Remove probatron - it's in the incorrect repo location but no longer used anyway

Change-Id: Icc081bd5807292b26d8a52572f7582b4da5de28f
diff --git a/probatron/README b/probatron/README
deleted file mode 100644
index aa4a10a..0000000
--- a/probatron/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Introducing Probatron: Analyzing Broadcom Transcoding
-The short of it in 36 words or less: 
- - The probe is meant to be run on a settop to transcode files.
- - Run ./analyzer for usage and to analyze files you already transcoded.
- - Run ./ for usage and to start automation of the entire process.
-The Long of it:
diff --git a/probatron/analyzer b/probatron/analyzer
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b02941..0000000
--- a/probatron/analyzer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-function printUsage() {
-  echo
-  echo "Usage:"
-  echo "      analyze [path/to/transcoded/file]"
-  echo 
-  echo "This tool analyzes all *.ts_* HLS segments in the local directory for "
-  echo "issues. If you pass the path to the transcoded original file as a "
-  echo "parameter it will analyze that as well for comparison. Issues that "
-  echo "appear in just the HLS analysis point to a miniclient problem. Issues "
-  echo "that appear in the latter analysis (or both analyses) point to a "
-  echo "BroadCom issue."
-  echo
-  echo "This tool requires dvbsnoop and ffmpeg!  It also needs gnuplot to "
-  echo "print pretty graphs, but it's optional."
-  echo
-  echo "    'apt-get install dvbsnoop ffmpeg gnuplot'"
-  echo
-## Parse args and check dependencies
-if [ $# -eq 1 ]
-  FILE=$1
-## Return true if depedant app (1) exists
-dependency_exists() {
-    command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
-## Check for deps without killing terminal (as exit does, hence the goto)
-dependency_exists ffmpeg || { echo; echo >&2 "This script requires ffmpeg but it's not installed!"; printUsage; exit; }
-dependency_exists dvbsnoop || { echo; echo >&2 "This script requires dvbsnoop but it's not installed!"; printUsage; exit; }
-## Gnuplot the results given by the parameters
-function plotResult() {
-  if dependency_exists gnuplot
-  then
-    PLOTFILE=$1
-    TITLE=$2
-    XLABEL=$3
-    XRANGE=$4
-    YLABEL=$5
-    YRANGE=$6
-    TYPE=$7
-    gnuplot -persist <<HERE
-    set title "${TITLE}"
-    set xlabel '${XLABEL}'
-    set xrange[${XRANGE}]
-    set ylabel '${YLABEL}'
-    set yrange[${YRANGE}]
-    unset key
-    plot "${PLOTFILE}" using 1:3 with ${TYPE}
-  else
-    echo "   'gnuplot' is not installed, so no pretty graphs for you today :("
-  fi
-## Calculate the GOP between each keyframe given an input file (1) to the given output file (2)
-function calculateGOP() {
-  ## GOP - Algorithm stolen Shamelessly From Zeev Leiber
-  PID=$(ffprobe -i $1 2>&1 | grep "Video:" | sed 's/[][]/ /g' | awk '{print "echo $((" $3 "))"}' | bash)
-  echo "   Processing $1 (Video PID $PID)..." 
-  ## Searching for random_access of 0 could cause invalid results because of padding adaptation fields
-  linecount=0
-  random_access=0
-  ## 14 (1 for match, 12 after, 1 separator) lines per packet to decide if it is a new GOP
-  GOPs=$(
-    dvbsnoop -s ts -if $1 $PID | grep -A 12 'Packet data starts' | while read -r h
-    do
-      if echo $h | grep 'random_access_indicator: 1' > /dev/null
-      then
-        random_access=1
-      fi
-      linecount=`expr $linecount + 1`
-      if [[ $linecount -ge 14 ]]
-      then
-        echo $random_access
-        random_access=0
-        linecount=0
-      fi
-    done
-    echo $random_access
-  )
-  for g in $GOPs
-  do
-    if [[ $g -eq 1 ]]
-    then
-      if [[ $FRAME_COUNT -gt 0 ]]
-      then
-        echo $NUM_GOP	$1	$FRAME_COUNT >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
-      fi
-      FRAME_COUNT=1
-      NUM_GOP=`expr $NUM_GOP + 1`
-    else 
-      FRAME_COUNT=`expr $FRAME_COUNT + 1`
-    fi
-  done
-## Calculate the PTS delta between each frame given an input file (1) adding results into a single file (2)
-function calculatePtsDelta() {
-  PID=$(ffprobe -i $1 2>&1 | grep "Video:" | sed 's/[][]/ /g' | awk '{print "echo $((" $3 "))"}' | bash)
-  echo "   Processing $1 (Video PID $PID)..." 
-  ## Algorithm stolen Shamelessly From Jean-Francois Thibert
-  DELTAs=$(dvbsnoop -s ts -if $1 -tssubdecode $PID | grep PTS | grep Timestamp | awk '{print $3-prev; prev=$3 }')
-  for d in $DELTAs
-  do
-    if [[ $d -lt 10000 ]]
-    then
-      echo $NUM_FRAMES	$1	$d >> $OUTPUT_FILE
-      NUM_FRAMES=`expr $NUM_FRAMES + 1`
-    else
-      echo "      ... Removing bad value $d"
-    fi
-  done
-## Calculate the size of each frame given an input file (1) adding results into a single file (2)
-function calculateFrameSize() {
-  echo "   Processing $1..." 
-  FRAMEs=$(ffprobe -v quiet -show_frames -select_streams v -i $1 | awk '/pkt_size=/ {sub(/pkt_size=/, "", $1); print $1;}')
-  for g in $FRAMEs
-  do
-    echo $NUM_FRAMES	$1	$g >> $OUTPUT_FILE
-    NUM_FRAMES=`expr $NUM_FRAMES + 1`
-  done
-## Calculate duration of each HLS segment in the current folder
-function calculateDurations() {
-  echo "# NUM	File	Duration" > $SEG_DURATION_OUTPUT_FILE
-  FILES=$(ls -v *.ts_*)
-  NUM=1
-  for f in $FILES
-  do
-    echo "   Processing $f..."
-    ffprobe -v quiet -show_packets -select_streams v -i $f > ./temp
-    duration=$(cat ./temp | awk '/duration_time=0/ {sub(/duration_time=/, "", $1); total = total + $1;}END {print total;}')
-    echo $NUM	$f	$duration >> $SEG_DURATION_OUTPUT_FILE
-    NUM=`expr $NUM + 1`
-  done
-  echo
-  echo "Result written to $SEG_DURATION_OUTPUT_FILE"
-  plotResult $SEG_DURATION_OUTPUT_FILE "HLS Segment Duration" "Segment" "1:${NUM}-1" "Duration (s)" "0:*" "lines"
-## Work around fact that you can't pass multi-line input to a function...
