blob: af45a0b7f9d91201e633ddb65e8a249f04aa4979 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""This test performs TR069 related DataModel verification.
This class extends the TestCase class, it does the following:
1. Configure/Verify Bruno with correct TR69 parameters:
- Image Version
2. Verify Bruno has connection to ACS (IPv6/IPv4)
3. Set/Get TR69 data model parameters:
- getParameterNames()
- getParameterValues()
4. Data mode:
- Data Models for GVSB
- Data Models for TR098
- Data Models for MoCA
- Data Models for TR140
- Data Models for TR181
5. This file includes the following test cases:
(all data models test case are pending on bug: http://b/issue?id=6813492
SetParameterValues does not work currently)
- testID: 14165033 7.6.13 Support of Data Models for GVSB (TBD)
- testID: 14315008 7.6.14 Support of Data Models for TR098
- testID: 14165035 7.6.15 Support of Data Models for MoCA
- testID: 14187024 7.6.16 Support of Data Models for TR140
- testID: 14314007 7.6.17 Support of Data Models for TR181
- testID: 11865133 Support of Data Models: TR135
- testID: 14335001 7.6.31 Implement X_CATAWAMPUS-ORG parameters
- testID: 14319149 7.6.29 Implement X_GOOGLE-COM data model for Sage
- testID: 14314008 7.6.30 Implement tr-157 PeriodicStatistics
- testID: 14315009 7.6.20 Support of modification of
- testID: 14314009 7.6.35 Monitor temperature
- testID: 14266498 7.6.36 X_CATAWAMPUS-ORG_FlashDevice Storage data
model (for tracking flash wear)
- testID: 14165038 7.6.37 Implement AutoChannelEnable in catawampus
- testID: 11722375 7.6.6 TR069 - SetParameter RPC Request
- testID: 15643845 7.6.39 NTP-Time zone configuration
- testID: 14165034 WiFi Test: ACS configuration
__author__ = 'Lehan Meng ('
import os
import re
import string
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import acs
import device
import ssh
import testCase
class DataModelTest(testCase.TestCase):
"""Class for TR69 DataModel and parameter verification test.
Configuration Parameters:
testID: 14187024
title =DataModel
req_file = 14187024-requirement.req
def Init(self):
"""Initialte the test case."""
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'---', 'Data model verification test started...')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
self.bruno = device.Bruno(user=self.params['user'],
if not self.p_ssh:
self.p_ssh = ssh.SSH(user=self.params['user'],
self.bruno.dev_ssh = self.p_ssh
self.__short_delay = 30 #short delay: 5 seconds
self.__delay = 80 #medium delay: 180 seconds
self.__long_delay = 120 #long delay: 600 seconds
self.req_file = open(self.params['req_file'], 'r')
self.req_tr069_params = []
self.acs_instance = acs.ACS()
def SetACSURL(self, url=None):
"""Set the ACS URL on device."""
if not url:
url = self.params['acs_url']
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('echo '+ url + ' > /tmp/cwmp/acs_url')
def GetACSURL(self):
"""Get ACS URL from Device."""
self.p_ssh.SendCmd(r'cat /tmp/cwmp/acs_url')
line = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()[1].strip()
m = re.match('http[s]?://([\w-]+\.)+\.com/cwmp', line)
if m is None:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo('Warning',
'Can not get ACS url')
self.log.SendLine(None, info)
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo('---',
'Get ACS URL from device file: '
+ line)
self.log.SendLine(None, info)
return line
def GetCurrentVersion(self):
"""Get current software version."""
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('more /etc/version')
return self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()[1].strip()
def TestEnvCheck(self):
"""Verify device configuration meets the test requirement."""
acs_url = self.GetACSURL()
if acs_url != self.params['acs_url']:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Warning', 'ACS URL incorrect!. Expected: '
+ self.params['acs_url'] + ', Current: '
+ acs_url)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'---', 'Reset ACS URL to Expected: ' + self.params['acs_url'])
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
current_version = self.GetCurrentVersion()
if (not current_version
or current_version != self.params['expected_version']):
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'critical', 'Not expected image version. Expected: '
+ self.params['expected_version'] + ', Current: '
+ current_version)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
self.AddConfigParams('current_version', current_version)
def CheckRequirement(self, chk_list, req_list):
"""Check parameter names with parameters in requirement file.
This file will compare the parameters from Device and from requirement
File. The differences between the two will be written to the result log
chk_list: the list of parameters results returned by query
req_list: the list of parameters from requirement
missing_list: the list of parameters that is missing from requirement
net_list: the list of parameters that are newly added but not in the
missing_list = []
new_list = []
#check missing parameters from Requirement
for req_line in req_list:
verify = False
for chk_line in chk_list:
if req_line == chk_line:
verify = True
elif string.find(chk_line, req_line) == 0:
verify = True
if not verify:
#check newly added parameters to Requirement
for line in chk_list:
if req_list.count(line) < 1 and new_list.count(line) < 1:
return (missing_list, new_list)
def GetACSAppFromURL(self):
"""Parse ACS appID from ACS URL string."""
return re.sub(r'https?://(.*)', r'\1',
def GetSerialNumber(self):
"""This function returns Bruno device serial number."""
