blob: 674f05bc32c1a83f44559c1c6c324ff9222b7a2d [file] [log] [blame]
/************************* File Description ************************/
/* File Name: $Workfile: hmx_uprade_flash.h $
* Version: $Revision: 1.0 $
* Original Author: Yang Hyun Uk $
* Current Author: $Author: $
* Date: $Date: 2011.09.30
* File Description: Humax Upgrade APIs
* Module:
* Remarks:
* @author Hyunuk Yang(
* @date 30 Sept 2011
* @note
* Copyright (C) 2011 Humax Corporation. All Rights Reserved. <br>
* This software is the confidential and proprietary information
* of Humax Corporation. You may not use or distribute this software
* except in compliance with the terms and conditions of any applicable license
* agreement in writing between Humax Corporation and you.
* @file hmx_upgrade_flash.h
/**************************** Header Files**************************/
/* Start Including Header Files */
/* End Including Headers*/
/************************ Extern variables *************************/
/* Start Extern variablee */
/* End Extern variable */
/************************ Macro Definition *************************/
/* Start Macro definition */
/* End Macro definition */
/****************************** typedef ****************************/
/* Start typedef */
/* End typedef */
/******************** global function prototype ********************/
/* Start global function prototypes */
/* End global function prototypes */