blob: 430e2267f3c35a064697649195481c7ab5ce2253 [file] [log] [blame]
"""iperf: run a series of iperf tests over a wireless network."""
import collections
import glob
import json
import os
import re
import sys
def Mbps(mbps):
"""Given a bandwidth in Mbps, return the bandwidth in bit/s."""
return mbps * 1000000
class Iperf(object):
"""Iperf collects `iperf` measurements across a wireless network."""
def __init__(self, runner=None, bind=None): = runner
self.bind = bind
def Ping(self, host):
args = ['-c', '1', host]
return (['ping'] + args).succeeded or['ping6'] + args).succeeded)
def _Iperf(self, host, udp=False, bandwidth=20):
"""Run iperf against host and return string containing stdout from run."""
args = ['iperf', '-c', host]
if udp:
args += ['-u', '-b', str(Mbps(bandwidth))]
if self.bind:
args += ['-B', self.bind]
def IperfTCP(self, host=''):
return self._Iperf(host)
def IperfUDP(self, host='', bandwidth=20):
return self._Iperf(host, udp=True, bandwidth=bandwidth)
def Iperf3(self, host, udp=False, reverse=False, bandwidth=1e6, time=10):
"""Run iperf against host and return string containing stdout from run.
host: host to run test against
udp: False (default) for TCP iperf, True for UDP iperf3
reverse: if True, run test in reverse direction
bandwidth: bandwidth in bits/s for test
time: time, in seconds, for test to run
output from iperf3 as a string containing json data.
# iperf may hang if a server goes away during a test
args = ['./timeout', '{:d}'.format(time+10),
'iperf3', '-c', host, '-J', '-t', '{:d}'.format(time)]
if udp:
args += ['-u', '-b', str(bandwidth)]
if reverse:
args += ['-R']
if self.bind:
args += ['-B', self.bind]
def RunTestSeries(self, host):
"""RunTestSeries runs iperf tests and returns their results.
host: A string containing the hostname to run tests against.
A dict mapping unique names (strings, suitable for use as filenames) to
strings containing JSON-formatted iperf3 results.
outputs = {}
if not self.Ping(host):
print >> sys.stderr, ('Could not ping destination host {}; '
'skipping performance tests').format(host)
return outputs
counter = collections.Counter()
def NextName(counter, basename):
"""Return `logrotate(1)`-style names for a bunch of iperf3 files."""
count = counter[basename]
if count:
name = '{}.{}'.format(basename, count)
name = basename
counter[basename] += 1
return name
for reverse in (False, True):
it = self.Iperf3(host, reverse=reverse)
outputs[NextName(counter, 'iperf3')] = it
# Empirically about 1.25x more packets make it through in UDP than TCP.
# Try to saturate the channel by sending a bit more than that over UDP.
itp = ParseIperf3(it)
except ValueError:
print >> sys.stderr, ('Could not decode iperf3 TCP result, proceeding '
'as if it were empty.')
itp = {}
bw = (itp.get('end', {})
.get('sum_received', {})
.get('bits_per_second', 1))
iu = self.Iperf3(host, udp=True, reverse=reverse, bandwidth=bw * 1.5)
outputs[NextName(counter, 'iperf3')] = iu
return outputs
def _ParseIperf(text, udp=False):
"""Parse summary line written by an `iperf` run into a Python dict."""
pattern = (r'\[(.{3})\]\s+(?P<interval>.*?sec)\s+'
if udp:
pattern += r'\s+(?P<jitter>.*?s)\s+(?P<datagrams>.*)'
iperf_re = re.compile(pattern)
for line in text.splitlines():
match = iperf_re.match(line)
if match:
iperf = match.groupdict()
bval, bunit = iperf['bandwidth'].split()
iperf['bandwidth'] = float(bval)
iperf['bandwidth_unit'] = bunit
tval, tunit = iperf['transfer'].split()
iperf['transfer'] = float(tval)
iperf['transfer_unit'] = tunit
return iperf
return {}
def ParseIperfTCP(text):
# sample line: [ 4] 0.0-10.0 sec 245 MBytes 206 Mbits/sec
return _ParseIperf(text)
def ParseIperfUDP(text):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
# sample line: [ 5] 0.0-10.0 sec 1.25 MBytes 1.05 Mbits/sec 0.593 ms 0/ 893 (0%)
return _ParseIperf(text, udp=True)
def ParseIperf3(text):
return json.loads(text)
def Restore(report_dir):
"""Restores an `Iperf` cache from data on the filesystem."""
cache = {}
for name in glob.glob(os.path.join(report_dir, 'iperf*')):
with open(name) as infile:
cache[os.path.basename(name)] =
except IOError:
cache[name] = ''
return cache