Bruno automation test: Image download test case script code upload

Change-Id: I8cf59d6daab97062f824978407aab0498b980acc
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+# This is the config file for the test cases #
+#                                            #
+# All test cases share the same config file. #
+# Each test case configuration starts with   #
+# the testID of that test case.              #
+#                                            #
+# comment line starts with '#' and will not  #
+# be parsed as configuration information     #
+testID: 11843140
+user = root
+addr =
+addr_ipv6 = 2605:a601:15:9001:21a:11ff:fe30:64d5
+pwd = google
+bruno_prompt = gfibertv#
+title =Image_Download
+# if authentication server is required to access the device
+jump_server =
+# if athena server is required to access the device:
+athena_user = lmeng
+athena_pwd = changeme
+#testID: 14187024
+#title =DataModel
+#rq_file = 14187024-requirement.req
+#device_mURL = http://[2607:f8b0:400b:800::1011]/
+#device_IP = 2607:f8b0:400b:800::1011
+#serial_NO =
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+# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""This class defines the test case "image download" from ACS.
+This class extends the TestCase Class.
+testID: 11843140
+This test does the following tasks:
+  - check current image version
+    - if the current version is the same as expected version,
+      this test will first to try to downgrade it to the downgrade_version.
+    - Then, it will Run image download test
+    - Fianlly, it will downgrade to downgrade_version if this has not been
+      done. This is to test the download handling capabilities of the
+      expected_version
+  - configure ACS instance with these software versions
+  - verify image download and installation to be complete and successful, by
+    observing a successfully reboot after installation
+__author__ = 'Lehan Meng ('
+import os
+import re
+import time
+import acs
+import ssh
+import testCase
+class DownloadTest(testCase.TestCase):
+  """Verify Bruno image download from ACS (TestID: 11843140).
+      Configuration Parameters:
+      testID: 11843140
+      user = root
+      addr =
+      pwd = google
+      bruno_prompt = (none)#
+      file=cmdOutput.txt
+      title =Image_Download
+      current_version=None
+      expected_version=bruno-iguana-2-dg
+      ACS_URL =
+  """
+  def Init(self):
+    """Initialte the DownloadTest instance."""
+    self.p_ssh = ssh.SSH(user=self.params['user'],
+                         addr=self.params['addr'],
+                         pwd=self.params['pwd'],
+                         bruno_prompt=self.params['bruno_prompt'],
+                         addr_ipv6=self.params['addr_ipv6'],
+                         athena_user=self.params['athena_user'],
+                         athena_pwd=self.params['athena_pwd'],
+                         jump_server=self.params['jump_server'])
+    self.p_ssh.Setlogging(self.log)
+    self.__debug = False
+    self.__short_delay = 5  #short delay: 5 seconds
+    self.__delay = 180  #medium delay: 180 seconds
+    self.__long_delay = 600  #long delay: 600 seconds
+  def CheckACSUrl(self):
+    """Check current ACS URL of the device.
+    Set it to a default URL if the current URL is not recognized
+    """
+    self.p_ssh.SendCmd('cat /tmp/cwmp/acs_url')
+    line = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()[1]
+    m_1 = re.match(self.params['ACS_URL'], line)
+    if m_1 is None:
+      info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
+          'intermediate',
+          'ACS URL unknown! Update ACS URL manually')
+      self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      self.p_ssh.SendCmd('echo ' + self.params['ACS_URL']
+                         + ' > /tmp/cwmp/acs_url')
+      self.AddConfigParams('current_ACS_url', self.params['ACS_URL'])
+    else:
+      self.AddConfigParams('current_ACS_url', self.params['ACS_URL'])
+  def SetACSUrl(self, url=''):
+    """Set ACS URL on the device."""
+    self.p_ssh.SendCmd('echo ' + url + ' > /tmp/cwmp/acs_url')
+    self.p_ssh.SendCmd('cat /tmp/cwmp/acs_url')
+    info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo('---', 'Set ACS url to: ' + url)
+    self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+  def CheckVersion(self):
+    """Check current software version."""
+    self.p_ssh.SendCmd('more /etc/version')
+    current_version = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput(2)[1].strip()
+    self.params['current_version'] = current_version
+  def GetVersion(self):
+    """Get current software version."""
+    self.p_ssh.SendCmd('more /etc/version')
+    return self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput(2)[1].strip()
+  def GetTimeStamp(self, line=None):
+    """Extract the time information of most current event from Device log.
+    i.e., the time that the last event happens since reboot (in seconds)
+    Args:
+      line: a line of device log which contains event time information.
+            If it has value of 'None', then retrieve the last a few lines from
+            device log to extract time information.
+    Returns:
+      return the time stamp string if succeed, return -1 otherwise.