-## Calculate GOP for each segment adding results into a single file (1)
-function calculateSegmentGOPs() {
-  FILES=$(ls -v *.ts_*)
-  echo "# NUM	File	GOP" > $1
-  NUM_GOP=1
-  for f in $FILES
-  do
-  	calculateGOP $f $1
-  done
-  echo
-  echo "Result written to $1"
-  plotResult $1 "HLS GOP Analysis" "Group" "1:$NUM_GOP-1" "GOP" "0:35" "lines"
-## Calculate GOP for transcoded file (1) adding results into a single file (2)
-function calculateTranscodedGOP() {
-  echo "# NUM	File	GOP" > $2
-  NUM_GOP=1
-  calculateGOP $1 $2
-  echo
-  echo "Result written to $2"
-  plotResult $2 "Transcoded GOP Analysis" "Group" "1:$NUM_GOP-1" "GOP" "0:35" "lines"
-## Calculate the PTS delta between each frame in each segment adding results into a single file (1)
-function calculateSegmentPTS() {
-  FILES=$(ls -v *.ts_*)
-  echo "# NUM	File	Frame_Size" > $1
-  for f in $FILES
-  do
-  	calculatePtsDelta $f $1
-  done
-  echo
-  echo "Result written to $1"
-  plotResult $1 "HLS PTS Delta Analysis" "Frame" "1:${NUM_FRAMES}-1" "Delta (ms)" "0:*" "lines"
-## Calculate the PTS delta between each frame given an input file (1) adding results into a single file (2)
-function calculateTranscodedPTS() {
-  echo "# NUM	File	Frame_Size" > $2
-  calculatePtsDelta $1 $2
-  echo
-  echo "Result written to $2"
-  plotResult $2 "Transcoded PTS Delta Analysis" "Frame" "1:${NUM_FRAMES}-1" "Delta (ms)" "0:*" "lines"
-## Calculate the size of each frame in each segment adding results into a single file (1)
-function calculateSegmentFS() {
-  FILES=$(ls -v *.ts_*)
-  echo "# NUM	File	Frame_Size" > $1
-  for f in $FILES
-  do
-  	calculateFrameSize $f $1
-  done
-  echo
-  echo "Result written to $1"
-  plotResult $1 "HLS Frame Size Analysis" "Frame" "1:${NUM_FRAMES}-2" "Size (b)" "0:*" "lines"
-## Calculate the size of each frame given an input file (1) adding results into a single file (2)
-function calculateTranscodedFS() {
-  echo "# NUM	File	Frame_Size" > $2
-  calculateFrameSize $1 $2
-  echo
-  echo "Result written to $2"
-  plotResult $2 "Transcoded Frame Size Analysis" "Frame" "1:${NUM_FRAMES}-2" "Size (b)" "0:*" "lines"
-## Script flow ##
-## Segments
-echo "Starting segment analysis (.ts_* files)"
-ls -v *.ts_* 2>./temp 1>/dev/null
-if [[ $? == 0 ]]
-  echo
-  echo "Analyzing Duration"
-  calculateDurations $FILES
-  echo
-  echo "Analyszing GOP"
-  calculateSegmentGOPs $SEG_GOP_OUTPUT_FILE
-  echo
-  echo "Analyszing PTS"
-  calculateSegmentPTS $SEG_PTS_OUTPUT_FILE
-  echo
-  echo "Analyzing Frame Size"
-  calculateSegmentFS $SEG_FRAME_OUTPUT_FILE
-  echo "   No segments found, skipping these tests."
-## Transcoded
-echo "Starting transcoded file analysis"
-if [[ "$FILE" != "" ]]
-  echo
-  echo "Analyzing GOP"
-  calculateTranscodedGOP $FILE $TRANS_GOP_OUTPUT_FILE
-  echo
-  echo "Analyzing PTS"
-  calculateTranscodedPTS $FILE $TRANS_PTS_OUTPUT_FILE
-  echo
-  echo "Analyzing Frame Size"
-  calculateTranscodedFS $FILE $TRANS_FRAME_OUTPUT_FILE
-  echo "   No File specified as a parameter, skipping these tests."
-## If we didn't test anything, print usage in case the user is new...
-if [ $RAN_A_TEST == 0 ]
-  printUsage
-if [ -e "./temp" ]
-    rm ./temp
diff --git a/probatron/ b/probatron/
deleted file mode 100755
index 384b6d5..0000000
--- a/probatron/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-function printUsage() {
-  echo
-  echo
-  echo "Usage:"
-  echo "      probatron path/to/raw/file desired/transcoded/filename [settop IP]"
-  echo 
-  echo "The probatron automates the process of transcoding a raw input file "
-  echo "as the miniclient would and analyzing it against all of the *.ts_* HLS "
-  echo "segments in the local directory, checking for issues. Issues that "
-  echo "appear in just the HLS analysis point to a miniclient problem. Issues "
-  echo "that appear in the transcoded or both analyses) point to a BroadCom issue."
-  echo
-  echo "The probatron will use \$DVR_BOX as the default settop to use for "
-  echo "transcoding, but you can specify a different IP by passing it as the "
-  echo "third parameter."
-  echo
-  echo "The analysis tools require dvbsnoop and ffmpeg!  It also needs gnuplot to "
-  echo "print pretty graphs, but that's optional."
-  echo
-  echo "    'apt-get install dvbsnoop ffmpeg gnuplot'"
-  echo
-  exit
-function checkReturnCode() {
-  ## Uncomment next line to debug - force keystroke after most commands
-  #read -n 1
-  if [ $? != 0 ]
-  then
-    exit
-  fi
-## Sanitize args
-if [ $# -lt 2 ]
-  printUsage
-if [[ "$SETTOP_IP" == "" ]]
-  if [[ "$SETTOP_IP" == "" ]]
-  then
-    echo
-    echo "    Settop IP not provided and \$DVR_BOX is not set!"
-    printUsage
-  fi
-## Get duration of input file, for the probe
-TIME_HHMMSS=$(ffprobe -i $INPUT_FILE 2>&1 | grep "Duration" | awk '{split($2, a, "."); print a[1]}')
-IFS=: read -r h m s <<<"$TIME_HHMMSS"
-DURATION=$(((h * 60 + m) * 60 + s))
-## Let's Get To Work!
-if [ -e "$INPUT_FILE" ]
-  CURRENT_DIR=$(pwd)
-  ## Upload the raw file, and the prober
-  echo
-  echo "Uploading $INPUT_FILE to $SETTOP_IP"
-  ssh root@$SETTOP_IP "rm -f /var/media/videos/raw.mpg"
-  scp $INPUT_FILE root@$SETTOP_IP:/var/media/videos/raw.mpg
-  checkReturnCode
-  echo
-  echo "Building Probe"
-  echo
-  ##### TODO: Fix this when the build is proper-like
-  cd probe/
-  make
-  checkReturnCode
-  echo
-  echo "Uploading Probe"
-  ssh root@$SETTOP_IP "rm -f /rw/probe"
-  scp probe root@$SETTOP_IP:/rw/
-  checkReturnCode
-  #####
-  ## Wait for transcoding to complete
-  echo
-  echo "Starting Transcode..."
-  echo
-  # Stop miniclient as it interferes with the probe, then restore it after...
-  ssh root@$SETTOP_IP 'stop miniclient'
-  # Keep app up until we press a key to kill it - without doing that probe never stops!  TODO Fix this in the probe
-  #ssh root@$SETTOP_IP "/rw/probe /var/media/videos/raw.mpg /var/media/videos/$TRANSCODED_FILENAME & read -n 1; kill \$!"
-  ssh root@$SETTOP_IP "/rw/probe /var/media/videos/raw.mpg /var/media/videos/$TRANSCODED_FILENAME $DURATION"
-  ssh root@$SETTOP_IP 'start miniclient'
-  ## Capture the transcoded file and analyze it
-  echo
-  echo "Downloading Transcoded file..."
-  checkReturnCode
-  if [ -e "$TRANSCODED_PATH" ]
-  then
-    echo
-    ./analyzer $TRANSCODED_PATH
-  else
-    echo
-    echo "Failed to retrieve $TRANSCODED_PATH!"
-  fi
-  echo
-  echo "    The file $INPUT_FILE doesn't exist!"
-  printUsage
diff --git a/probatron/probe/Makefile b/probatron/probe/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 696d827..0000000
--- a/probatron/probe/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-include ../../../../../out/build/nexus/platforms/common/build/
-PULLREADER_PATH := nonexistent
-SWSCALE_PATH := nonexistent
-# define settings e.g. debug mode
-all: probe
-#include ../../../../../buildroot/package/bcm_common/
-# Hack to replace spaces with newlines so we can evaluate
-# BCM_MAKE_ENV as makefile syntax. Do not remove empty lines.
-# -- BEGIN HACK --
-null :=
-space := ${null} ${null}
-${space} := ${space}# ${ } is a space. Neat huh?
-define \n
-# -- END HACK --
-$(eval $(subst ${ },${\n},${BCM_MAKE_ENV}))
-include Makefile.7425
diff --git a/probatron/probe/Makefile.7425 b/probatron/probe/Makefile.7425
deleted file mode 100644
index 33ff1af..0000000
--- a/probatron/probe/Makefile.7425
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-ifndef NEXUS_TOP
-$(error NEXUS_TOP is not defined)
-# nexus uses C89 by default for higher compatibility
-# include cross-compiler definitions
-include $(NEXUS_TOP)/platforms/$(PLATFORM)/build/
-LIBFLAGS += -lpthread -ldl -lm -lrt
-INCFLAGS += -I$(MAGNUM)/../rockford/middleware/v3d/interface/khronos/include/ \
-            -I$(MAGNUM)/../rockford/middleware/platform/nexus \
-            -I$(BSEAV)/lib/playbackdevice/nexusMgr
-.PHONY: clean
-all: probe 
-	@echo $(NEXUS_TOP)
-ifdef DEBUG
-ifeq ($(B_REFSW_DEBUG),)
-ifeq ($(B_REFSW_DEBUG),y)
-V3D_LIB := lib_$(PLATFORM)_debug
-V3D_LIB := lib_$(PLATFORM)_release
-ifeq ($(NEXUS_MODE),)
-ifeq ($(NEXUS_MODE),client)
-ifeq ($(PLATFORM),97425)
-# "unused parameter" is a pretty useless warning
-CFLAGS += -Wno-unused-parameter
-CXXFLAGS += -Wno-unused-parameter
-# "missing initializer" is sometimes useful, but seemingly not in OpenGL where
-# there are often uninitialized fields.
