blob: 4025428d811b146245cbda619821089b940f7e83 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""This File executes create/modify/delete operations on ACS datastore.
This class is used to interact with scripts that directly modifies
ACS datastore configuration. These ACS related actions may require
google3 dependencies
__author__ = 'Lehan Meng ('
import os
import re
class ACS(object):
"""This class executes operations that change Device profiles on ACS."""
def __init__(self, expected_version=None, **kwargs):
"""Constructor for this Class."""
self.acs_info = {
'url': None,
# expected image version ID on ACS
'imageVersion': expected_version,
'outfile': 'cmdOutput.txt'}
for s in kwargs:
self.acs_info[s] = kwargs[s]
def SetLogging(self, log):
"""Setup the logging file(s)."""
self.log = log
def SetImageVersion(self, expected_version):
"""Set the expected image version that needs to be configured at ACS.
expected_version: the version string of the expected image.
m = re.match('\d+', expected_version)
if m is None:
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Error! Please use software id as expected image version value')
self.log.SendLine(None, info)
self.acs_info['imageVersion'] = expected_version
def SaveConfiguration(self):
"""Run the ACS configuration script from Google3 location."""
cur_dir = os.getcwd()
print '============' + cur_dir
print '============' + os.getcwd()
'blaze test --notest_loasd --test_arg=--imageVersion='
+ self.acs_info['imageVersion']
+ ' --test_strategy=local :bulkupgrade_test ')
print '============' + os.getcwd()
def StubbyClientCall(self, cmd=None):
"""This is the nbi_client stubby call to get parameter names and values."""
p = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
log_list = []
while 1:
line = p.readline()
if not line: break
return log_list
def ParseParameterNames(self, cmd_list):
"""Parse the command output from nbi_client, retrieve parameter names."""
if ('FAILED' in cmd_list[0]) or (not 'SUCCESS' in cmd_list[0]):
info = self.log.CreateErrorInfo(
'Critical', 'nbi_clienet call failed. Check log for details.')
self.log.SendLine(None, info)
return False
chk_list = []
for line in cmd_list:
if 'name:' in line:
output = re.sub('.*\"(.*)\".*', r'\1', line)
output = re.sub(r'(\.)[\d]+(\.)', r'\1{i}\2', output)
if chk_list.count(output) < 1:
return chk_list
if __name__ == '__main__':