+    """
+    if line is None:
+      # get time stamp from Device log file
+      self.p_ssh.SendCmd('dmesg | grep cwmpd:')
+      # search the last 30 lines in Device log for time information
+      latest_log_entry = 30
+      log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput(latest_log_entry)
+      for line in log_list:
+        m = re.match('\\[[\s]*(\d*\\.\d{3})\\]', line)
+        if m is not None:
+          # Match, return the time stamp
+          return
+    else:
+      # get time stamp from a Device log line
+      m = re.match('\\[[\s]*(\d*\\.\d{3})\\]', line)
+      if m is not None:
+      # Match, return the time stamp
+        return
+    # No time stamp found
+    return -1
+  def ConfigACS(self):
+    """Setup the ACS device profile with expected image.
+    Then restart the cwmpd process on device to
+    initiate the inform/download process
+    Returns:
+      return the time stamp string if succeed, return -1 otherwise.
+    """
+    #configure ACS:
+    acs_instance = acs.ACS(self.params['expected_version_id'])
+    acs_instance.SetLogging(self.log)
+    acs_instance.SaveConfiguration()
+    #self.p_ssh.SendCmd('/etc/Init.d/S85catawampus restart')
+    # To setup any device service parameter using nbi_client will trigger
+    # ACS to make a remote connection request to the device.
+    # However, currently ACS does not provide separate stubby call to
+    # only request a remote connection.
+    # As walk around:
+    #   1. call remote management URL locally to initiate Inform immediately
+    #   2. wait for the next periodic inform to initiate download
+    # Here go for the 2nd option.
+    time_stamp = self.GetTimeStamp()
+    return time_stamp
+  def GetRemoteConnectionURL(self):
+    """Get remote connection URL from the cwmp log of the device."""
+    self.p_ssh.SendCmd('dmesg | grep cwmpd:')
+    log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()
+    for line in log_list:
+      if 'InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL' in line:
+        index = log_list.index(line)
+        index -= 1
+        if index < 0:
+          # End of long while download not started, wait  281
+          info = self.log.createErrorInfo(
+              'low', 'Can not find ConnectionRequestURL from device log ...')
+          self.log.sendLine(self.test_info, info)
+          return None
+        log_str = log_list[index]
+        m ='(http://[\d\l:]+)</Value>', log_str)
+        if m is not None:
+          # match successful:
+          return
+    # No ConnectionRequestURL find:
+    info = self.log.createErrorInfo(
+        'low', 'Can not find ConnectionRequestURL from device log ...')
+    self.log.sendLine(self.test_info, info)
+    return None
+  def CheckDownloadFileExists(self):
+    """check if a downloaded file is still in the folder.
+    A file in the folder '/rw/tr69/dnld/' indicates either of the
+    following:
+      1. download is in progress
+      2. download completed, installation is in progress
+      3. download completed, installation completed, waiting for reboot
+    the upgrade is not considered as complete until a reboot is done
+    Returns:
+      return True if file exists, return False otherwise.
+    """
+    self.p_ssh.SendCmd('ls -l /rw/tr69/dnld/')
+    latest_log_entry = 4
+    log_list = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput(latest_log_entry)
+    for line in log_list:
+      m ='[\s]+([\w,\d]{9})', line)
+      if m is not None:
+        # download file found
+        return True
+    return False
+  def IsRebooted(self, time_stamp):
+    """check if the device rebooted after the software installation.
+    This method checks device log file, if any event found with smaller time
+    stamp value than the last known device event, it indicates that the device
+    has been rebooted since then
+    Args:
+      time_stamp: time stamp that the last event recorded on device log
+    Returns:
+      return True if rebooted
+      return False otherwise
+    """
+    s = self.GetTimeStamp()
+    if float(s) < float(time_stamp):
+      return True
+    return False
+  def CheckImageInstallation(self, time_stamp):
+    """Check if the Image installation and Device reboot is successful.
+    An upgrade is considered complete only after the device is rebooted
+    after image installation
+    Args:
+      time_stamp: check if a reboot is done after this time
+    Returns:
+      return True if installation succeeded
+      return False otherwise
+    """
+    self.p_ssh.ExitToAthena()
+    time.sleep(3*self.__short_delay)
+    self.p_ssh.SshRetryFromAthena()
+    count = 0
+    ts = time_stamp
+    while not self.IsRebooted(ts):
+      count +=1
+      if count*self.__short_delay*3 > self.__long_delay:
+        info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
+            'critical',
+            'Error! File download longer than ' + str(self.__long_delay)
+            + ' seconds, check network. Exit!')
+        self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+        os.sys.exit(1)
+      t = self.GetTimeStamp()
+      if t > ts:
+        ts = t
+      self.p_ssh.ExitToAthena()
+      info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
+          '90%', 'Wait ' + str(3*self.__short_delay)
+          + ' seconds for image installation and device reboot...')