-CFLAGS += -Wno-missing-field-initializers
-CXXFLAGS += -Wno-missing-field-initializers
-# All warnings are errors, so we aren't tempted to let them sit unfixed.
-CFLAGS += -Werror
-CXXFLAGS += -Werror
-# C++ standard
-CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x
-# For linux builds, link to the correct libraries
-ifneq ($(findstring linux,$(B_REFSW_OS)),)
-LDFLAGS := -lnexus$(NEXUS_LIB_SUFFIX) -L${NEXUS_BIN_DIR} -lpthread \
-		-L$(NEXUS_TOP)/../rockford/middleware/v3d/$(V3D_LIB) -lv3ddriver \
-		-L$(NEXUS_TOP)/../rockford/middleware/platform/nexus/$(V3D_LIB) -lnxpl -lprojectM
-	rm -f *.o probe
-	rm -f *.c~ *.h~ 
-# This is the minimum needed to compile and link with Nexus
-	$(addprefix -I,$(NEXUS_APP_INCLUDE_PATHS)) \
-	$(addprefix -D,$(NEXUS_APP_DEFINES))
-	$(addprefix -I,$(NEXUS_APP_INCLUDE_PATHS)) \
-	$(addprefix -D,$(NEXUS_APP_DEFINES))
-# Remove flags that don't apply to C++
-CXXFLAGS := $(filter-out -Wstrict-prototypes -std=c99, $(CXXFLAGS) )
-# Until we replace code in wvhelper
-CXXFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated
-LDFLAGS += $(LIBFLAGS) -ljpeg -lpng14 -lz -ltiff -lungif -lstacktrace
-# Always build with debug
-CFLAGS += -g -Os
-CXXFLAGS += -g -Os
-LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
-# lame autodepends: all .o files depend on all .h files
-$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard *.c) $(wildcard */*.c)): \
-	$(wildcard *.h) $(wildcard */*.h)
-OBJS := probe.o
-%.o: %.c
-	@echo "[$< -> $@]"
-	$(Q_)$(CC) -fPIC $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
-%.o: %.cpp
-	@echo "[$< -> $@]"
-	$(Q_)$(CXX) -fPIC $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
-probe: $(OBJS) $(VXOBJS)
-	@echo "[$^ -> $@]"
-	$(Q_)$(CXX) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
-# implicit rule for building typical binaries
-#%: BRCM/%.o
-#	@echo "[$^ -> $@]"
-#	$(Q_)$(CXX) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
-install: all
-	mkdir -p $(BINDIR) $(APPDIR)
-	cp probe $(APPDIR)
diff --git a/probatron/probe/probe.c b/probatron/probe/probe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 71de57b..0000000
--- a/probatron/probe/probe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,957 +0,0 @@
-#include "nexus_platform.h"
-#include "nexus_video_decoder.h"
-#include "nexus_stc_channel.h"
-#include "nexus_display.h"
-#include "nexus_video_window.h"
-#include "nexus_video_input.h"
-#include "nexus_video_adj.h"
-#include "nexus_spdif_output.h"
-#include "nexus_component_output.h"
-#include "nexus_hdmi_output.h"
-#include "nexus_playback.h"
-#include "nexus_record.h"
-#include "nexus_file.h"
-#include "nexus_video_encoder.h"
-#include "nexus_audio_encoder.h"
-#include "nexus_audio_mixer.h"
-#include "nexus_stream_mux.h"
-#include "nexus_recpump.h"
-#include "nexus_record.h"
-#include "nexus_sync_channel.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "bstd.h"
-#include "bkni.h"
-#include "bdbg.h"
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <time.h>
-/* Hard-Coded For Now */
-#define TRANSPORT_TYPE NEXUS_TransportType_eTs
-#define VIDEO_PID 0x1e1
-#define VIDEO_CODEC NEXUS_VideoCodec_eH264
-#define AUDIO_PID 0x1e2
-#define AUDIO_CODEC NEXUS_AudioCodec_eAc3
-#define FORMAT NEXUS_VideoFormat_e720p
-#define FRAME_RATE NEXUS_VideoFrameRate_e30
-#define VIDEO_CODEC_PROFILE NEXUS_VideoCodecProfile_eBaseline
-#define VIDEO_CODEC_LEVEL NEXUS_VideoCodecLevel_e31
-#define MAX_DSP_ENCODER_WIDTH   416
-#define POLLING_PERIOD 1;
-bool volatile transcodeComplete = false;
-/* ============= utilities ==============*/
-// Wait for a key press or transcode complete
-void waitForTranscodeComplete(void)
-    fd_set rfds;
-    struct timespec tv;
-    int rv = 0;
-    tv.tv_sec = POLLING_PERIOD;
-    tv.tv_nsec = 0;
-    while (!transcodeComplete) {
-        // Monitor stdin
-        FD_ZERO(&rfds);
-        FD_SET(0, &rfds);
-        rv = pselect(1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv, NULL); // Returns 0 on timeout, >0 on input
-        if (rv != 0) {
-            // Key Press!
-            BDBG_ERR(("Key Pressed, stopping early!"));
-            transcodeComplete = true;
-        }
-    }
-/* Generate a CRC for the specified data/length */
-/* Initialize crc to 0 for new calculation.  Use an old result for subsequent calls. */
-static uint32_t CRC32_mpeg(uint32_t crc, uint8_t *data, int length)
-  int j;
-  crc = ~crc;
-  while (length--)
-  {
-    for (j=0; j<8; j++)
-      crc = (crc<<1) ^ ((((*data >> (7-j)) ^ (crc >> 31)) & 1) ? 0x04c11db7 : 0);
-    data++;
-  }
-  return crc;
-static void message_callback(void *context, int param)
-    BSTD_UNUSED(context);
-    BDBG_ERR(("message buffer %d overflows!", param));
-static void endOfInputStreamCallback(void *context, int param)
-    BSTD_UNUSED(context);
-    BDBG_ERR(("Input Complete!"));
-    transcodeComplete = true;
-static void transcoderFinishCallback(void *context, int param)
-    BKNI_EventHandle finishEvent = (BKNI_EventHandle)context;
-    BSTD_UNUSED(param);
-    BDBG_WRN(("Transcoding Complete!"));
-    BKNI_SetEvent(finishEvent);
-struct cmdSettings {
-    NEXUS_VideoFormat displayFormat;
-    NEXUS_VideoFrameRate encoderFrameRate;
-    unsigned encoderBitrate;
-    unsigned encoderGopStructureFramesP;
-    unsigned encoderGopStructureFramesB;
-    unsigned encoderGopStructureDuration;
-    NEXUS_VideoCodec encoderVideoCodec;
-    NEXUS_VideoCodecProfile encoderProfile;
-    NEXUS_VideoCodecLevel encoderLevel;
-} cmdSettings[] = {
-struct streamSettings {
-    const char *fname;
-    uint16_t   videoPid;
-    NEXUS_VideoCodec videoCodec;
-    uint16_t   audioPid;
-    NEXUS_AudioCodec audioCodec;
-} streamSettings = { "raw.ts", VIDEO_PID, VIDEO_CODEC, AUDIO_PID, AUDIO_CODEC };
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    char* inputFilename;
-    char* outputFilename;
-    int duration = 0; // Only used for display purposes to the user
-    if (argc == 3 || argc == 4)
-    {
-        inputFilename = argv[1];
-        outputFilename = argv[2];
-        if (argc == 4) duration = atol(argv[3]);
-    } else {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Please specify both an input and output file, in that order!\n");
-        return 1;
-    }
-    BDBG_WRN(("\n\n *** All your transcoders are belong to us. *** \n"));