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('hnvram -r 1st_serial_number')
line = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()[1].strip()
if line is None:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo('Warning',
'Can not get serial number')
self.log.SendLine(None, info)
return False
return re.sub(r'1st_serial_number=([0-9A-Z]{12})', r'\1', line)
def GetProductClass(self):
"""Get product class from device system."""
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('cat /etc/platform')
return self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()[1].strip()
def BatchSetParametersValues(self, tree, param):
"""Set multiple parameter values in a single nbi_client RPC call.
Set multiple parameter values
tree: the parameter names are in TreeElement structure. It has
parameter 'writable' states and test_value to set.
Parameter names/paths are sorted in alphabetical order in tree.
param: the parameters name list that needs to be set with new value
nbi_path = self.params['nbi_client_path']
app_id = self.GetACSAppFromURL()
product_class = self.GetProductClass()
serial_no = self.GetSerialNumber()
container = tree.findall('parameter_value_struct')
batch_size = 1
counter = 0
parameter_struct = ''
for node in container:
name = node.findtext('name')
if name in param:
nbi_type = node.findtext('nbi_type')
if not nbi_type:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo('Warning',
'Can not determin parameter type!')
self.log.SendLine(None, info)
test_value = node.findtext('test_value')
if nbi_type == 'string_value':
test_value = '"' + test_value + '"'
if (node.findtext('writable') == '1'
or node.findtext('writable') == 'true'):
parameter_struct += ('parameter_value_struct: <name: "'
+ name + '" ' + nbi_type + ': '
+ test_value + '> ')
counter += 1
if counter >= batch_size:
counter = 0
cmd = (nbi_path
+ ' --server /gns/project/apphosting/stubby/prod-appengine/'
'*/' + app_id + '/default/* --service CpeParametersService '
'--method SetParameterValues --request \''
'cpe_id: <oui: "F88FCA" product_class: "' + product_class
+ '" serial_no: "' + serial_no
+ '"> request: <parameter_list < '
+ parameter_struct + ' > parameter_key: "myParamKey">\'')
print cmd
parameter_struct = ''
time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
call_result = self.acs_instance.StubbyClientCall(cmd)
print call_result
if not self.acs_instance.CheckCmdCall(call_result):
# command not succeed according to nbi_client reply
# However, there is possibility that the request is successful,
# nbi_client reports a failure only because the timeout 60s.
# check device log to see if this request actually fails
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('dmesg | grep cwmpd:')
# read the last 500 lines from log
log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput(500)
reply_msg = self.ParseDeviceLogForError(
time_stamp, log_list, name, 'SetParameterValues')
if '<soap:Fault>' in reply_msg[0] or '<soap:fault>' in reply_msg[0]:
# failed to set parameter values (on nbi_client and device):
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Batch SetParameterValues() failed on Parameter: '
+ name + '. Parameter type: ' + nbi_type
+ '. Set test value: ' + test_value + '. Error message: \n'
+ ''.join(reply_msg))
self.log.SendLines(self.test_info, info)
elif '<cwmp:SetParameterValuesResponse>' in reply_msg[0]:
# nbi_reports failure, but success on device
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'---', 'Batch SetParameterValues() Succeeded on Parameter: '
+ name + '. Parameter type: ' + nbi_type
+ '. Set test value: ' + test_value)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Batch SetParameterValues() failed on Parameter: '
+ name + '. Parameter type: ' + nbi_type
+ '. Set test value: ' + test_value + '. Error message: \n'
+ ''.join(reply_msg))
self.log.SendLines(self.test_info, info)
# Succeed, logging to result file:
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'---', 'Batch SetParameterValues() Succeeded on Parameter: '
+ name + '. Parameter type: ' + nbi_type
+ '. Set test value: ' + test_value)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
def SetParameterValues(self, param='', param_type='', value=''):
"""Set parameter values on Device.
Set parameter values
param: the parameter name that needs to be set with new value
param_type: type of value: string, boolean, long_int, etc
value: parameter value
return setParameterValues if succeeded.
return error information if failed
nbi_path = self.params['nbi_client_path']
app_id = self.GetACSAppFromURL()
product_class = self.GetProductClass()
serial_no = self.GetSerialNumber()
# parse type:
if 'string' in param_type:
param_type = 'string_value'
value = '"' + value + '"'
elif 'bool' in param_type:
param_type = 'boolean_value'
elif 'unsignedInt' in param_type:
param_type = 'long_value'
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Unknown parameter type: ' + param_type)
self.log.SendLines(self.test_info, info)
cmd = (nbi_path + ' --server /gns/project/apphosting/stubby/prod-appengine/'
'*/' + app_id + '/default/* --service CpeParametersService '
'--method SetParameterValues --request \''
'cpe_id: <oui: "F88FCA" product_class: "' + product_class
+ '" serial_no: "' + serial_no + '"> request: <parameter_list < '
'parameter_value_struct: <name: "' + param +
'" ' + param_type + ': ' + value
+ '> > parameter_key: "myParamKey">\'')
print cmd
call_result = self.acs_instance.StubbyClientCall(cmd)
if 'FAILED' in call_result[0]:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Warning', 'ACS failed on SetParameterValues query: ' + cmd)
self.log.SendLines(self.test_info, info)
return False
print call_result
return call_result
def GetParameterNames(self, param='.', next_level=True):
"""Get next level parameter names of the current queried parameter.
