ginstall: support fiberjack bootloader updates

The current line of FiberJack products (GFLT110/GFLT120) and the new
Go-Long FiberJack (GFLT300) have their bootloader partition set as
"uboot". Add support to ginstall to properly identify "uboot" as the
FiberJack bootloader partition.

Change-Id: Ie73254e27445a7c5db59f423b270a74dfee343e8
diff --git a/ginstall/ b/ginstall/
index fd95163..983d76c 100755
--- a/ginstall/
+++ b/ginstall/
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@
   loader_start = loader.filelike.tell()
   installed = False
-  for i in ['cfe', 'loader', 'loader0', 'loader1', 'flash0.bolt']:
+  for i in ['cfe', 'loader', 'loader0', 'loader1', 'flash0.bolt', 'uboot']:
     mtd = GetMtdDevForNameOrNone(i)
     if mtd:
       WriteLoaderToMtd(loader, loader_start, mtd, 'loader')