-    BDBG_WRN(("Reading from file %s and writing to file %s", inputFilename, outputFilename));
-    transcodeComplete = false;
-    NEXUS_PlatformSettings platformSettings;
-    NEXUS_PlatformConfiguration platformConfig;
-    NEXUS_StcChannelHandle stcChannel;
-    NEXUS_StcChannelSettings stcSettings;
-    NEXUS_PidChannelHandle videoPidChannel;
-    NEXUS_DisplayHandle display;
-    NEXUS_DisplaySettings displaySettings;
-    NEXUS_VideoWindowHandle window;
-    NEXUS_VideoWindowMadSettings windowMadSettings;
-    NEXUS_VideoWindowScalerSettings sclSettings;
-    NEXUS_VideoWindowSettings windowSettings;
-    NEXUS_VideoDecoderHandle videoDecoder;
-    NEXUS_VideoDecoderStartSettings videoProgram;
-    NEXUS_HdmiOutputStatus hdmiStatus;
-    NEXUS_Error rc;
-    NEXUS_AudioMixerSettings audioMixerSettings;
-    NEXUS_AudioMixerHandle audioMixer;
-    NEXUS_AudioDecoderHandle audioDecoder;
-    NEXUS_AudioDecoderStartSettings audioProgram;
-    NEXUS_PidChannelHandle audioPidChannel;
-    NEXUS_AudioMuxOutputHandle audioMuxOutput;
-    NEXUS_AudioMuxOutputDelayStatus audioDelayStatus;
-    NEXUS_AudioMuxOutputStartSettings audioMuxStartSettings;
-    NEXUS_PlaypumpHandle playpumpTranscodeAudio;
-    NEXUS_PidChannelHandle pidChannelTranscodeAudio;
-    NEXUS_AudioEncoderSettings encoderSettings;
-    NEXUS_AudioEncoderHandle audioEncoder;
-    NEXUS_AudioCodec audioCodec;
-    NEXUS_FilePlayHandle file;
-    NEXUS_PlaypumpHandle playpump;
-    NEXUS_PlaybackHandle playback;
-    NEXUS_PlaybackSettings playbackSettings;
-    NEXUS_PlaybackPidChannelSettings playbackPidSettings;
-    NEXUS_DisplayHandle displayTranscode;
-    NEXUS_VideoWindowHandle windowTranscode;
-    NEXUS_VideoEncoderHandle videoEncoder;
-    NEXUS_VideoEncoderSettings videoEncoderConfig;
-    NEXUS_VideoEncoderStartSettings videoEncoderStartConfig;
-    NEXUS_VideoEncoderDelayRange videoDelay;
-    NEXUS_PlaypumpHandle playpumpTranscodeVideo;
-    NEXUS_PidChannelHandle pidChannelTranscodeVideo;
-    NEXUS_RecordPidChannelSettings recordPidSettings;
-    NEXUS_StreamMuxHandle streamMux;
-    NEXUS_StreamMuxCreateSettings muxCreateSettings;
-    BKNI_EventHandle finishEvent;
-    NEXUS_StreamMuxStartSettings muxConfig;
-    NEXUS_StreamMuxOutput muxOutput;
-    NEXUS_PlaypumpOpenSettings playpumpConfig;
-    NEXUS_PlaypumpHandle playpumpTranscodePcr;
-    NEXUS_FileRecordHandle fileTranscode;
-    NEXUS_StcChannelHandle stcChannelTranscode;
-    NEXUS_MessageSettings messageSettings;
-    NEXUS_MessageStartSettings messageStartSettings;
-    NEXUS_PidChannelHandle pidChannelUserData[2], pidChannelTranscodeUserData[2];
-    NEXUS_SyncChannelSettings syncChannelSettings;
-    NEXUS_SyncChannelHandle syncChannel;
-    NEXUS_RecpumpHandle recpump;
-    NEXUS_RecordHandle record;
-    NEXUS_RecordSettings recordSettings;
-    NEXUS_PidChannelHandle pidChannelTranscodePcr;
-    NEXUS_PidChannelHandle pidChannelTranscodePat;
-    NEXUS_PidChannelHandle pidChannelTranscodePmt;
-    void *pat;
-    void *pmt;
-    int i = 0;
-    //int iteration = 1;
-    //char key;
-    NEXUS_Platform_GetDefaultSettings(&platformSettings);
-    platformSettings.openFrontend = false;
-    NEXUS_Platform_Init(&platformSettings);
-    NEXUS_Platform_GetConfiguration(&platformConfig);
-    BDBG_WRN(("Setting up transcode pipeline: format %d, fr %d, bitrate %u, duration %d, codec %d, NEXUS_HAS_SYNC_CHANNEL %x",
-                cmdSettings[i].displayFormat,
-                cmdSettings[i].encoderFrameRate,
-                cmdSettings[i].encoderBitrate,
-                cmdSettings[i].encoderGopStructureDuration,
-                cmdSettings[i].encoderVideoCodec,
-                NEXUS_HAS_SYNC_CHANNEL));
-    playpump = NEXUS_Playpump_Open(0, NULL);
-    assert(playpump);
-    playback = NEXUS_Playback_Create();
-    assert(playback);
-    file = NEXUS_FilePlay_OpenPosix(inputFilename, NULL);
-    if (!file) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "can't open file: %s\n", inputFilename);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /* create a sync channel */
-    NEXUS_SyncChannel_GetDefaultSettings(&syncChannelSettings);
-    syncChannel = NEXUS_SyncChannel_Create(&syncChannelSettings);
-    NEXUS_StcChannel_GetDefaultSettings(0, &stcSettings);
-    stcSettings.timebase = NEXUS_Timebase_e0;
-    stcSettings.mode = NEXUS_StcChannelMode_eAuto;
-    stcChannel = NEXUS_StcChannel_Open(0, &stcSettings);
-    /* encoders/mux require different STC broadcast mode from decoder */
-    NEXUS_StcChannel_GetDefaultSettings(1, &stcSettings);
-    stcSettings.timebase = NEXUS_Timebase_e0;/* should be the same timebase for end-to-end locking */
-    stcSettings.mode = NEXUS_StcChannelMode_eAuto;
-    stcSettings.pcrBits = NEXUS_StcChannel_PcrBits_eFull42;/* ViCE2 requires 42-bit STC broadcast */
-    stcChannelTranscode = NEXUS_StcChannel_Open(1, &stcSettings);
-    NEXUS_Playback_GetSettings(playback, &playbackSettings);
-    playbackSettings.playpump = playpump;
-    /* set a stream format, it could be any audio video transport type or file format, i.e NEXUS_TransportType_eMp4, NEXUS_TransportType_eAvi ... */
-    playbackSettings.playpumpSettings.transportType = TRANSPORT_TYPE;
-    playbackSettings.stcChannel = stcChannel;
-    playbackSettings.endOfStreamCallback.callback = endOfInputStreamCallback;
-    NEXUS_Playback_SetSettings(playback, &playbackSettings);
-    /* Bring up video display and outputs */
-    NEXUS_Display_GetDefaultSettings(&displaySettings);
-    displaySettings.format = NEXUS_VideoFormat_e480p;
-    display = NEXUS_Display_Open(0, &displaySettings);
-    window = NEXUS_VideoWindow_Open(display, 0);
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_GetMadSettings(window, &windowMadSettings);
-    windowMadSettings.deinterlace = false;
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_SetMadSettings(window, &windowMadSettings);
-    NEXUS_Display_AddOutput(display, NEXUS_ComponentOutput_GetConnector(platformConfig.outputs.component[0]));
-    NEXUS_Display_AddOutput(display, NEXUS_HdmiOutput_GetVideoConnector(platformConfig.outputs.hdmi[0]));
-    rc = NEXUS_HdmiOutput_GetStatus(platformConfig.outputs.hdmi[0], &hdmiStatus);
-    if ( !rc && hdmiStatus.connected )
-    {
-        /* If current display format is not supported by monitor, switch to monitor's preferred format.