The next level parameter names will be output to result file
Due to the large number of parameter instances, parameters in the same
parameter family will be grouped together into a single nbi_client
RPC call (getParameterNames() call, this call will feedback the access
state information). In order to minimize the total processing time, as
well as the number of RPC calls to ACS appEngine. This will greatly
reduce the execution time.
Each getParameterNames call will be created as an individual thread.
And multiple calls are made in parallel.
This is the parameter that is queried for its next level names
Note that currently GetParameterNames does not support multiple
parameter names in a query command. If parameter name is a dot,
and the next level is 'False', then device will return all
parameters under the queried parameter path
if this parameter is True:
only the next level parameter names are returned
if this parameter is False:
all parameter in the requested parameter path will be returned
return the nbi_client RPC call response. Response can be used to
parse for parameters' name, access attribute, etc.
nbi_path = self.params['nbi_client_path']
app_id = self.GetACSAppFromURL()
product_class = self.GetProductClass()
serial_no = self.GetSerialNumber()
if next_level:
next_level = 'true'
next_level = 'false'
cmd = (nbi_path + ' --server /gns/project/apphosting/stubby/prod-appengine/'
'*/' + app_id + '/default/* --service CpeParametersService '
'--method GetParameterNames --request \''
'cpe_id: <oui: "F88FCA" product_class: "' + product_class
+ '" serial_no: "' + serial_no + '"> request: <parameter_path: "'
+ param + '" next_level: ' + next_level + '>\'')
print cmd
call_result = self.acs_instance.StubbyClientCall(cmd)
if 'FAILED' in call_result[0]:
self.nbi_result = []
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Warning', 'ACS failed on GetParameterNames query: ' + cmd)
self.log.SendLines(self.test_info, info)
return False
self.nbi_result = call_result
print call_result
return call_result
def GetParameterValues(self, param=''):
"""Make a Get parameter value(s) query at ACS to request the device.
This method get value(s) of the designated parameter(s)
param: this is the parameter (path) that need to get value(s) from.
1. If this path ends with a dot '.', all parameters
under this path will be queried for values.
2. If this path does not end with a '.', the parameter
must be a leaf parameter which has a value.
This method returns a list of parameter values and record them to file.
nbi_path = self.params['nbi_client_path']
if param == '.':
param = ''
app_id = self.GetACSAppFromURL()
product_class = self.GetProductClass()
serial_no = self.GetSerialNumber()
cmd = (nbi_path + ' --server /gns/project/apphosting/stubby/prod-appengine/'
'*/' + app_id + '/default/* --service CpeParametersService '
'--method GetParameterValues --request \''
'cpe_id: <oui: "F88FCA" product_class: "' + product_class
+ '" serial_no: "' + serial_no + '"> request: <parameter_names: "'
+param + '">\'')
print cmd
call_result = self.acs_instance.StubbyClientCall(cmd)
if 'FAILED' in call_result[0]:
self.nbi_result = []
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Warning', 'ACS failed on GetParameterValues query: ' + cmd)
self.log.SendLines(self.test_info, info)
return False
self.nbi_result = call_result
print call_result
return call_result
def FindEndofRequest(self, log_list, index, pattern):
"""Find the end of a request string from device log.
Some times the close tag, for example: </cwmp:SetParameterValues> is
separated to two consecutive log lines, due to the line length limitation.
This method try to search the request closing tag on separate lines
log_list: the device log list.
index: the index of the line to search for tag
pattern: the closing tag that need to be searched in log file
True: if pattern find in log
False: if pattern not find in log
if index >= len(log_list)-1:
if pattern in log_list[index]:
return True
return False
s = re.sub(r'\[\s*\d*\.\d*\]\s*cwmpd:\s*(.*)', r'\1', log_list[index + 1])
s = log_list[index].strip() + s.strip()
if pattern in s:
return True
return False
def MatchParameterName(self, line, param_name, rpc):
"""Match rpc request logs to a parameter name."""
