
int count;
int flags;
struct wifi_ff_entry *wifi_if;
u_int16_t sam_enable;
struct list_head mr_list; /* netlink mapping rule information */
/* If L2TP interface */
struct l2tp_itf_info l2tp;
struct interface_table {
pthread_mutex_t lock;
struct list_head hash[ITF_HASH_TABLE_SIZE];
FILE *fp;
int fd;
struct rtnl_handle rth;
FCI_CLIENT *fci_handle;
FCI_CLIENT *fci_key_handle;
extern struct interface_table itf_table;
extern int LO_IFINDEX;
struct gemac_port ;
struct interface *__itf_get(int ifindex);
void __itf_put(struct interface *itf);
struct interface *__itf_find(int ifindex);
int itf_table_init(struct interface_table *ctx);
int itf_get_ipaddr(int ifindex, int family, unsigned char scope, unsigned int *ipaddr, unsigned int *target);
int __itf_get_macaddr(struct interface *itf, unsigned char *macaddr);
int itf_get_macaddr(int ifindex, unsigned char *macaddr);
int __itf_get_mtu(int ifindex);
int ____itf_get_name(struct interface *itf, char *ifname, int len);
int __itf_get_name(int ifindex, char *ifname, int len);
int __itf_is_bridge(int ifindex);
int __itf_is_vlan(struct interface *itf);
int __itf_is_macvlan(struct interface *itf);
int __itf_is_pointopoint(struct interface *itf);
int __itf_is_pppoe(struct interface *itf);
int __itf_is_noarp(int ifindex);
int __itf_is_up(struct interface *itf);
int __itf_is_tunnel(struct interface *itf);
int __itf_is_l2tp(struct interface *itf);
int __itf_get_from_bridge_port(int ifindex, int port);
int __itf_is_programmed(int ifindex);
int itf_is_programmed(int ifindex);
int ____itf_is_4o6_tunnel(struct interface *itf);
int ____itf_is_floating_sit_tunnel(struct interface *itf);
int __itf_is_floating_sit_tunnel(int ifindex);
int itf_name_update(FCI_CLIENT *fci_handle, struct gemac_port *port);
int cmmRtnlLink(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *arg);
int cmmRtnlIfAddr(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *nlh, void *arg);
int __itf_is_wifi_ff_if(struct interface *itf);
int __itf_is_wifi(struct interface *itf);
static inline u_int32_t HASH_ITF(int ifindex)
return ifindex & (ITF_HASH_TABLE_SIZE - 1);
#endif /* __CMM_ITF_H */