blob: bbebdf0d1e7fc5c2a0562310a091441582193729 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "experiments.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "utils.h"
using namespace libexperiments_utils; // NOLINT
Experiments *experiments = NULL;
int DefaultExperimentsRegisterFunc(const char *name) {
std::vector<std::string> cmd({"register_experiment", name});
std::ostringstream out, err;
int64_t timeout_usec = secs_to_usecs(5);
int status;
int ret = run_cmd(cmd, "", &status, &out, &err, timeout_usec);
if (ret < 0 || status != 0) {
log("experiments:Error-Cannot register '%s', ret:%d status:%d stdout:%s "
"stderr:%s", name, ret, status, out.str().c_str(),
return 0; // boolean false
return 1; // boolean true
int DummyExperimentsRegisterFunc(const char *name) {
return 1; // boolean true
bool Experiments::Initialize(
const std::string &config_dir, int64_t min_time_between_refresh_usec,
experiments_register_func_t register_func,
const std::vector<std::string> &names_to_register) {
log("experiments:initializing - config_dir:%s min_time_between_refresh:%"
PRId64 " us", config_dir.c_str(), min_time_between_refresh_usec);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock_guard(lock_);
if (register_func == NULL) {
log("experiments:Error-register_func is NULL");
return false;
if (!directory_exists(config_dir.c_str())) {
log("experiments:Error-config_dir '%s' does not exist", config_dir.c_str());
return false;
if (min_time_between_refresh_usec < 0)
min_time_between_refresh_usec = 0;
config_dir_ = config_dir;
register_func_ = register_func;
min_time_between_refresh_usec_ = min_time_between_refresh_usec;
if (!Register_Locked(names_to_register))
return false;
// initial read of registered experiments states
initialized_ = true;
return true;
bool Experiments::Register(const std::vector<std::string> &names) {
if (!IsInitialized()) {
log("experiments:Cannot register, not initialized!");
return false;
return Register_Unlocked(names);
bool Experiments::Register_Unlocked(const std::vector<std::string> &names) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock_guard(lock_);
return Register_Locked(names);
bool Experiments::Register_Locked(const std::vector<std::string> &names) {
for (const auto &name : names) {
if (IsInRegisteredList(name)) {
log("experiments:'%s' already registered", name.c_str());
// call external register function
if (!register_func_(name.c_str()))
return false; // no reason to continue
log("experiments:Registered '%s'", name.c_str());
return true;
bool Experiments::IsRegistered(const std::string &name) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock_guard(lock_);
return IsInRegisteredList(name);
bool Experiments::IsEnabled(const std::string &name) {
if (!IsInitialized())
return false; // silent return to avoid log flooding
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock_guard(lock_);
if (us_elapse(last_time_refreshed_usec_) >= min_time_between_refresh_usec_) {
return IsInEnabledList(name);
void Experiments::Refresh() {
for (const auto &name : registered_experiments_)
last_time_refreshed_usec_ = us_elapse(0);
void Experiments::UpdateState(const std::string &name) {
if (!IsInRegisteredList(name)) {
log("experiments:'%s' not registered", name.c_str());
std::string file_path = config_dir_ + "/" + name + ".active";
bool was_enabled = IsInEnabledList(name);
bool is_enabled = file_exists(file_path.c_str());
if (is_enabled && !was_enabled) {
log("experiments:'%s' is now enabled", name.c_str());
} else if (!is_enabled && was_enabled) {
log("experiments:'%s' is now disabled", name.c_str());
// API for C programs
int experiments_initialize(const char *config_dir,
int64_t min_time_between_refresh_usec,
experiments_register_func_t register_func) {
if (register_func == NULL)
register_func = DefaultExperimentsRegisterFunc;
experiments = new Experiments();
return experiments->Initialize(config_dir, min_time_between_refresh_usec,
register_func, {""});
int experiments_is_initialized() {
return experiments ? experiments->IsInitialized() : false;
int experiments_register(const char *name) {
return experiments ? experiments->Register(name) : false;
int experiments_is_registered(const char *name) {
return experiments ? experiments->IsRegistered(name) : false;
int experiments_is_enabled(const char *name) {
return experiments ? experiments->IsEnabled(name) : false;