if rpc == 'GetParameterNames':
m ='.*<ParameterPath>(.*)</ParameterPath>.*', line)
if m is not None and param_name in
return True
return False
elif rpc == 'GetParameterValues':
m ='.*<cwmp:GetParameterValues>.*<ParameterNames.*>(.*)'
'</ParameterNames></cwmp:GetParameterValues>.*', line)
if m is not None and param_name in
return True
return False
elif rpc == 'SetParameterValues':
m ='.*<Name>(.*)</Name><Value.*', line)
if m is not None and param_name in
return True
return False
return False
def ParseDeviceLogForError(self, time_stamp, log_list, param, rpc):
"""Parse the log information from device, Looking for cwmp errors.
time_stamp: looking for log events that happened only after this time
log_list: the cwmp event information obtained from device log
param: the parameter name to get value from
rpc: the rpc function name to search in log
return cwmp error message found in device log.
reply_msg = []
start_of_rpc_reply = False
end_of_rpc_reply = False
start_of_rpc_request = False
end_of_rpc_request = False
param_matching = False
current_index = 0
for line in log_list:
# check only the getParameter query starts after the specified time:
if float(self.GetTimeStamp(line)) > float(time_stamp):
if 'CPE RECEIVED (at' in line and not start_of_rpc_request:
index = log_list.index(line)
# macthing the request query in log messages
for i in range(index+1, len(log_list)-1):
if i < len(log_list):
# match rpc request string
if '<cwmp:' + rpc + '>' in log_list[i]:
start_of_rpc_request = True
# match rpc request string end
if (self.FindEndofRequest(log_list, i, '</cwmp:' + rpc + '>')
and start_of_rpc_request):
if (start_of_rpc_request and end_of_rpc_request
and not param in log_list[i]):
end_of_rpc_request = True
# rpc request scan completed, requested parameter not matched
# this request is not request of interest
start_of_rpc_request = False
end_of_rpc_request = False
# match queried parameter in rpc request
if start_of_rpc_request and not end_of_rpc_request:
if self.MatchParameterName(log_list[i], param, rpc):
param_matching = True
current_index = i
# search for end of rpc request command
if param_matching and not end_of_rpc_request:
for i in range(current_index, len(log_list)-1):
if i < len(log_list):
# match rpc request string end
if self.FindEndofRequest(log_list, i, '</cwmp:' + rpc + '>'):
end_of_rpc_request = True
current_index = i
# search for rpc request reply message
if param_matching and end_of_rpc_request:
for i in range(current_index, len(log_list)-1):
if i < len(log_list):
if ('<soap:Fault>' in log_list[i] or '<soap:fault>' in log_list[i]
or '<cwmp:' + rpc + 'Response>' in log_list[i]):
start_of_rpc_reply = True
if (' </soap:Fault>' in log_list[i]
or ' </soap:fault>' in log_list[i]
or '</cwmp:' + rpc + 'Response>' in log_list[i]):
end_of_rpc_reply = True
if start_of_rpc_reply and not end_of_rpc_reply:
if start_of_rpc_reply and end_of_rpc_reply:
return reply_msg
return ['No rpc message is available in device log']
def GetParameterListFromDeviceLog(self, time_stamp, param=''):
"""Parse TR069 data model parameters from Device log information.
time_stamp: looking for log events that happened only after this time
param: the cwmp parameter to search in device log
return parameter list if succeeded
return false otherwise
if param == '.':
param = ''
param_list = []
param_list_start = False
param_list_end = False
self.device_log_result = []
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('dmesg | grep cwmpd:')
log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()
for line in log_list:
# check only the getParameter query starts after the last known event:
if float(self.GetTimeStamp(line)) > float(time_stamp):
if '<cwmp:GetParameterValues>' in line:
# check the parameter query from nbi_client has been answered:
m ='.*<cwmp:GetParameterValues>.*<ParameterNames.*>(.*)'
'</ParameterNames></cwmp:GetParameterValues>.*', line)
if m is not None and param in
index = log_list.index(line)
for i in range(index+1, index+50):
if '<cwmp:GetParameterValuesResponse>' in log_list[i]:
param_list_start = True
if '</cwmp:GetParameterValuesResponse>' in line:
if param_list_start:
param_list_end = True
if param_list_start:
if '<Name>' in line:
output = re.sub(r'.*(<Name>)(.*)(</Name>)', r'\2', line)
output = output.strip()
output = re.sub(r'(\.)[\d]+(\.)', r'\1{i}\2', output)
if param_list.count(output) < 1:
if (not param_list_start) or (not param_list_end):
error_msg = self.ParseDeviceLogForError(
time_stamp, log_list, param, 'GetParameterValues')
if 'fault' in error_msg[0] or 'Fault' in error_msg[0]:
# error occurred in rpc request
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Exit! Error while get values: ' + ''.join(error_msg))
self.log.SendLines(self.test_info, info)
# no error in request, request still in progress
return False
return param_list
def CreateElement(self, param_name, param_type_device,
param_type_nbi, param_value):
"""Create a new parameter node that contains parameter name and value.
Currently try to set the same value as being read from the device.
Parameter type may have different representations on different platforms.