-           If other connected outputs do not support the preferred format, a harmless error will occur. */
-        NEXUS_Display_GetSettings(display, &displaySettings);
-        if ( !hdmiStatus.videoFormatSupported[displaySettings.format] ) {
-            displaySettings.format = hdmiStatus.preferredVideoFormat;
-            NEXUS_Display_SetSettings(display, &displaySettings);
-        }
-    }
-  /* app assumes that deinterlacer for main window is enabled by default */
-    /* Open the audio decoder */
-    audioDecoder = NEXUS_AudioDecoder_Open(0, NULL);
-    /* Open the audio and pcr pid channel */
-    NEXUS_Playback_GetDefaultPidChannelSettings(&playbackPidSettings);
-    playbackPidSettings.pidSettings.pidType = NEXUS_PidType_eAudio;
- = audioDecoder; /* must be told codec for correct handling */
-    audioPidChannel = NEXUS_Playback_OpenPidChannel(playback, streamSettings.audioPid, &playbackPidSettings);
-    /* Set up decoder Start structures now. We need to know the audio codec to properly set up
-    the audio outputs. */
-    NEXUS_AudioDecoder_GetDefaultStartSettings(&audioProgram);
-    audioProgram.codec = streamSettings.audioCodec;
-    audioProgram.pidChannel = audioPidChannel;
-    audioProgram.stcChannel = stcChannel;
-    /* Connect audio decoders to outputs */
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_AddInput(
-        NEXUS_AudioDac_GetConnector(platformConfig.outputs.audioDacs[0]),
-        NEXUS_AudioDecoder_GetConnector(audioDecoder, NEXUS_AudioDecoderConnectorType_eStereo));
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_AddInput(
-        NEXUS_HdmiOutput_GetAudioConnector(platformConfig.outputs.hdmi[0]),
-        NEXUS_AudioDecoder_GetConnector(audioDecoder, NEXUS_AudioDecoderConnectorType_eStereo));
-  /* Open audio mixer.  The mixer can be left running at all times to provide continuous audio output despite input discontinuities.  */
-  NEXUS_AudioMixer_GetDefaultSettings(&audioMixerSettings);
-  audioMixerSettings.mixUsingDsp = true;
-  audioMixer = NEXUS_AudioMixer_Open(&audioMixerSettings);
-  assert(audioMixer);
-    /* Open audio mux output */
-    audioMuxOutput = NEXUS_AudioMuxOutput_Create(NULL);
-    assert(audioMuxOutput);
-    /* Open audio encoder */
-    NEXUS_AudioEncoder_GetDefaultSettings(&encoderSettings);
-    encoderSettings.codec = NEXUS_AudioCodec_eAac;
-    audioCodec = encoderSettings.codec;
-    audioEncoder = NEXUS_AudioEncoder_Open(&encoderSettings);
-    assert(audioEncoder);
-  /* Connect decoder to mixer and set as master */
-  NEXUS_AudioMixer_AddInput(audioMixer,
-    NEXUS_AudioDecoder_GetConnector(audioDecoder, NEXUS_AudioDecoderConnectorType_eStereo));
-  audioMixerSettings.master = NEXUS_AudioDecoder_GetConnector(audioDecoder, NEXUS_AudioDecoderConnectorType_eStereo);
-  NEXUS_AudioMixer_SetSettings(audioMixer, &audioMixerSettings);
-  /* Connect mixer to encoder */
-  NEXUS_AudioEncoder_AddInput(audioEncoder, NEXUS_AudioMixer_GetConnector(audioMixer));
-    /* Connect mux to encoder */
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_AddInput(
-        NEXUS_AudioMuxOutput_GetConnector(audioMuxOutput), NEXUS_AudioEncoder_GetConnector(audioEncoder));
-  NEXUS_AudioOutput_AddInput(
-    NEXUS_AudioDummyOutput_GetConnector(platformConfig.outputs.audioDummy[0]),
-    NEXUS_AudioMixer_GetConnector(audioMixer));
-    /* bring up decoder and connect to local display */
-    videoDecoder = NEXUS_VideoDecoder_Open(0, NULL); /* take default capabilities */
-    /* NOTE: must open video encoder before display; otherwise open will init ViCE2 core
-     * which might cause encoder display GISB error since encoder display would
-     * trigger RDC to program mailbox registers in ViCE2;
-     */
-    videoEncoder = NEXUS_VideoEncoder_Open(0, NULL);
-    assert(videoEncoder);
-    /* Bring up video encoder display */
-    NEXUS_Display_GetDefaultSettings(&displaySettings);
-    displaySettings.displayType = NEXUS_DisplayType_eAuto;
-    displaySettings.timingGenerator = NEXUS_DisplayTimingGenerator_eEncoder;
-    displaySettings.format = cmdSettings[i].displayFormat;/* source is 60hz */
-    displaySettings.frameRateMaster = NULL;/* disable frame rate tracking for now */
-    displaySettings.format = cmdSettings[i].displayFormat;
-    displayTranscode = NEXUS_Display_Open(NEXUS_ENCODER_DISPLAY_IDX, &displaySettings);/* cmp3 for transcoder */
-    assert(displayTranscode);
-    windowTranscode = NEXUS_VideoWindow_Open(displayTranscode, 0);
-    assert(windowTranscode);
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_GetSettings(windowTranscode, &windowSettings);
-    windowSettings.position.width = MAX_DSP_ENCODER_WIDTH;
-    windowSettings.position.height = MAX_DSP_ENCODER_HEIGHT;
-    windowSettings.pixelFormat = NEXUS_PixelFormat_eCr8_Y18_Cb8_Y08;
-    windowSettings.visible = false;
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_SetSettings(windowTranscode, &windowSettings);
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_GetScalerSettings(windowTranscode, &sclSettings);
-    sclSettings.bandwidthEquationParams.bias = NEXUS_ScalerCaptureBias_eScalerBeforeCapture;
- = 1000000;
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_SetScalerSettings(windowTranscode, &sclSettings);
-    /* enable deinterlacer to improve quality */
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_GetMadSettings(windowTranscode, &windowMadSettings);
-    windowMadSettings.deinterlace = true;
-    windowMadSettings.enable22Pulldown = true; /* actually reverse 22 pulldown */
-    windowMadSettings.enable32Pulldown = true; /* actually reverse 32 pulldown */
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_SetMadSettings(windowTranscode, &windowMadSettings);
-    /* connect same decoder to the encoder display;
-     * NOTE: simul display + transcode mode might have limitation in audio pathre;
-     * here is for video transcode bringup purpose;
-     */
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_AddInput(windowTranscode, NEXUS_VideoDecoder_GetConnector(videoDecoder));
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_AddInput(window, NEXUS_VideoDecoder_GetConnector(videoDecoder));
-    /* Open the video pid channel */
-    NEXUS_Playback_GetDefaultPidChannelSettings(&playbackPidSettings);
-    playbackPidSettings.pidSettings.pidType = NEXUS_PidType_eVideo;
- = streamSettings.videoCodec; /* must be told codec for correct handling */
- = true;
- = videoDecoder;
-    videoPidChannel = NEXUS_Playback_OpenPidChannel(playback, streamSettings.videoPid, &playbackPidSettings);
-    /* Set up decoder Start structures now. We need to know the audio codec to properly set up
-    the audio outputs. */
-    NEXUS_VideoDecoder_GetDefaultStartSettings(&videoProgram);
-    videoProgram.codec = streamSettings.videoCodec;
-    videoProgram.pidChannel = videoPidChannel;
-    videoProgram.stcChannel = stcChannel;
-    NEXUS_VideoEncoder_GetSettings(videoEncoder, &videoEncoderConfig);
-    videoEncoderConfig.variableFrameRate = true; /* encoder can detect film content and follow CET */
-    videoEncoderConfig.frameRate = NEXUS_VideoFrameRate_e30;
-    videoEncoderConfig.frameRate = cmdSettings[i].encoderFrameRate;
-    videoEncoderConfig.bitrateMax = cmdSettings[i].encoderBitrate;
-    videoEncoderConfig.streamStructure.framesP = cmdSettings[i].encoderGopStructureFramesP;
-    videoEncoderConfig.streamStructure.framesB = cmdSettings[i].encoderGopStructureFramesB;
-    videoEncoderConfig.streamStructure.duration = cmdSettings[i].encoderGopStructureDuration;
-    NEXUS_VideoEncoder_GetDefaultStartSettings(&videoEncoderStartConfig);
-    videoEncoderStartConfig.codec = cmdSettings[i].encoderVideoCodec;
-    videoEncoderStartConfig.profile = cmdSettings[i].encoderProfile;
-    videoEncoderStartConfig.level = cmdSettings[i].encoderLevel;
-    videoEncoderStartConfig.input = displayTranscode;
-    videoEncoderStartConfig.stcChannel = stcChannelTranscode;
-    videoEncoderStartConfig.bounds.inputDimension.max.width = windowSettings.position.width;
-    videoEncoderStartConfig.bounds.inputDimension.max.height = windowSettings.position.height;
-{   /* set proper encoder interlaced/progressive format. NOTE: fw currently doesn't support dynamic switch between interlaced and progressive. */
-    #include "nexus_core_utils.h"
-    NEXUS_VideoFormatInfo fmtInfo;
-    NEXUS_VideoFormat_GetInfo(cmdSettings[i].displayFormat, &fmtInfo);
-    videoEncoderStartConfig.interlaced = fmtInfo.interlaced;
-    videoEncoderStartConfig.encodeUserData = true;
-  /******************************************
-   * add configurable delay to video path
-   */
-  /* NOTE: ITFP is encoder feature to detect and lock on 3:2/2:2 cadence in the video content to help
-   * efficient coding for interlaced formats; disabling ITFP will impact the bit efficiency but reduce the encode delay. */
-  videoEncoderConfig.enableFieldPairing = true;
-  /* 0 to use default 750ms rate buffer delay; TODO: allow user to adjust it to lower encode delay at cost of quality reduction! */
-  videoEncoderStartConfig.rateBufferDelay = 0;
-  /* to allow 23.976p passthru; TODO: allow user to configure minimum framerate to achieve lower delay!