+      self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      time.sleep(3*self.__short_delay)
+      self.p_ssh.SshRetryFromAthena()
+    time.sleep(2*self.__short_delay)
+    self.p_ssh.SendCmd('more /etc/version')
+    line = self.p_ssh.GetCmdOutput()[1]
+    crt_version = line.strip()
+    print crt_version + '########' + self.params['expected_version']
+    if crt_version == self.params['expected_version']:
+      return True
+    else:
+      return False
+  def Run(self):
+    """Run the test case."""
+    ####### Add your code here -- BEGIN #######
+    print 'Test Started...'
+    self.Init()
+    self.p_ssh.SshToAthena()
+    info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
+        '5%', 'SSH session to Athena server successfully established!')
+    self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+    max_test_idx = 2
+    current_test_idx = 1
+    while current_test_idx < max_test_idx:
+      self.p_ssh.SshRetryFromAthena()
+      info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
+          '---', 'Test Sequence Number: ' + str(current_test_idx))
+      self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      while self.CheckDownloadFileExists():
+        # current in download
+        info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
+            '10%', 'Another downloading in progress, retry after '
+            + str(self.__short_delay) + 'seconds...')
+        self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+        self.p_ssh.ExitToAthena()
+        time.sleep(self.__short_delay)
+        self.p_ssh.SshRetryFromAthena()
+      info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
+          '15%', 'SSH session to device successfully established!')
+      self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      self.CheckACSUrl()
+      info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo('20%', 'Current ACS url: '
+                                         + self.params['ACS_URL'])
+      self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      self.CheckVersion()
+      info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo('30%', 'Current Version: '
+                                         + self.params['current_version'])
+      self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      # Need to do:
+      # check if the currently version is already expected version,
+      # if so, downgrade first, then Run this test
+      #if self.params['current_version'] == self.params['expected_version']:
+      #  info = self.log.createErrorInfo(
+      #        'low', 'Currently image is expected version, '
+      #        + 'please try other images.')
+      #  self.log.sendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      self.time_stamp = self.ConfigACS()
+      info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo('40%', 'Expected Version: '
+                                         + self.params['expected_version'])
+      self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
+          '40%', 'Successfully configured ACS for expected image version')
+      self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      time.sleep(self.__short_delay)  # time delay for log update
+      if self.CheckImageInstallation(self.time_stamp):
+        info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
+            '100%', 'Image successfully upgraded to expected version: '
+            'from: ' + self.params['current_version']
+            + ' to: ' + self.params['expected_version'])
+        self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+        info = self.log.CreateResultInfo(
+            'Pass', 'Image successfully upgraded to expected version: '
+            'from: ' + self.params['current_version']
+            + ' to: ' + self.params['expected_version'])
+        self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      else:
+        info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
+            'critical',
+            'Error! Image version does not match expected version!')
+        self.log.SendLine(self.test_info, info)
+      current_test_idx += 1
+      self.p_ssh.ExitToAthena()
+    # Need to do:
+    # downgrade from expected_version
+    # To verify the capability of the download handling on expected version
+    # image
+    print 'Test Completed...'
+    ####### Add your code here -- END   #######
+  def Destructor(self):
+    """This is the Destructor function to call for the user extened class."""
+    # exit the ssh tunnel
+    self.p_ssh.Close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  DownloadTest(testID='11843140', key_word='Download')
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+# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""This Class writes test progress/error/result to files.
+This file defines the logging function of the automation test. It
+logs test progress, results, error/warning to different files:
+  results.txt: this is the file to log the test output
+  error.txt:   all test errors are logged into this file
+  prompt.txt:  a copy of terminal output, which hints the progress
+               of the current test.
+__author__ = 'Lehan Meng ('
+import datetime
+class Logging(object):
+  """This Class collects and writes test information to log files."""
+  params = {'std_out': '1',
+           'f_result': 'result.log',
+           'f_error': 'error.log',
+           'f_progress': 'progress.log',
+           'delimiter': '\t'}
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    """initiate the logging instance.
+    Args:
+      kwargs['f_result']: file name for test result
+      kwargs['f_error']: file name for test errors
+      kwargs['f_progres']: file name for test progres
+      kwargs['std_out']: by default, send a copy of the log info to stdout
+    """
+    for s in ('f_result', 'f_error', 'f_progress', 'std_out'):
+      if s in kwargs:
+        self.params[s] = kwargs[s]
+    self.rst_file = open(self.params['f_result'], 'a')
+    self.err_file = open(self.params['f_error'], 'a')
+    self.prg_file = open(self.params['f_progress'], 'a')
+    self.NewTestStart()
+  def SendLineToResult(self, test_info, result_info):
+    """Send test result (one-line) information to the result file.