E.g.: type 'long_value' on nbi_client is 'unsignedInt' on bruno.
type 'string_value' on nbi_client is 'string' on bruno
param_name: the name of the parameter (Path)
param_type_device: the type of the parameter represented by device format
param_type_nbi: the type of parameter, represented by nbi_client format
param_value: the value of the parameter
return the created element node
e = ET.Element('parameter_value_struct')
name = ET.Element('name')
name.text = param_name
device_type = ET.Element('device_type')
device_type.text = param_type_device
nbi_type = ET.Element('nbi_type')
if not param_type_nbi:
if param_type_device == 'unsignedInt':
param_type_nbi = 'long_value'
elif param_type_device == 'boolean':
param_type_nbi = 'boolean_value'
elif param_type_device == 'string':
param_type_nbi = 'string_value'
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Exit! Unknown (new) Parameter types found from device:'
': ' + param_type_device + '. Define as string_value')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
param_type_nbi = 'string_value'
nbi_type.text = param_type_nbi
value = ET.Element('value')
value.text = param_value
test_value = ET.Element('test_value')
test_value.text = param_value
access_state = ET.Element('writable')
access_state.text = 'true'
return e
def SortElementTree(self, tree):
"""Sort the parameters in element tree, in alphabetical order of names.
tree: the ElementTree data structure that holds the parameter list
return the sorted tree data structure
data = []
container = tree.findall('parameter_value_struct')
for node in container:
key = node.findtext('name')
data.append((key, node))
root = ET.Element(tree.getroot().tag, tree.getroot().attrib)
root.text = tree.getroot().text
for node in data:
return ET.ElementTree(root)
def ParseToElementTree(self):
"""Parse the parameter list to Element Tree structure."""
root = ET.Element('Bruno_Automation_Test', name='Set_Parameter_Value_Test',
root.text = 'This structure stores all parameters and values for this test'
if self.nbi_result:
for line in self.nbi_result:
if 'name:' in line:
param_name = re.sub('.*\"(.*)\".*', r'\1', line).strip()
index = self.nbi_result.index(line)
param_type = self.nbi_result[index+1].split(':')[0].strip()
param_value = self.nbi_result[index+1].split(':')[1].strip()
root.append(self.CreateElement(param_name, None,
param_type, param_value))
elif self.device_log_result:
for line in self.device_log_result:
if '<Name>' in line:
param_name = re.sub(r'.*(<Name>)(.*)(</Name>)', r'\2', line).strip()
index = self.device_log_result.index(line) + 1
while not 'Value' in self.device_log_result[index]:
index += 1
if index >= len(self.device_log_result) or '<Name>' in line:
info = self.log.createErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Mis-matching name-value pair in log file!')
self.log.sendLine(self.test_info, info)
return False
line = self.device_log_result[index]
# In case value string spans multiple lines:
while '</Value>' not in line:
index +=1
if index >= len(self.device_log_result):
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Exit! Cannot find matching </Value> tag in log!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
new_line = self.device_log_result[index]
# if <Name> or EOF reached before a matching </Value> is found
if '<Name>' in new_line:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Exit! Cannot find matching </Value> tag in log!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
new_line = re.sub('\[\s*\d*\.\d{3}\]\s*cwmpd:\s*(.*)',
r'\1', new_line).strip()
line += new_line.strip()
param_type ='.*type\s*=\s*\"[a-zA-Z]*:([a-zA-Z]*)\">.*',
line, re.DOTALL).group(1)
param_value ='.*<Value\s*[a-zA-Z]*:type="[a-zA-Z]*:'
line, re.DOTALL).group(1)
root.append(self.CreateElement(param_name, param_type,
None, param_value))
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Failed to get parameter list from device!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
return False
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree = self.SortElementTree(tree)
return tree
def ParametersFromXMLFile(self, file_path=None):
"""Read parameter data from an XML format file.
file_path: file path to the xml file
return the parameter list stored in the file, in the format of ElementTree
f = None
if not file_path:
f = open(self.params['para_tree_file'], 'r')
f = open(file_path, 'r')
tree = ET.parse(f)
except IOError, inst:
err_string = ('Exit! Unexpected error opening '
+ str( + '. ' + str(inst))
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo('Critical', err_string)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
return tree
def ParametersToXMLFile(self, tree=None, file_path=None):
"""Output the available parameter instance tree to XML format file.
Parameter instance results will be written to XML formated file,
with test value that has been set for the parameter(s)
For those parameters that failed to set value, they are recorded in
the result file.
tree: the parameters structure to parse to file
file_path: path to the output file
if not tree:
tree = self.para_tree
if not file_path:
fout = open(self.params['para_tree_file'], 'w')
fout = open(file_path, 'w')
except IOError, inst:
err_string = ('Exit! Unexpected error writing to file '
+ + str(inst))
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo('Critical', err_string)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
def GetRequirementFromFile(self):
"""Get TR69 data model parameters from requirement file.
