wifi_files: retain data longer and add tests.

wifi_files relies on nl80211 to supply data about clients, but
nl80211 forgets about clients after 5 minutes idle. We want to
report data about the client for longer than that. Have wifi_files
retain the last known data about each client.

+ add unit tests. The actual netlink operations are hard to
  test on the build system, but many utility methods can be tested.
+ switch from the SVr4 hash functions to the much-more-sane glib.
+ track MCS and channel width, and the maximum MCS and width we've
  seen from the client.
+ log information about clients to stdout periodically.

Fixes b/21446814
Fixes b/22152957

Change-Id: I1e40a92729ca24b6857a21c49aa49d206707c49c
3 files changed