+    Args:
+      test_info: test case related info: testID, start_time, key_word, etc
+      result_info: test results {Pass_Fail: pass, note: Extra_Information}
+    Returns:
+      return the status of file write operation
+    """
+    now =
+    if test_info is not None:
+      line = (now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + self.params['delimiter']
+              + 'testID:' + test_info['testID']
+              + self.params['delimiter'] + 'TestStartAt:'
+              + test_info['start_time']
+              + self.params['delimiter'] + 'Keyword:' + test_info['key_word']
+              + self.params['delimiter'] + result_info['Pass_Fail']
+              + self.params['delimiter'] + result_info['note'] + '\n')
+    else:
+      line = ('Result log information should have testInfo available! '
+              + self.params['delimiter'] + 'No logging performed')
+    if self.params['std_out'] > 0:
+      print line
+    return self.rst_file.write(line)
+  def NewTestStart(self):
+    """Mark the start of a new test in the file."""
+    self.rst_file.write(
+        '################### NEW TEST STARTED ###################\n')
+    self.err_file.write(
+        '################### NEW TEST STARTED ###################\n')
+    self.prg_file.write(
+        '################### NEW TEST STARTED ###################\n')
+  def SendLineToError(self, test_info, error_info):
+    """Send test error (one-line) information to the error file.
+    Args:
+      test_info: test case related info: testID, start_time, key_word, etc
+      error_info: test errors, severity: critical/intermediate/low, and info
+    Returns:
+      returns the status of file write operation
+    """
+    now =
+    if test_info is not None:
+      line = (now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + self.params['delimiter']
+              + 'testID:' + test_info['testID'] + self.params['delimiter']
+              + 'TestStartAt:' + test_info['start_time']
+              + self.params['delimiter'] + 'Keyword:'
+              + test_info['key_word'] + self.params['delimiter']
+              + error_info['severity'] + self.params['delimiter']
+              + error_info['note'] + '\n')
+    else:
+      line = (now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + self.params['delimiter'] +
+              error_info['severity'] + self.params['delimiter']
+              + error_info['note'] + '\n')
+    if self.params['std_out'] > 0:
+      print line
+    return self.err_file.write(line)
+  def SendLineToProgress(self, test_info, progress_info):
+    """Send test progress (one-line) information to the progress file.
+    Args:
+      test_info: test case related info: testID, start_time, key_word, etc
+      progress_info: test progress indication
+                    {percent: [0-100]%, note: Information}
+    Returns:
+      returns the status of file write operation
+    """
+    now =
+    if test_info is not None:
+      line = (now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + self.params['delimiter']
+              + 'testID:' + test_info['testID'] + self.params['delimiter']
+              + 'TestStartAt:'+ test_info['start_time']
+              + self.params['delimiter'] + 'Keyword:' + test_info['key_word']
+              + self.params['delimiter'] + progress_info['percent']
+              + self.params['delimiter'] + progress_info['note'] + '\n')
+    else:
+      line = (now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + self.params['delimiter']
+              + progress_info['percent'] + self.params['delimiter']
+              + progress_info['note'] + '\n')
+    if self.params['std_out'] > 0:
+      print line
+    return self.prg_file.write(line)
+  def SendLine(self, test_info, info):
+    """Send test (one-line) information to the corresponding log file.
+    Args:
+      test_info: test case related info: testID, start_time, key_word, etc
+      info: test results/error/progress information (single line)
+            test_info could be "None" for class other than TestCase
+    Returns:
+      return the status of file write operation
+    """
+    if info['type'] == 'result':
+      return self.SendLineToResult(test_info, info)
+    elif info['type'] == 'error':
+      return self.SendLineToError(test_info, info)
+    elif info['type'] == 'progress':
+      return self.SendLineToProgress(test_info, info)
+  def SendLines(self, test_info, info):
+    """Send test output (multiple lines) to the corresponding log file.
+    Args:
+      test_info: test case related info: testID, start_time, key_word, etc
+      info: test results/error/progress information (single line)
+            test_info could be "None" for class other than TestCase
+    Returns:
+      return 1 when succeed
+    """
+    if info['type'] == 'result':
+      for line in info['note'].split('\n'):
+        if line == info['note'].split('\n')[0]:
+          dup_info = info.copy()
+          dup_info['note'] = line
+          self.SendLineToResult(test_info, dup_info)
+        else:
+          self.rst_file.write(line + '\n')
+          if self.params['std_out']: print line
+          self.rst_file.flush()
+    elif info['type'] == 'error':
+      for line in info['note'].split('\n'):
+        if line == info['note'].split('\n')[0]:
+          dup_info = info.copy()
+          dup_info['note'] = line
+          self.SendLineToError(test_info, dup_info)
+        else:
+          self.err_file.write(line + '\n')
+          if self.params['std_out']: print line
+          self.err_file.flush()
+    elif info['type'] == 'progress':
+      for line in info['note'].split('\n'):
+        if line == info['note'].split('\n')[0]:
+          dup_info = info.copy()
+          dup_info['note'] = line
+          self.SendLineToProgress(test_info, dup_info)
+        else:
+          self.prg_file.write(line + '\n')
+          if self.params['std_out']: print line
+          self.prg_file.flush()
+    return 1
+  def CreateResultInfo(self, status='Pass', msg=''):
+    """Create the result Info structure for logging.