The format of the requirement file is as follows:
1. Each line represents a data model parameter
2. If a parameter has indexed nodes, index numbers are replaced by {i}
###### Begin of File ######
... ... ...
###### End of File ######
return the requirement parameters in a list
req_list = []
for line in self.req_file:
line = line.strip()
if req_list.count(line) < 1:
return req_list
def GetTimeStamp(self, line=None):
"""Extract the time information of most current event from Device log.
i.e., the time that the last event happens since reboot (in seconds)
line: a line of device log which contains event time information.
If it has value of 'None', then retrieve the last a few lines from
device log to extract time information.
return the time stamp string if succeed, return -1 otherwise.
if line is None:
# get time stamp from Device log file
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('dmesg | grep cwmpd:')
# search the last 30 lines in Device log for time information
latest_log_entry = 30
log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput(latest_log_entry)
for line in log_list:
m = re.match('\\[[\s]*(\d*\\.\d{3})\\]', line)
if m is not None:
# Match, return the time stamp
# get time stamp from a Device log line
m = re.match('\\[[\s]*(\d*\\.\d{3})\\]', line)
if m is not None:
# Match, return the time stamp
# No time stamp found
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Cannot get time information from Device log!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
def VerifyAllReqParameters(self):
"""Check available parameters and compare to requirement list.
This method checks all available parameters on current image, and
compare the list with requirement list. It will find out:
1. the parameters that are missing from the requirement list.
2. the newly added parameters that are not in the requirement list.
Both lists are written to the result file.
This method also output all parameter instances on current device to
a xml formated file, together with their types and values
# get parameter name lists, compare with requirement list
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'30%', 'Get parameters from nbi_client ...')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
chk_list = self.acs_instance.ParseParameterNames(self.GetParameterValues(),
if not chk_list:
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'35%', 'ACS failed to reply, get parameters from device log ...')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
# nbi client may fail because of timeout
# if that is the case, then get parameter list from device log
count = 0
while not chk_list:
chk_list = self.GetParameterListFromDeviceLog(time_stamp)
count += 1
if count*self.__delay >= self.__long_delay:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Can not retrieve complete log info from device')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
if not chk_list:
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'40%', 'GetParameterValue query in progress, retry after '
+ str(self.__delay) + ' seconds.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'55%', 'GetParameterValue query completed, verify parameter list '
'with parameter requirement document.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
req_list = self.GetRequirementFromFile()
(mis_list, new_list) = self.CheckRequirement(chk_list, req_list)
self.log.SendTestData(['############# Missing Parameters #############'])
self.log.SendTestData(['############ Newly Added Parameters ############'])
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'75%', 'Verify current parameter list with requirement completed. '
'Check result file:' + self.log.params['f_error'] + ' for details.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
# write parameter instance to file
self.para_tree = self.ParseToElementTree()
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'100%', 'Update parameter file: ' + self.params['para_tree_file']
+ ' completed.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'Pass', 'Verification completed. '
'Check result file: ' + self.log.params['f_result'] + ' for missing '
'parameters and new parameters.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
def GetParameterAccessStateFromDeviceLog(self, time_stamp=None, param='.'):
"""Get parameter access state from device logs.
time_stamp: search events only after this time in log file
param: the parameter to search in device log
return dictionary: parameter names as key, and writable status as value
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('dmesg | grep cwmpd:')
log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()
param_state_dict = {}
param_list_start = False
param_list_end = False
for line in log_list:
# check only the getParameter query starts after the last known event:
if float(self.GetTimeStamp(line)) > float(time_stamp):
if '<cwmp:GetParameterNames>' in line:
# check the parameter query from nbi_client has been answered:
m =
'</cwmp:GetParameterNames>.*', line)
if m and param in line:
index = log_list.index(line)
for i in range(index+1, index+30):
if i < len(log_list):
if '<cwmp:GetParameterNamesResponse>' in log_list[i]:
param_list_start = True
if '</cwmp:GetParameterNamesResponse>' in line:
if param_list_start:
param_list_end = True
if param_list_start:
if '<Name>' in line:
name ='.*<Name>(.*)</Name>', line).group(1).strip()
index = log_list.index(line)+1
if '<Writable>' in log_list[index]:
access = re.sub(r'.*<Writable>(.*)</Writable>',
r'\1', log_list[index]).strip()
if access == '1':
access = 'true'
access = 'false'
param_state_dict.update({name: access})
if (not param_list_start) or (not param_list_end):
error_msg = self.ParseDeviceLogForError(
time_stamp, log_list, param, 'GetParameterNames')
if 'fault' in error_msg[0] or 'Fault' in error_msg[0]:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Exit! Error while get values: ' + ''.join(error_msg))
self.log.SendLines(self.test_info, info)
return False
return param_state_dict
def UpdateParameterAccessState(self, tree, param_name='.'):
"""Update parameters' access state (read-only, read-write status).
TR69 parameters could be either in a read-only state, or a writable
state. The setParameterValues() test only verifies those parameters
in the 'writable' state. Try to set them with new values.