-   * Note: lower minimum framerate means longer encode delay */
-  videoEncoderStartConfig.bounds.inputFrameRate.min = NEXUS_VideoFrameRate_e23_976;
-  /* to allow 24 ~ 60p dynamic frame rate coding TODO: allow user to config higher minimum frame rate for lower delay! */
-  videoEncoderStartConfig.bounds.outputFrameRate.min = NEXUS_VideoFrameRate_e23_976;
-  videoEncoderStartConfig.bounds.outputFrameRate.max = NEXUS_VideoFrameRate_e60;
-  /* max encode size allows 1080p encode; TODO: allow user to choose lower max resolution for lower encode delay */
-  videoEncoderStartConfig.bounds.inputDimension.max.width = 1920;
-  videoEncoderStartConfig.bounds.inputDimension.max.height = 1088;
-    /* encode setting and startSetting to be set after end-to-end delay is determined */
-    /* get end-to-end delay (Dee) for audio and video encoders;
-     * TODO: match AV delay! In other words,
-     *   if (aDee > vDee) {
-     *       vDee' = aDee' = aDee;
-     *   }
-     *   else {
-     *       vDee' = aDee' = vDee;
-     *   }
-     */
-    {
-        unsigned Dee;
-        /* NOTE: video encoder delay is in 27MHz ticks */
-        NEXUS_VideoEncoder_GetDelayRange(videoEncoder, &videoEncoderConfig, &videoEncoderStartConfig, &videoDelay);
-        printf("\n\tVideo encoder end-to-end delay = %u ms; maximum allowed: %u ms\n", videoDelay.min/27000, videoDelay.max/27000);
-        NEXUS_AudioMuxOutput_GetDelayStatus(audioMuxOutput, audioCodec, &audioDelayStatus);
-        printf("\tAudio codec %d end-to-end delay = %u ms\n", audioCodec, audioDelayStatus.endToEndDelay);
-        Dee = audioDelayStatus.endToEndDelay * 27000; /* in 27MHz ticks */
-        if(Dee > videoDelay.min)
-        {
-            if(Dee > videoDelay.max)
-            {
-                BDBG_ERR(("\tAudio Dee is way too big! Use video Dee max!"));
-                Dee = videoDelay.max;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                printf("\tUse audio Dee %u ms %u ticks@27Mhz!\n", Dee/27000, Dee);
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            Dee = videoDelay.min;
-            printf("\tUse video Dee %u ms or %u ticks@27Mhz!\n\n", Dee/27000, Dee);
-        }
-        videoEncoderConfig.encoderDelay = Dee;
-        /* Start audio mux output */
-        NEXUS_AudioMuxOutput_GetDefaultStartSettings(&audioMuxStartSettings);
-        audioMuxStartSettings.stcChannel = stcChannelTranscode;
-        audioMuxStartSettings.presentationDelay = Dee/27000;/* in ms */
-        NEXUS_AudioMuxOutput_Start(audioMuxOutput, &audioMuxStartSettings);
-    }
-    /* Note: video encoder SetSettings needs to be called after the encoder delay is determined; */
-    NEXUS_VideoEncoder_SetSettings(videoEncoder, &videoEncoderConfig);
-    NEXUS_Playpump_GetDefaultOpenSettings(&playpumpConfig);
-    playpumpConfig.fifoSize = 16384; /* reduce FIFO size allocated for playpump */
-    playpumpConfig.numDescriptors = 64; /* set number of descriptors */
-    playpumpConfig.streamMuxCompatible = true;
-    playpumpTranscodeVideo = NEXUS_Playpump_Open(1, &playpumpConfig);
-    assert(playpumpTranscodeVideo);
-    NEXUS_Playpump_GetDefaultOpenSettings(&playpumpConfig);
-    playpumpConfig.fifoSize = 16384; /* reduce FIFO size allocated for playpump */
-    playpumpConfig.numDescriptors = 64; /* set number of descriptors */
-    playpumpConfig.streamMuxCompatible = true;
-    playpumpTranscodeAudio = NEXUS_Playpump_Open(2, &playpumpConfig);
-    assert(playpumpTranscodeAudio);
-    playpumpTranscodePcr = NEXUS_Playpump_Open(3, &playpumpConfig);
-    assert(playpumpTranscodePcr);
-    BKNI_CreateEvent(&finishEvent);
-    NEXUS_StreamMux_GetDefaultCreateSettings(&muxCreateSettings);
-    muxCreateSettings.finished.callback = transcoderFinishCallback;
-    muxCreateSettings.finished.context = finishEvent;
-    streamMux = NEXUS_StreamMux_Create(&muxCreateSettings);
-    NEXUS_StreamMux_GetDefaultStartSettings(&muxConfig);
-    muxConfig.transportType = NEXUS_TransportType_eTs;
-    muxConfig.stcChannel = stcChannelTranscode;
-[0].pid = 0x11;
-[0].encoder = videoEncoder;
-[0].playpump = playpumpTranscodeVideo;
-[0].pid = 0x12;
-[0].muxOutput = audioMuxOutput;
-[0].playpump = playpumpTranscodeAudio;
- = 0x13;
-    muxConfig.pcr.playpump = playpumpTranscodePcr;
-    muxConfig.pcr.interval = 50;
-    /* connect sync channel */
-    NEXUS_SyncChannel_GetSettings(syncChannel, &syncChannelSettings);
-    syncChannelSettings.videoInput = NEXUS_VideoDecoder_GetConnector(videoDecoder);
-    syncChannelSettings.audioInput[0] = NEXUS_AudioDecoder_GetConnector(audioDecoder, NEXUS_AudioDecoderConnectorType_eStereo);
-    NEXUS_SyncChannel_SetSettings(syncChannel, &syncChannelSettings);
-    /* Start decoder */
-    NEXUS_VideoDecoder_Start(videoDecoder, &videoProgram);
-    NEXUS_AudioDecoder_Start(audioDecoder, &audioProgram);
-    /* Start playback */
-    NEXUS_Playback_Start(playback, file, NULL);
-    recpump = NEXUS_Recpump_Open(0, NULL);
-    assert(recpump);
-    record = NEXUS_Record_Create();
-    assert(record);
-    NEXUS_Record_GetSettings(record, &recordSettings);
-    recordSettings.recpump = recpump;
-    NEXUS_Record_SetSettings(record, &recordSettings);
-    unsigned userDataPid[2] = {2501, 2514};
-    NEXUS_Message_GetDefaultSettings(&messageSettings);
-    /* SCTE 270 spec max TS VBI user data bitrate=270Kbps, 256KB buffer can hold 7.5 seconds;
-       worthy user data for video synchronization; TODO: may be reduced if unnecessary */
-    messageSettings.bufferSize = 256*1024;
-    messageSettings.overflow.callback = message_callback; /* report overflow error */
-    messageSettings.overflow.param = 0;
-    muxConfig.userdata[0].message = NEXUS_Message_Open(&messageSettings);
-    BDBG_ASSERT(muxConfig.userdata[0].message);
-    messageSettings.overflow.param = 1;
-    muxConfig.userdata[1].message = NEXUS_Message_Open(&messageSettings);
-    BDBG_ASSERT(muxConfig.userdata[1].message);
-    /* open source user data PID channel */
-    NEXUS_Playback_GetDefaultPidChannelSettings(&playbackPidSettings);
-    playbackPidSettings.pidSettings.pidType = NEXUS_PidType_eOther; /* capture the TS packets with the user data PES */