+    Args:
+      status: has value 'Pass' or 'Fail'
+      msg: test results information line(s)
+    Returns:
+      returns the infomation structure that should be logged to file
+    """
+    d = {}
+    d.setdefault('type', 'result')
+    d.setdefault('Pass_Fail', status)
+    d.setdefault('note', msg)
+    return d
+  def CreateErrorInfo(self, severity='intermediate', msg=''):
+    """Create the error Info structure for logging.
+    Args:
+      severity: has value 'low', 'intermediate' or 'critical'
+      msg: test error information line(s)
+    Returns:
+      returns the infomation structure that should be logged to file
+    """
+    d = {}
+    d.setdefault('type', 'error')
+    d.setdefault('severity', severity)
+    d.setdefault('note', msg)
+    return d
+  def CreateProgressInfo(self, percent='0%', msg=''):
+    """Create the progress Info structure for logging.
+    Args:
+      percent: completeness of test progress, in %
+      msg: test progress information line(s)
+    Returns:
+      returns the infomation structure that should be logged to file
+    """
+    d = {}
+    d.setdefault('percent', percent)
+    d.setdefault('type', 'progress')
+    d.setdefault('note', msg)
+    return d
+  def __del__(self):
+    """Close the log files."""
+    self.rst_file.close()
+    self.err_file.close()
+    self.prg_file.close()
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+# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""This class creates SSH session to Device.
+This file defines the command/console interaction between the test
+instance and the CPE device. This includes ssh tunnel establishment,
+shell command passing, and device log collection, etc.
+__author__ = 'Lehan Meng ('
+import os
+import tempfile
+import time
+import pexpect
+class SSH(object):
+  """SSH class that create a ssh tunnel to the CPE device.
+  ssh tunnel can be established from various locations:
+    - from PC that on the same LAN of the device
+    - from PC that must ssh to device over authentication server (e.g., jump)
+    - from PC that must ssh to device over lab server (e.g., athenasrv3)
+  """
+  def __init__(self, dev=None, **kwargs):
+    """Initiated the SSH class.
+    If a device is used to initiate the SSH Class, try to create an ssh tunnel
+    using parameters provided by this device, otherwise use default parameter
+    values.
+    Args:
+      dev: a device instance, which has necessary parameters to create a
+              tunnel
+      kwargs['user']: ssh user name
+      kwargs['addr']: device ip address
+      kwargs['pwd']: ssh password
+      kwargs['bruno_prompt']: device shell command prompt
+      etc.
+    """
+    self.params = {
+      'user': 'root',
+      'addr': None,
+      'addr_ipv6': None,
+      'pwd': 'google',
+      'bruno_prompt': '\(none\)#',
+      'jump_server': '',
+      'jump_prompt': None,
+      'athena_user': None,
+      'athena_pwd': None,
+      'athena_prompt': None}
+    self.tmp_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+t')
+    self.__short_delay = 5  # 5 seconds delay
+    self.__delay = 10  # medium delay
+    self.__long_delay = 30  #long delay
+    for s in kwargs:
+      self.params[s] = kwargs[s]
+    #populate prompt on jump and athena server:
+    if self.params['athena_user'] is not 'None':
+      self.params['jump_prompt'] = self.params['athena_user'] + '@jmp101.nuq1:'
+      self.params['athena_prompt'] = ('[' + self.params['athena_user']
+                                      + '@athenasrv3 ~]$')
+    if dev is not None:
+      # parameters used to open an ssh tunnel to this device
+      for s in ('user', 'addr', 'pwd', 'bruno_prompt', 'addr_ipv6'):
+        self.params[s] = kwargs[s]
+  def Setlogging(self, logging):
+    """Setup the logging file(s)."""
+    self.log = logging
+  def Ssh(self):
+    """Setup an ssh tunnel to device, return immediately upon failure.
+    This method create an ssh tunnel from PC that on the same network of device
+    Returns:
+      return True when succeed, return False otherwise
+    """
+    # clear the temp file
+    self.tmp_file.close()
+    self.tmp_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+t')
+    ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting'
+    if self.params['addr_ipv6']:
+      addr = self.params['addr_ipv6']
+    else:
+      addr = self.params['addr']
+    p_ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh '+self.params['user']+'@'+addr)
+    i = p_ssh.expect(
+        [ssh_newkey, 'password:', self.params['bruno_prompt'], pexpect.EOF,
+         '\(none\)#', 'gfibertv#', pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+    while 1:
+      if i == 0:
+        print 'choose Yes'
+        p_ssh.sendline('yes')
+        i = p_ssh.expect(
+            [ssh_newkey, 'password:', self.params['bruno_prompt'], pexpect.EOF])
+      if i == 1:
+        print 'need password'
+        p_ssh.sendline(self.param['pwd'])
+        i = p_ssh.expect(
+            [ssh_newkey, 'password:', self.params['bruno_prompt'], pexpect.EOF])
+      if i == 2 or i == 4 or i == 5:
+        print 'Login OK'
+        p_ssh.logfile = self.tmp_file
+        self.p_ssh = p_ssh
+        if i == 4: self.params['bruno_prompt'] = '\(none\)#'
+        if i == 5: self.params['bruno_prompt'] = 'gfibertv#'
+        return True
+      if i == 3 or i == 6:
+        print 'Key or connection timeout'
+        return False
+      if i < 0 or i > 6:
+        print 'Error, quit'
+        return False
+  def SshFromAthena(self):
+    """Initiate an ssh tunnel from the athenasrv3 to the device.