This method is called to determine the state of each supported parameter
the ElementTree data structure that holds the parameter attribute
list in XML format. This tree needs to be sorted before passed to
this function, according to the alphabetical order of parameter
the parameter name to update the access state
returns this tree with updated parameter access state information
time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
cmd_list = self.GetParameterNames(param_name, False)
if not self.acs_instance.CheckCmdCall(cmd_list):
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'---', 'GetParameterNames() query failed on ACS. Analyzing device'
' logs...')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
param_dict = self.GetParameterAccessStateFromDeviceLog(time_stamp,
while not param_dict:
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'---', 'GetParameterNames() analyze in progress, wait for '
+ str(self.__short_delay) + ' seconds.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
param_dict = self.GetParameterAccessStateFromDeviceLog(time_stamp,
param_dict = self.acs_instance.ParseParameterAccessStates(cmd_list)
for key in param_dict.keys():
if param_name.endswith('.') and param_name != '.':
param_dict[param_name + key] = param_dict.pop(key)
param_dict[param_name + '.' + key] = param_dict.pop(key)
container = tree.findall('parameter_value_struct')
for node in container:
name = node.findtext('name')
if name in param_dict.keys():
e = node.find('writable')
if not e:
# Create this tag:
e = ET.Element('writable')
e.text = param_dict[name]
e.text = param_dict[name]
return tree
def MarkParametersToSet(self, param_list, param):
"""In the sorted tree, mark all parameters before param to read-only."""
if not param:
return param_list
ls = list(param_list)
for name in param_list:
if name != param:
return ls
def VerifySetAllParameterValues(self):
"""This verifies the setParameterValues() on all supported parameters.
This method tests the 'set' capability on all parameters. According
to the data type, the value will be set as 'string', 'long_int', 'boolean',
etc. Note the current test only verify the 'set' action is supported by
each parameter. Therefore, it will try to set the same default value on each
parameter (it does not change the default value of each parameter).
This test assumes that the parameter list has already been retrieved from
device by 'GetparameterValues', and has been written to the parameter XML
tree = self.ParametersFromXMLFile()
#tree = self.UpdateParameterAccessState(tree)
tree = self.SortElementTree(tree)
param_list = []
# Currently Assume all parameters are read-write
container = tree.findall('parameter_value_struct')
for node in container:
#name = node.findtext('name')
#test_value = node.findtext('test_value')
dev_type = node.findtext('device_type')
nbi_type = None
if dev_type == 'unsignedInt':
nbi_type = 'long_value'
elif dev_type == 'boolean':
nbi_type = 'boolean_value'
elif dev_type == 'string':
nbi_type = 'string_value'
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Exit! Unknown (new) Parameter types found from device:'
': ' + dev_type)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
node.find('nbi_type').text = nbi_type
e = node.find('writable')
if not e:
access_state = ET.Element('writable')
access_state.text = 'true'
param_list = self.MarkParametersToSet(
param_list, self.params['from_which_param_to_set'])
self.BatchSetParametersValues(tree, param_list)
def VerifyNTPTimeZoneConfig(self):
"""Verify the Time zone configuration is received and processed by Device.
Check the log of device, to find TR69 parameter:
is pushed down to device. Also verify the device correctly updated local
time information.
## Blocked by bug: http://b/issue?id=6804551
## TODO(lmeng): add set values and verify set values succeeded
self.p_ssh.SendCmd('dmesg | grep cwmpd:')
log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()
time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
log_list = self.ParseDeviceLogForError(time_stamp, log_list,
if 'No rpc message is available in device log' in log_list[0]:
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'---', 'Failed. Can not find TR69 Time zone information in device log')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
elif 'fault' in log_list[0]:
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'---', 'Failed to apply Time zone configuration on device.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'---', 'Succeed to setup Time zone on deivce.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
def VerifyManagementServerURL(self):
"""Verify set and get Management Server URL from device."""
# This test is blocked by bug: http://b/issue?id=6813492
mngmt_url_param = 'InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.URL'
url_from_dev_param = self.acs_instance.ParseManagementURL(
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'15%', 'Get management url from TR069 parameter: '
+ mngmt_url_param + '. Value: ' + url_from_dev_param)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
if not url_from_dev_param:
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'30%', 'Can not found Value for: '
'. Verify to set default URL: ' + self.params['default_url'])
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
url_from_dev_param = self.params['default_url']
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'50%', 'Set parameter value for: '
'. Value: ' + url_from_dev_param)
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
result = self.SetParameterValues(mngmt_url_param, 'string',
if not result:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'Failed to set parameter: '
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'Failed', 'Failed to set parameter: '
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'100%', 'Succeeded to set parameter: '
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'Pass', 'Succeeded to set parameter: '
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
def VerifySetParameterValuesRPC(self):
"""Test case: 11722375. To verify SetParameterValues RPC.