-    playbackPidSettings.pidSettings.pidSettings.pidChannelIndex = NEXUS_PID_CHANNEL_OPEN_MESSAGE_CAPABLE;
-    playbackPidSettings.pidSettings.pidSettings.remap.enabled = true;
-     = 0x14;/* optional PID remap */
-    pidChannelUserData[0] = NEXUS_Playback_OpenPidChannel(playback, userDataPid[0], &playbackPidSettings);
-    assert(pidChannelUserData[0]);
-    /* open second user data PID */
-     = 0x15;/* optional PID remap */
-    pidChannelUserData[1] = NEXUS_Playback_OpenPidChannel(playback, userDataPid[1], &playbackPidSettings);
-    assert(pidChannelUserData[1]);
-    NEXUS_Message_GetDefaultStartSettings(muxConfig.userdata[0].message, &messageStartSettings);
-    messageStartSettings.format = NEXUS_MessageFormat_eTs;
-    messageStartSettings.pidChannel = pidChannelUserData[0];
-    /* must start message before stream mux starts */
-    NEXUS_Message_Start(muxConfig.userdata[0].message, &messageStartSettings);
-    messageStartSettings.pidChannel = pidChannelUserData[1];
-    NEXUS_Message_Start(muxConfig.userdata[1].message, &messageStartSettings);
-    /* open transcode mux output user data PidChannels */
-    pidChannelTranscodeUserData[0] = NEXUS_Playpump_OpenPidChannel(playpumpTranscodePcr, 0x14, NULL);
-    assert(pidChannelTranscodeUserData[0]);
-    pidChannelTranscodeUserData[1] = NEXUS_Playpump_OpenPidChannel(playpumpTranscodePcr, 0x15, NULL);
-    assert(pidChannelTranscodeUserData[1]);
-    NEXUS_Record_AddPidChannel(record, pidChannelTranscodeUserData[0], NULL);
-    NEXUS_Record_AddPidChannel(record, pidChannelTranscodeUserData[1], NULL);
-#define BTST_PMT_PID 0x0055
-    /* open PidChannels */
-    pidChannelTranscodePcr = NEXUS_Playpump_OpenPidChannel(playpumpTranscodePcr,, NULL);
-    assert(pidChannelTranscodePcr);
-    pidChannelTranscodePmt = NEXUS_Playpump_OpenPidChannel(playpumpTranscodePcr, BTST_PMT_PID, NULL);
-    assert(pidChannelTranscodePmt);
-    pidChannelTranscodePat = NEXUS_Playpump_OpenPidChannel(playpumpTranscodePcr, 0, NULL);
-    assert(pidChannelTranscodePat);
-    /* start mux */
-    NEXUS_StreamMux_Start(streamMux,&muxConfig, &muxOutput);
-    pidChannelTranscodeVideo =[0];
-    pidChannelTranscodeAudio =[0];
-    /* configure the video pid for indexing */
-    NEXUS_Record_GetDefaultPidChannelSettings(&recordPidSettings);
-    recordPidSettings.recpumpSettings.pidType = NEXUS_PidType_eVideo;
- = true;
- = cmdSettings[i].encoderVideoCodec;
-    /* add multiplex data to the same record */
-    NEXUS_Record_AddPidChannel(record, pidChannelTranscodeVideo, &recordPidSettings);
-    NEXUS_Record_AddPidChannel(record, pidChannelTranscodeAudio, NULL);
-    NEXUS_Record_AddPidChannel(record, pidChannelTranscodePcr, NULL);
-    NEXUS_Record_AddPidChannel(record, pidChannelTranscodePat, NULL);
-    NEXUS_Record_AddPidChannel(record, pidChannelTranscodePmt, NULL);
-    fileTranscode = NEXUS_FileRecord_OpenPosix(outputFilename, "/var/media/videos/transcoded.nav");
-    assert(fileTranscode);
-    /* Start record of stream mux output */
-    NEXUS_Record_Start(record, fileTranscode);
-    {
-static const uint8_t s_auiTSPacket_PAT[188] =
-   0x47,0x40,0x00,0x30,0xa6,0x40,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,'P', 'A', 'T',
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x00,0xb0,0x0d,0x00,
-   0x00,0x81,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xe0,0x55,
-   0x65,0x80,0x5e,0xdc,
-static const uint8_t s_auiTSPacket_PMT[188] =
-   0x47,0x40,BTST_PMT_PID,0x30,
-   0x66,/* adaptation field length */
-   0x9c,/* adaptation field length */
-   0x40,/* AF flags */
-   0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,'P', 'M', 'T',
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   0xff,0xff,0xff,
-   /* placeholder for VBI user data PMT section and descriptors */
-   0x00,/* pointer */
-   0x02,0xb0,0x4d,0x00,0x01,0xc1,0x00,0x00,0xe0,0x13,0xf0,0x00,
-   /* VBI user data PID */
-   0x06,0xe0,0x14,0xf0,0x19,
-   0x52,0x01,0x0e,0x56,0x14,0x64,0x75,0x74,
-   0x10,0x88,0x6e,0x6f,0x72,0x17,0x77,0x64,
-   0x75,0x74,0x08,0x88,0x73,0x77,0x65,0x16,
-   0x91,
-   /* VBI user data PID */
-   0x06,0xe0,0x15,0xf0,0x13,
-   0x0a,0x04,0x73,0x77,0x65,0x00,
-   0x52,0x01,
-   0x12,0x59,0x08,0x73,0x77,0x65,0x10,0x00,
-   0x02,0x00,0x02,
-   0x00,/* pointer */
-   0x02,0xb0,0x17,0x00,0x01,0xc1,0x00,0x00,0xe0,0x13,0xf0,0x00,
-   0x1b,0xe0,0x11,0xf0,0x00,/* video */
-   0x81,0xe0,0x12,0xf0,0x00,/* audio */
-   0x3d,0x19,0x07,0x2f
-    NEXUS_StreamMuxSystemData psi[2];
-    /* Get CRC right to be playable by VLCplayer etc 3rd party SW */
-    uint32_t uiCRC = CRC32_mpeg(0, (uint8_t *) s_auiTSPacket_PAT + 184 - (8+4*1), 8+4*1);
-    fprintf(stderr, "PAT crc=%x\n", uiCRC);
-    NEXUS_Memory_Allocate(188, NULL, &pat);
-    NEXUS_Memory_Allocate(188, NULL, &pmt);
-    BKNI_Memcpy(pat, s_auiTSPacket_PAT, sizeof(s_auiTSPacket_PAT));
-    BKNI_Memcpy(pmt, s_auiTSPacket_PMT, sizeof(s_auiTSPacket_PMT));
-    ((uint8_t*)pat)[184] = (uiCRC >> 24) & 0xFF;
-    ((uint8_t*)pat)[185] = (uiCRC >> 16) & 0xFF;
-    ((uint8_t*)pat)[186] = (uiCRC >>  8) & 0xFF;
-    ((uint8_t*)pat)[187] = (uiCRC >>  0) & 0xFF;
-    /* video codec */
-    switch(videoEncoderStartConfig.codec)
-    {
-      case NEXUS_VideoCodec_eMpeg2:         ((uint8_t *) pmt)[184-2*5] = 0x2; break;
-      case NEXUS_VideoCodec_eMpeg4Part2:    ((uint8_t *) pmt)[184-2*5] = 0x10; break;
-      case NEXUS_VideoCodec_eH264:          ((uint8_t *) pmt)[184-2*5] = 0x1b; break;
-      case NEXUS_VideoCodec_eVc1SimpleMain: ((uint8_t *) pmt)[184-2*5] = 0xea; break;
-      default:
-        BDBG_ERR(("Video encoder codec %d is not supported!\n", videoEncoderStartConfig.codec));
-        BDBG_ASSERT(0);
-    }
-    /* audio stream type */
-    switch(audioCodec)
-    {
-      case NEXUS_AudioCodec_eMpeg:         ((uint8_t *) pmt)[184-5] = 0x4; break;
-      case NEXUS_AudioCodec_eMp3:          ((uint8_t *) pmt)[184-5] = 0x4; break;
-      case NEXUS_AudioCodec_eAac    :      ((uint8_t *) pmt)[184-5] = 0xf; break; /* ADTS */
-      case NEXUS_AudioCodec_eAacPlus:      ((uint8_t *) pmt)[184-5] = 0x11; break;/* LOAS */