+    Returns:
+      return True when succeed, return False otherwise
+    """
+    # clear the temp file
+    self.tmp_file.close()
+    self.tmp_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+t')
+    self.p_ssh.logfile = self.tmp_file
+    #Const
+    ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting'
+    self.p_ssh.sendline('ssh-agent /bin/bash')
+    self.p_ssh.expect(self.params['athena_prompt'])
+    #p_ssh.expect(self.params['athena_prompt'])
+    #print self.p_ssh.before, self.p_ssh.after
+    print '========================'
+    print 'add bruno key file:'
+    self.p_ssh.sendline('ssh-add /home/' + self.params['athena_user']
+                        + '/.ssh/bruno-sshkey')
+    self.p_ssh.expect(self.params['athena_prompt'])
+    #print self.p_ssh.before
+    if self.params['addr_ipv6']:
+      addr = self.params['addr_ipv6']
+    else:
+      addr = self.params['addr']
+    self.p_ssh.sendline('ssh '+self.params['user']+'@'+addr)
+    i = self.p_ssh.expect(
+        [ssh_newkey, 'password:', self.params['bruno_prompt'], pexpect.EOF,
+         '\(none\)#', 'gfibertv#', pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+    while 1:
+      if i == 0:
+        print 'choose Yes'
+        self.p_ssh.sendline('yes')
+        i = self.p_ssh.expect(
+            [ssh_newkey, 'password:', self.params['bruno_prompt'], pexpect.EOF])
+      if i == 1:
+        print 'need password'
+        self.p_ssh.sendline(self.params['pwd'])
+        i = self.p_ssh.expect(
+            [ssh_newkey, 'password:', self.params['bruno_prompt'], pexpect.EOF])
+      if i == 2 or i == 4 or i == 5:
+        print 'Login OK'
+        self.p_ssh.logfile = self.tmp_file
+        if i == 4: self.params['bruno_prompt'] = '\(none\)#'
+        if i == 5: self.params['bruno_prompt'] = 'gfibertv#'
+        return True
+      if i == 3 or i == 6:
+        print 'Key or connection timeout'
+        return False
+      if i < 0 or i > 6:
+        print 'Error, quit'
+        return False
+  def ExitToAthena(self):
+    """Terminate the ssh tunnel to device, and exit to athenasrv3."""
+    self.p_ssh.sendline('exit')
+    self.p_ssh.expect(self.params['athena_prompt'])
+    self.p_ssh.sendline('exit')
+    self.p_ssh.expect(self.params['athena_prompt'])
+  def SshToAthena(self):
+    """ssh to athenasrv3, over jump server from a Google PC.
+    This is for the reason that some test environment can only be accessed via
+    corp PC, authentication server (e.g., jump) and lab server
+    (e.g., athenasrv3)
+    Returns:
+      return True upon success
+    """
+    p_ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh -a ' + self.params['jump_server'])
+    print 'ssh -a ...'
+    #p_ssh.expect('lmeng@jmp101.nuq1:.*[\\$]')
+    i = p_ssh.expect(
+        [self.params['jump_prompt'], pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF],
+        self.__short_delay)
+    if i == 1 or i == 2:
+      info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
+            'critical', 'Cannot establish SSH tunnel to jump server.'
+            'Timeout or incorrect prompt!')
+      self.log.SendLine(None, info)
+    print p_ssh.before, p_ssh.after
+    print '========================'
+    p_ssh.sendline('ssh -a ' + self.params['athena_user'] + '@')
+    print 'ssh -a ' + self.params['athena_user'] + '@ ...'
+    i = p_ssh.expect([self.params['athena_user'] + '@\'s password:',
+                      pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], self.__short_delay)
+    if i == 1 or i == 2:
+      info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
+            'critical', 'Cannot establish SSH tunnel to athena server.'
+            'Timeout or incorrect prompt!')
+      self.log.SendLine(None, info)
+    print '========================'
+    print self.params['athena_user'] + '@\'s password:'
+    p_ssh.sendline(self.params['athena_pwd'])
+    p_ssh.expect(self.params['athena_prompt'])
+    p_ssh.expect(self.params['athena_prompt'])
+    print p_ssh.before
+    print '========================'
+    print 'login athena3'
+    self.p_ssh = p_ssh
+  def SshRetry(self, max_retry=20, retry_delay=15):
+    """Establish ssh connection to Device, retry upon failure.