To verify SetParametersRPC, this methond also try to set all parameters
which have 'write-able' status, with test value.
# update parameter access state:
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'20%', 'Read Parameters read/write status from file.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
tree = self.ParametersFromXMLFile()
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'50%', 'Update parameters read/write status from Device.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
tree = self.UpdateParameterAccessState(tree, self.params['param_path'])
# set parameter values:
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'100%', 'Verify: Set values for all parameters completed.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'Pass', 'Verification: set parameter '
'values completed. '
'Check result file: ' + self.log.params['f_result'] + ' for details.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
def VerifyMonitorTemperature(self):
"""Test the temperature monitor on device.
This feature is not available for first launch.
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'Block', 'This feature is not availalbe '
'on the first launch images.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
def VerifyAutoChannelEnable(self):
"""Test AutoChannelEnable on device.
This feature is not available for first launch.
info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
'Block', 'This feature is not availalbe '
'on the first launch images.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
def SetServiceConfigs(self, param_dict):
"""Set service parameter profile on ACS.
This method sets the service configurations on ACS, and returns the
SetServiceConfigs result.
it is in this format in config file:
"Google.Wifi.BeaconType":{"string_value": "Basic"},
True: if set succeeded
False: otherwise
app_id = self.GetACSAppFromURL()
nbi_path = self.params['nbi_client_path']
account_id = self.params['account_id']
device_label = self.params['device_label']
parameter_value_struct = ''
# parameter_value_struct: <name: "Google.Wifi.BasicEncryptionModes"
# string_value: "WEPEncryption">
for key in param_dict.iterkeys():
name = key
param_type = param_dict[key].keys()[0]
value = None
if 'string' in param_type:
value = '"' + param_dict[key].values()[0] + '"'
value = param_dict[key].values()[0]
parameter_value_struct += (
' parameter_value_struct: <name: "'
+ name + '" ' + param_type +': ' + value + '> ')
parameter_value_struct = None
cmd = (nbi_path
+ ' --server /gns/project/apphosting/stubby/prod-appengine/'
'*/' + app_id + '/default/* --service AccountService '
'--method SetServiceConfigs --request \''
'account_device_id: <account_id: "' + account_id
+ '" device_label: "' + device_label + '"> parameter_list: < '
+ parameter_value_struct + ' > async_apply_now: false\'')
print cmd
call_result = self.acs_instance.StubbyClientCall(cmd)
if 'FAILED' in call_result[0]:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Warning', 'ACS failed on SetServiceConfigs query: ' + cmd)
self.log.SendLines(self.test_info, info)
return False
print call_result
return call_result
def VerifyWiFiConfiguration(self):
"""Test case: 14165034, WiFi configuration verification.
This test case will set WiFi parameters on ACS, and verify
that the service profile is correctly pushed to device.
Thin Bruno is configured with correct WiFi network.
The WiFi parameters and values in specified in config file
in JSON format, e.g.:
"Google.Wifi.BeaconType":{string_value: "Basic"},
return False if test failed
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'10%', 'Setup SetServiceConfigs on ACS...')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
if not self.SetServiceConfigs(self.params['wifi_params']):
return False
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'20%', 'Setup SetServiceConfigs on ACS succeed.')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
# Verify if the service is pushed to device
# TODO(lmeng): what parameters to set and to verify
#################### for Data Model Test Case ####################
def Run(self):
"""Run the test case."""
####### Add your code here -- BEGIN #######
print 'Test Started...'
self.p_ssh.SshRetry(5, 15)
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'5%', 'SSH session to device successfully established!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
#check device profile/image is as erquired management url from ACS
info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
'10%', 'Check device test setup completed!')
self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
if (self.test_info['testID'] == '14187024'
or self.test_info['testID'] == '14165033'
or self.test_info['testID'] == '14315008'
or self.test_info['testID'] == '14165035'
or self.test_info['testID'] == '14314007'
or self.test_info['testID'] == '11865133'
or self.test_info['testID'] == '14335001'
or self.test_info['testID'] == '14266498'
or self.test_info['testID'] == '14319149'
or self.test_info['testID'] == '14314008'):
elif self.test_info['testID'] == '11722375':
elif self.test_info['testID'] == '14315009':
elif self.test_info['testID'] == '14314009':
elif self.test_info['testID'] == '14165038':
elif self.test_info['testID'] == '15643845':
elif self.test_info['testID'] == '14165034':
print 'Test Completed...'
####### Add your code here -- END #######
def Destructor(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test cases defined in this file:
test_defined = ['14187024', '14165033', '14315008', '14165035', '14314007',
'11865133', '14335001', '14266498', '14319149', '14314008',
'11722375', '14315009', '14314009', '14165038', '15643845',
# To execute test cases that defined in config file:
test = DataModelTest(testID='14165034')
test_to_execute = testCase.TestCase.FindTestCaseToExecute('config.cfg')
for test_id in test_to_execute:
if test_id in test_defined:
test = DataModelTest(testID=test_id)