Clean up 'minijail0' help message.

Make punctuation and capitalization consistent:
-The help text for a flag is always capitalized, unless it starts
with the name of a system call.
-The help text for a flag always ends with a period.

Bug: None
Change-Id: I8e3dc8bd27b901df4c8e1d15df85352430655f2e
diff --git a/minijail0.c b/minijail0.c
index 0be0b6a..f55e0b3 100644
--- a/minijail0.c
+++ b/minijail0.c
@@ -93,59 +93,60 @@
 	size_t i;
-	printf("Usage: %s [-GhiInprsvtUl] [-b <src>,<dest>[,<writeable>]] [-f <file>]"
-	       "[-c <caps>] [-C <dir>] [-g <group>] [-S <file>] [-u <user>] "
-	       "[-k <src>,<dest>,<type>[,<flags>]] [-T <type>] "
-	       "[-m \"<uid> <loweruid> <count>[,<uid> <loweruid> <count>]\"] "
-	       "[-M \"<gid> <lowergid> <count>[,<uid> <loweruid> <count>]\"] "
-	       "<program> [args...]\n"
-	       "  -a <table>: use alternate syscall table <table>\n"
-	       "  -b:         binds <src> to <dest> in chroot. Multiple "
-	       "instances allowed\n"
-	       "  -k:         mount <src> to <dest> in chroot. Multiple "
-	       "instances allowed, flags are passed to mount(2)\n"
-	       "  -c <caps>:  restrict caps to <caps>\n"
-	       "  -C <dir>:   chroot to <dir>\n"
-	       "              Not compatible with -P\n"
-	       "  -e[file]:   enter new network namespace, or existing one if 'file' is provided\n"
-	       "  -f <file>:  write the pid of the jailed process to <file>\n"
-	       "  -G:         inherit secondary groups from uid\n"
-	       "  -g <group>: change gid to <group>\n"
-	       "  -h:         help (this message)\n"
-	       "  -H:         seccomp filter help message\n"
-	       "  -i:         exit immediately after fork (do not act as init)\n"
-	       "              Not compatible with -p\n"
-	       "  -I:         run <program> as init (pid 1) inside a new pid namespace (implies -p)\n"
-	       "  -l:         enter new IPC namespace\n"
-	       "  -L:         report blocked syscalls to syslog when using seccomp filter.\n"
+	printf("Usage: %s [-GhiIlnprstUv]\n"
+	       "  [-b <src>,<dest>[,<writeable>]] [-f <file>]"
+	       " [-c <caps>] [-C <dir>] [-g <group>] [-u <user>]\n"
+	       "  [-S <file>] [-k <src>,<dest>,<type>[,<flags>]] [-T <type>]\n"
+	       "  [-m \"<uid> <loweruid> <count>[,<uid> <loweruid> <count>]\"]\n"
+	       "  [-M \"<gid> <lowergid> <count>[,<uid> <loweruid> <count>]\"]\n"
+	       "  <program> [args...]\n"
+	       "  -a <table>: Use alternate syscall table <table>.\n"
+	       "  -b:         Binds <src> to <dest> in chroot.\n"
+	       "              Multiple instances allowed.\n"
+	       "  -k:         Mount <src> to <dest> in chroot.\n"
+	       "              Multiple instances allowed, flags are passed to mount(2).\n"
+	       "  -c <caps>:  Restrict caps to <caps>.\n"
+	       "  -C <dir>:   chroot(2) to <dir>.\n"
+	       "              Not compatible with -P.\n"
+	       "  -e[file]:   Enter new network namespace, or existing one if 'file' is provided.\n"
+	       "  -f <file>:  Write the pid of the jailed process to <file>.\n"
+	       "  -G:         Inherit supplementary groups from uid.\n"
+	       "  -g <group>: Change gid to <group>.\n"
+	       "  -h:         Help (this message).\n"
+	       "  -H:         Seccomp filter help message.\n"
+	       "  -i:         Exit immediately after fork (do not act as init).\n"
+	       "              Not compatible with -p.\n"
+	       "  -I:         Run <program> as init (pid 1) inside a new pid namespace (implies -p).\n"
+	       "  -l:         Enter new IPC namespace.\n"
+	       "  -L:         Report blocked syscalls to syslog when using seccomp filter.\n"
 	       "              Forces the following syscalls to be allowed:\n"
 	       "                  ", progn);
 	for (i = 0; i < log_syscalls_len; i++)
 		printf("%s ", log_syscalls[i]);
-	       "  -m:         set the uid mapping of a user namespace (implies -pU).\n"
+	       "  -m:         Set the uid mapping of a user namespace (implies -pU).\n"
 	       "              Same arguments as newuidmap(1), multiple mappings should be separated by ',' (comma).\n"
-	       "              Not compatible with -b without writable\n"
-	       "  -M:         set the gid mapping of a user namespace (implies -pU).\n"
+	       "              Not compatible with -b without the 'writable' option.\n"
+	       "  -M:         Set the gid mapping of a user namespace (implies -pU).\n"
 	       "              Same arguments as newgidmap(1), multiple mappings should be separated by ',' (comma).\n"
-	       "              Not compatible with -b without writable\n"
-	       "  -n:         set no_new_privs\n"
-	       "  -p:         enter new pid namespace (implies -vr)\n"
-	       "  -P <dir>:   pivot_root to <dir> (implies -v)\n"
-	       "              Not compatible with -C\n"
-	       "  -r:         remount /proc read-only (implies -v)\n"
-	       "  -s:         use seccomp\n"
-	       "  -S <file>:  set seccomp filter using <file>\n"
-	       "              E.g., -S /usr/share/filters/<prog>.$(uname -m)\n"
-	       "              Requires -n when not running as root\n"
-	       "  -t:         mount tmpfs at /tmp inside chroot\n"
-	       "  -T <type>:  assume <program> is a <type> ELF binary.\n"
+	       "              Not compatible with -b without the 'writable' option.\n"
+	       "  -n:         Set no_new_privs.\n"
+	       "  -p:         Enter new pid namespace (implies -vr).\n"
+	       "  -P <dir>:   pivot_root(2) to <dir> (implies -v).\n"
+	       "              Not compatible with -C.\n"
+	       "  -r:         Remount /proc read-only (implies -v).\n"
+	       "  -s:         Use seccomp.\n"
+	       "  -S <file>:  Set seccomp filter using <file>.\n"
+	       "              E.g., '-S /usr/share/filters/<prog>.$(uname -m)'.\n"
+	       "              Requires -n when not running as root.\n"
+	       "  -t:         Mount tmpfs at /tmp inside chroot.\n"
+	       "  -T <type>:  Assume <program> is a <type> ELF binary.\n"
 	       "              Must be 'static' or 'dynamic'.\n"
-	       "  -u <user>:  change uid to <user>\n"
-	       "  -U          enter new user namespace (implies -p)\n"
-	       "  -v:         enter new mount namespace\n"
-	       "  -V <file>:  enter specified mount namespace\n");
+	       "  -u <user>:  Change uid to <user>.\n"
+	       "  -U          Enter new user namespace (implies -p).\n"
+	       "  -v:         Enter new mount namespace.\n"
+	       "  -V <file>:  Enter specified mount namespace.\n");
 static void seccomp_filter_usage(const char *progn)