+    Args:
+      max_retry: the total number of retry
+      retry_delay: delay between each ssh try
+    """
+    tunnel = self.Ssh()
+    if not tunnel:
+      retry = 0
+      while not tunnel and retry < max_retry:
+        delay = retry_delay
+        info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
+            'Warning', 'Failed to create ssh tunnel, retry after '
+            + str(delay) + ' seconds')
+        self.log.SendLine(None, info)
+        time.sleep(delay)
+        tunnel = self.p_ssh.Ssh()
+        retry += 1
+      if retry >= max_retry:
+        info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
+            'critical', 'Cannot establish ssh tunnel to Device within '
+            + str(max_retry*delay)
+            + ' seconds! Timeout or incorrect command prompt!')
+        self.log.SendLine(None, info)
+        os.sys.exit(1)
+    info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
+        '---', 'ssh session to Device successfully established!')
+    self.log.SendLine(None, info)
+  def SshRetryFromAthena(self, max_retry=5, retry_delay=15):
+    """Establish ssh connection to Device from athenasrv3, retry upon failure.
+    Args:
+      max_retry: the total number of retry
+      retry_delay: delay between each ssh try
+    """
+    tunnel = self.SshFromAthena()
+    if not tunnel:
+      retry = 0
+      while not tunnel and retry < max_retry:
+        delay = retry_delay
+        info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
+            'Warning', 'Failed to create ssh tunnel, retry after '
+            + str(delay) + ' seconds')
+        self.log.SendLine(None, info)
+        time.sleep(delay)
+        tunnel = self.SshFromAthena()
+        retry += 1
+      if retry >= max_retry:
+        info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
+            'critical', 'Cannot establish ssh tunnel to Device within '
+            + str(max_retry*delay)
+            + ' seconds! Timeout or incorrect command prompt!')
+        self.log.SendLine(None, info)
+        os.sys.exit(1)
+    info = self.log.CreateProgressInfo(
+        '---', 'ssh session to Device successfully established!')
+    self.log.SendLine(None, info)
+  def SendCmd(self, cmd):
+    """Send a command to the Device over ssh tunnel."""
+    self.p_ssh.sendline(cmd)
+    i = self.p_ssh.expect(
+        [self.params['bruno_prompt'], pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT], 10)
+    while 1:
+      if i == 0:
+        # send command successfully
+        return True
+      if i == 1 or i == 2:
+        # prompt not returned
+        info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
+            'Warning', 'Device not responding to shell command or timeout.'
+            ' Connect after 3 seconds ...')
+        self.log.SendLine(None, info)
+        time.sleep(3)
+        self.SshRetryFromAthena()
+        self.p_ssh.sendline(cmd)
+        i = self.p_ssh.expect(
+            [self.params['bruno_prompt'], pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT], 5)
+  def GetCmdOutput(self, buff_size=0):
+    """Get lines from the command output of the device, in a bottom up manner.
+    Args:
+      buff_size: if buff_size<=0, return all output of a command
+                if buff_size>0, return 'buff_size' from command output
+    Returns:
+      f_list: The most recent output lines comes at the begging of the f_list
+    """
+    if buff_size > 0:
+      f_list = reversed(self.tmp_file.readlines()[-buff_size:])
+    else:
+      f_list = reversed(self.tmp_file.readlines())
+    f_list = list(f_list)
+    return f_list
+  def IsClosed(self):
+    """Verify if the ssh tunnel is closed.
+    Returns:
+      return the status of ssh tunnel
+    """
+    return self.p_ssh.closed
+  def ExitStatus(self):
+    """Exit status of the ssh process.
+    Returns:
+      return the exit status of ssh process
+    """
+    return self.p_ssh.ExitStatus
+  def SignalStatus(self):
+    """Signal status of the ssh process.
+    Returns:
+      return the signal status of ssh process
+    """
+    return self.p_ssh.SignalStatus
+  def Close(self):
+    # exit the ssh tunnel
+    self.p_ssh.sendline('exit')
+    i = self.expect([self.p_ssh.params['athena_prompt'],
+                     self.p_ssh.params['jump_prompt'],
+                     self.p_ssh.params['bruno_prompt'],
+                     pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+    while 1:
+      if i == 0:
+        # now at athena server:
+        self.p_ssh.sendline('exit')
+        i = self.expect([self.p_ssh.params['athena_prompt'],
+                         self.p_ssh.params['jump_prompt'],
+                         self.p_ssh.params['bruno_prompt'],
+                         pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+      elif i == 1:
+        # now at jump server:
+        self.p_ssh.sendline('exit')
+        break
+      elif i == 2:
+        # now at bruno:
+        self.p_ssh.sendline('exit')
+        i = self.expect([self.p_ssh.params['athena_prompt'],
+                         self.p_ssh.params['jump_prompt'],
+                         self.p_ssh.params['bruno_prompt'],
+                         pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+      elif i == 3 or i == 4:
+        # time out:
+        print 'Timeout when closing the ssh tunnel!'