-      /* MP2TS doesn't allow 14496-3 AAC+ADTS; here is placeholder to test AAC-HE before LOAS encode is supported; */
-      case NEXUS_AudioCodec_eAacPlusAdts:  ((uint8_t *) pmt)[184-5] = 0x11; break;
-      case NEXUS_AudioCodec_eAc3:          ((uint8_t *) pmt)[184-5] = 0x81; break;
-      default:
-        BDBG_ERR(("Audio encoder codec %d is not supported!\n", audioCodec));
-    }
-        /* A+V two ES */
-        uiCRC = CRC32_mpeg(0, (uint8_t *) pmt + 184 - (12+5*2)-54, 12+5*2+54);
-        uiCRC = CRC32_mpeg(0, (uint8_t *) pmt + 184 - (12+5*2), 12+5*2);
-        fprintf(stderr, "PMT crc=%x\n", uiCRC);
-        ((uint8_t*)pmt)[184] = (uiCRC >> 24) & 0xFF;
-        ((uint8_t*)pmt)[185] = (uiCRC >> 16) & 0xFF;
-        ((uint8_t*)pmt)[186] = (uiCRC >>  8) & 0xFF;
-        ((uint8_t*)pmt)[187] = (uiCRC >>  0) & 0xFF;
-        NEXUS_Memory_FlushCache(pat, sizeof(s_auiTSPacket_PAT));
-        NEXUS_Memory_FlushCache(pmt, sizeof(s_auiTSPacket_PMT));
-        BKNI_Memset(psi, 0, sizeof(psi));
-        psi[0].size = 188;
-        psi[0].pData = pat;
-        psi[0].timestampDelta = 100;
-        psi[1].size = 188;
-        psi[1].pData = pmt;
-        psi[1].timestampDelta = 100;
-        NEXUS_StreamMux_AddSystemDataBuffer(streamMux, &psi[0]);
-        NEXUS_StreamMux_AddSystemDataBuffer(streamMux, &psi[1]);
-    NEXUS_VideoEncoder_Start(videoEncoder, &videoEncoderStartConfig);
-    if (duration == 0) {
-        BDBG_WRN(("\n\nTranscoding, press any key to stop early...\n"));
-    } else {
-        BDBG_WRN(("\n\nTranscoding for %d seconds, press any key to stop early...\n", duration));
-    }
-    waitForTranscodeComplete();
-    /* Done, bring down system */
-    NEXUS_Playback_Stop(playback);
-    NEXUS_VideoDecoder_Stop(videoDecoder);
-    NEXUS_AudioDecoder_Stop(audioDecoder);
-    NEXUS_AudioMixer_Stop(audioMixer);
-    NEXUS_AudioMuxOutput_Stop(audioMuxOutput);
-    /* disconnect sync channel */
-    NEXUS_SyncChannel_GetSettings(syncChannel, &syncChannelSettings);
-    syncChannelSettings.videoInput = NULL;
-    syncChannelSettings.audioInput[0] = NULL;
-    syncChannelSettings.audioInput[1] = NULL;
-    NEXUS_SyncChannel_SetSettings(syncChannel, &syncChannelSettings);
-    NEXUS_VideoEncoder_Stop(videoEncoder, NULL);
-    NEXUS_StreamMux_Finish(streamMux);
-    // wait for the encoder buffer model's data to be drained //
-    if(BKNI_WaitForEvent(finishEvent, (videoEncoderConfig.encoderDelay/27000)*2)!=BERR_SUCCESS) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "TIMEOUT\n");
-    }
-    BKNI_DestroyEvent(finishEvent);
-    NEXUS_Record_Stop(record);
-    /* Note: remove all record PID channels before stream mux stop since streammux would close the A/V PID channels */
-    NEXUS_Record_RemoveAllPidChannels(record);
-    NEXUS_StreamMux_Stop(streamMux);
-#if BTST_ENABLE_TS_LAYER_USER_DATA_PASS_THRU /* stop message after stream mux stops */
-    NEXUS_Message_Stop(muxConfig.userdata[0].message);
-    NEXUS_Message_Close(muxConfig.userdata[0].message);
-    NEXUS_Message_Stop(muxConfig.userdata[1].message);
-    NEXUS_Message_Close(muxConfig.userdata[1].message);
-    NEXUS_Record_Destroy(record);
-    NEXUS_Recpump_Close(recpump);
-    NEXUS_FileRecord_Close(fileTranscode);
-    NEXUS_Playback_CloseAllPidChannels(playback);
-    NEXUS_Playpump_CloseAllPidChannels(playpumpTranscodePcr);
-    NEXUS_FilePlay_Close(file);
-    NEXUS_Playback_Destroy(playback);
-    NEXUS_Playpump_Close(playpump);
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_RemoveInput(window, NEXUS_VideoDecoder_GetConnector(videoDecoder));
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_RemoveInput(windowTranscode, NEXUS_VideoDecoder_GetConnector(videoDecoder));
-    NEXUS_VideoInput_Shutdown(NEXUS_VideoDecoder_GetConnector(videoDecoder));
-    NEXUS_VideoDecoder_Close(videoDecoder);
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_Close(window);
-    NEXUS_VideoWindow_Close(windowTranscode);
-    NEXUS_Display_Close(display);
-    NEXUS_Display_Close(displayTranscode);
-    NEXUS_StreamMux_Destroy(streamMux);
-    NEXUS_Playpump_Close(playpumpTranscodePcr);
-    NEXUS_Playpump_Close(playpumpTranscodeVideo);
-    NEXUS_VideoEncoder_Close(videoEncoder);
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_RemoveAllInputs(NEXUS_AudioMuxOutput_GetConnector(audioMuxOutput));
-    NEXUS_AudioEncoder_RemoveAllInputs(audioEncoder);
-    NEXUS_AudioInput_Shutdown(NEXUS_AudioEncoder_GetConnector(audioEncoder));
-    NEXUS_AudioEncoder_Close(audioEncoder);
-    NEXUS_AudioMixer_RemoveAllInputs(audioMixer);
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_RemoveAllInputs(NEXUS_AudioDummyOutput_GetConnector(platformConfig.outputs.audioDummy[0]));
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_Shutdown(NEXUS_AudioDummyOutput_GetConnector(platformConfig.outputs.audioDummy[0]));
-    NEXUS_AudioInput_Shutdown(NEXUS_AudioMixer_GetConnector(audioMixer));
-    NEXUS_AudioMixer_Close(audioMixer);
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_RemoveAllInputs(NEXUS_AudioDac_GetConnector(platformConfig.outputs.audioDacs[0]));
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_RemoveAllInputs(NEXUS_SpdifOutput_GetConnector(platformConfig.outputs.spdif[0]));
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_RemoveAllInputs(NEXUS_HdmiOutput_GetAudioConnector(platformConfig.outputs.hdmi[0]));
-    NEXUS_Playpump_Close(playpumpTranscodeAudio);
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_Shutdown(NEXUS_AudioMuxOutput_GetConnector(audioMuxOutput));
-    NEXUS_AudioMuxOutput_Destroy(audioMuxOutput);
-    NEXUS_AudioInput_Shutdown(NEXUS_AudioDecoder_GetConnector(audioDecoder, NEXUS_AudioDecoderConnectorType_eStereo));
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_Shutdown(NEXUS_AudioDac_GetConnector(platformConfig.outputs.audioDacs[0]));
-    NEXUS_AudioOutput_Shutdown(NEXUS_SpdifOutput_GetConnector(platformConfig.outputs.spdif[0]));
-    NEXUS_AudioDecoder_Close(audioDecoder);
-    NEXUS_SyncChannel_Destroy(syncChannel);
-    NEXUS_StcChannel_Close(stcChannel);
-    NEXUS_StcChannel_Close(stcChannelTranscode);
-    NEXUS_Memory_Free(pat);
-    NEXUS_Memory_Free(pmt);
-    NEXUS_Platform_Uninit();
-    return 0;