blob: 83def7e73e71474487af10237e05e213ad3200ea [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _PFE_CTRL_H_
#define _PFE_CTRL_H_
#include <linux/dmapool.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "pfe/pfe.h"
#define DMA_BUF_SIZE_256 0x100 /* enough for 2 conntracks, 1 bridge entry or 1 multicast entry */
#define DMA_BUF_SIZE_512 0x200 /* 512bytes dma allocated buffers used by rtp relay feature */
#define DMA_BUF_BOUNDARY (4 * 1024) /* bursts can not cross 4k boundary */
#define CMD_TX_ENABLE 0x0501
#define CMD_TX_DISABLE 0x0502
#define CMD_RX_LRO 0x0011
#define CMD_PKTCAP_ENABLE 0x0d01
#define CMD_QM_EXPT_RATE 0x020c
#define EXPT_TYPE_PCAP 0x3
struct pfe_ctrl {
struct mutex mutex;
spinlock_t lock;
void *dma_pool;
void *dma_pool_512;
struct device *dev;
void *hash_array_baseaddr; /** Virtual base address of the conntrack hash array */
unsigned long hash_array_phys_baseaddr; /** Physical base address of the conntrack hash array */
struct task_struct *timer_thread;
struct list_head timer_list;
unsigned long timer_period;
int (*event_cb)(u16, u16, u16*);
unsigned long sync_mailbox_baseaddr[MAX_PE]; /* Sync mailbox PFE internal address, initialized when parsing elf images */
unsigned long msg_mailbox_baseaddr[MAX_PE]; /* Msg mailbox PFE internal address, initialized when parsing elf images */
unsigned long class_dmem_sh;
unsigned long class_pe_lmem_sh;
unsigned long tmu_dmem_sh;
unsigned long util_dmem_sh;
unsigned long util_ddr_sh;
struct clk *clk_axi;
unsigned int sys_clk; // AXI clock value, in KHz
void *ipsec_lmem_baseaddr;
unsigned long ipsec_lmem_phys_baseaddr;
/* used for asynchronous message transfer to PFE */
struct list_head msg_list;
struct work_struct work;
int pfe_ctrl_init(struct pfe *pfe);
void pfe_ctrl_exit(struct pfe *pfe);
int pe_sync_stop(struct pfe_ctrl *ctrl, int pe_mask);
void pe_start(struct pfe_ctrl *ctrl, int pe_mask);
int pe_request(struct pfe_ctrl *ctrl, int id,unsigned short cmd_type, unsigned long dst, unsigned long src, int len);
int pe_read(struct pfe_ctrl *ctrl, int id, u32 *dst, unsigned long src, int len, int clear_flag);
int tmu_pe_request(struct pfe_ctrl *ctrl, int id, unsigned int tmu_cmd_bitmask);
int pfe_ctrl_set_eth_state(int id, unsigned int state, unsigned char *mac_addr);
int pfe_ctrl_set_lro(char enable);
#ifdef CFG_PCAP
int pfe_ctrl_set_pcap(char enable);
int pfe_ctrl_set_pcap_ratelimit(u32 pkts_per_msec);
int relax(unsigned long end);
/* used for asynchronous message transfer to PFE */
#define FPP_MAX_MSG_LENGTH 256 /* expressed in U8 -> 256 bytes*/
struct fpp_msg {
struct list_head list;
void (*callback)(unsigned long, int, u16, u16 *);
unsigned long data;
u16 fcode;
u16 length;
u16 *payload;
#endif /* _PFE_CTRL_H_ */