+        break
+      else:
+        print 'Error'
+        break
+  def __del__(self):
+    self.tempFile.Close()
+    self.p_ssh.Close()
+# End of SSH class
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81e289d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""This class defines the base class for automated Bruno test cases.
+This file also defines some basic functions that is required for
+most test cases. Users can define their own functions in the extended
+class, the Run() method should be use as the start point of test case.
+__author__ = 'Lehan Meng ('
+import datetime
+import logging
+import re
+class TestCase(object):
+  """Base class for all test cases.
+  This base class provides basic functions for the test case:
+    - configure file parsing
+    - logging
+    - test information creation
+    - etc.
+  Test case starts in the Run() method, test case specific code can be
+  placed in here.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    """Initiate a test class instance.
+    Args:
+      kwargs['testID']: The assigned test ID on TCM
+      kwargs['title']: Title (section number) of the test case
+      kwargs['start_time']: Start time of the test case (for statistic purpose)
+      kwargs['key_word']: the label of the test case
+      kwargs['description']: description if required
+    """
+    self.test_info = {
+                      'testID': '0',
+                      'title': 'None',
+                      'start_time': str(
+                                        .strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')),
+                      'key_word': 'None',
+                      'description': 'None',
+                      'configFile': 'config.cfg'}
+    self.params = {}
+    for s in ('testID', 'title', 'start_time', 'key_word',
+              'description', 'configFile'):
+      if s in kwargs:
+        self.test_info[s] = kwargs[s]
+    self.log = logging.Logging()
+    self.ParseConfig()
+    self.Run()
+  def ParseConfig(self):
+    """Parse the configuration file for test case.
+    The structure of the configuration file:
+    Each test case configuration begins with its testID in a sigle line,
+    the following lines have the format:
+    ############# configuration for Test 11362 ########################
+    testID: 11362
+    parameter_1 = value_1
+    parameter_2 = value_2
+    parameter_3 = value_3
+    ...
+    ############# configuration for Test 11363 ########################
+    testID: 11363
+    parameter_1 = value_1
+    parameter_2 = value_2
+    parameter_3 = value_3
+    ...
+    ############# comment line start with '#' #########################
+    Returns:
+      reuturn 1 if succeed
+    """
+    # dictionary for params
+    self.cfg_file = open(self.test_info['configFile'], 'r')
+    cfg_list = self.cfg_file.readlines()
+    test_id_matched = False
+    for line in cfg_list:
+      s = line.lstrip().strip().strip('\n')
+      m = re.match('testID: ' + str(self.test_info['testID']), s)
+      if (m is not None) and not s.startswith('#'):
+        # test case matching succeed
+        test_id_matched = True
+        # get next line index:
+        index = cfg_list.index(line)+1
+        if index >= len(cfg_list):
+          # end of file  reached
+          info = self.log.createErrorInfo(
+              'Low',
+              'Warning: No configuration found for this test case in file: '
+              + self.test_info['configFile'])
+          self.log.sendLine(self.test_info, info)
+        s = cfg_list[index]
+        s = s.lstrip().rstrip()
+        s = s.split('#', 2)[0]
+        m = re.match('testID: ', s)
+        while m is None:
+          # not reaching configuration for next test case,
+          # read and create current test case configuration data as dictionary
+          # format: parameter = value
+          if s is not '' and not s.startswith('#'):
+            name = s.split('=')[0].strip().lstrip()
+            value = s.split('=')[1].strip().lstrip()
+            if not value or value == 'None':
+              self.params[name] = None
+            else:
+              self.params[name] = value
+          index += 1
+          if index == len(cfg_list): break
+          s = cfg_list[index]
+          s = s.lstrip().rstrip()
+          m = re.match('testID: ', s)
+    # all configuration parsed
+    self.cfg_file.close()
+    if not test_id_matched:
+      # end of file  reached
+      info = self.log.createErrorInfo(
+          'Low', 'Warning: No configuration found for this test case in file: '
+          + self.test_info['configFile'])
+      self.log.sendLine(self.test_info, info)
+    return True
+  def AddConfigParams(self, par='par', value='value'):
+    """Add new parameter to the params list.
+    Args:
+      par: parameter name
+      value: parameter value
+    """
+    self.params.setdefault(par.strip().lstrip(), value.strip().lstrip())
+  def __del__(self):
+    pass
+  #################### define your own functions here #######################
+  def Run(self):
+    """Starts to Run the test case."""
+    ##### Add your code here -- BEGIN #######
+    print 'Test Started...'
+    print 'Test Completed...'
+    ##### Add your code here -- END   #######
+  def Destructor(self):
+    pass
\ No newline at end of file