Refactor treegroup= and chart=tree features.

treegroup= is now split into three separate transforms: treegroup,
finishtree, and cracktree.

The new treegroup just does exactly the same thing as group=, except it
always produces exactly one output column, _tree, which is formed by
join('|') of all the key columns.  The resulting string is essentially the
pathname of the object inside the tree.  Because of this change, you can now
provide your own trees more easily, just by producing data with | separators
in it.  You can also combine two or more such columns (if you're careful!)
using treegroup.

finishtree takes a key list where the last element is expected to be a
treegroup column.  It fills in any missing points in the hierarchy.  So if
the treegroup has rows 'x|y|z' and 'p|q|r', it adds new rows 'x|y', 'x',
'p|q', 'p', and ''.

cracktree splits the _tree column into two columns, _id and _parent, which
is the format expected by chart=tree.  It also makes sure only one object
points directly at the root (an arbitrary rule enforced by gviz.TreeChart)
by renaming all references to '' into 'ALL' and then pointing 'ALL' at ''.

Finally, chart=tree now auto-runs finishtree and cracktree if the first
column is named _tree.  This means queries that use
treegroup=whatever&chart=tree will continue to work.
diff --git a/render.js b/render.js
index 17ec250..1b2f290 100644
--- a/render.js
+++ b/render.js
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
   function colNameToColNum(grid, colname) {
     var keycol = (colname == '*') ? 0 : grid.headers.indexOf(colname);
     if (keycol < 0) {
-      throw new Error('unknown column name "' + key + '"');
+      throw new Error('unknown column name "' + colname + '"');
     return keycol;
@@ -337,9 +337,9 @@
           field = values[valuei];
         var colnum = keyToColNum(ingrid, field);
-        console.debug('v', values[valuei], func, field);
         if (!func) {
-          if (ingrid.types[colnum] === T_NUM) {
+          if (ingrid.types[colnum] === T_NUM ||
+	      ingrid.types[colnum]===T_BOOL) {
             func = agg_funcs.sum;
           } else {
             func = agg_funcs.count;
@@ -455,52 +455,115 @@
     return out;
-  var KEY_ALL = ['ALL'];
-  function treeify(ingrid, nkeys) {
+  function treeJoinKeys(ingrid, nkeys) {
     var outgrid = {
-        headers: ['_id', '_parent'].concat(ingrid.headers.slice(nkeys)),
-        types: [T_STRING, T_STRING].concat(ingrid.types.slice(nkeys)),
+        headers: ['_tree'].concat(ingrid.headers.slice(nkeys)),
+        types: [T_STRING].concat(ingrid.types.slice(nkeys)),
         data: []
-    var seen = {};
-    var missing = {};
-    var add = function(key, values) {
-      var pkey = key.slice(0, key.length - 1);
-      if (!pkey.length && key != KEY_ALL) pkey = KEY_ALL;
-[key.join('|'), pkey.join('|')].concat(values));
-      if (pkey.length && !(pkey in seen)) {
-        missing[pkey] = pkey;
-      }
-      if (key in missing) {
-        delete missing[key];
-      }
-      seen[key] = 1;
-    };
     for (var rowi in {
       var row =[rowi];
       var key = row.slice(0, nkeys);
-      add(stringifiedCols(row.slice(0, nkeys),
-                          ingrid.types.slice(0, nkeys)),
-          row.slice(nkeys));
-    }
-    var done = 0;
-    for (var i = 0; i < * nkeys && !done; i++) {
-      for (var missi in missing) {
-        var miss = missing[missi];
-        add(miss, []);
-        done = 0;
-        break;
-      }
+      var newkey = stringifiedCols(row.slice(0, nkeys),
+				   ingrid.types.slice(0, nkeys)).join('|');
     return outgrid;
+  function finishTree(ingrid, keys) {
+    if (keys.length < 1) {
+      keys = ['_tree'];
+    }
+    var outgrid = {headers: ingrid.headers, data: [], types: ingrid.types};
+    var keycols = [];
+    for (var keyi in keys) {
+      keycols.push(keyToColNum(ingrid, keys[keyi]));
+    }
+    var seen = {};
+    var needed = {};
+    for (var rowi in {
+      var row =[rowi];
+      var key = [];
+      for (var keyi in keycols) {
+	var keycol = keycols[keyi];
+	key.push(row[keycol]);
+      }
+      seen[key] = 1;
+      delete needed[key];
+      var treekey = key.pop().split('|');
+      while (treekey.length > 0) {
+	treekey.pop();
+	var pkey = key.concat([treekey.join('|')]);
+	if (pkey in needed || pkey in seen) break;
+	needed[pkey] = [treekey.slice(), row];
+      }
+    }
+    var treecol = keycols.pop();
+    for (var needkey in needed) {
+      var treekey = needed[needkey][0];
+      var inrow = needed[needkey][1];
+      var outrow = []
+      for (var keycoli in keycols) {
+	var keycol = keycols[keycoli];
+	outrow[keycol] = inrow[keycol];
+      }
+      outrow[treecol] = treekey.join('|');
+    }
+    return outgrid;
+  }
+  function crackTree(ingrid, key) {
+    if (!key) {
+      key = '_tree';
+    }
+    var keycol = keyToColNum(ingrid, key);
+    var outgrid = {
+      headers:
+        [].concat(ingrid.headers.slice(0, keycol),
+		  ['_id', '_parent'],
+		  ingrid.headers.slice(keycol + 1)),
+      data: [],
+      types:
+        [].concat(ingrid.types.slice(0, keycol),
+		  ingrid.types.slice(keycol + 1))
+    };
+    for (var rowi in {
+      var row =[rowi];
+      var key = row[keycol];
+      var pkey;
+      if (!key) {
+	key = 'ALL';
+	pkey = '';
+      } else {
+	var keylist = key.split('|');
+	keylist.pop();
+	pkey = keylist.join('|');
+	if (!pkey) {
+	  pkey = 'ALL';
+	}
+      }
+[].concat(row.slice(0, keycol),
+				  [key, pkey],
+				  row.slice(keycol + 1)));
+   }
+    return outgrid;
+  }
   function splitNoEmpty(s, splitter) {
     if (!s) return [];
     return s.split(splitter);
@@ -569,7 +632,27 @@
     console.debug('treegrouping by', keys, values);
     grid = groupBy(grid, keys, values);
-    grid = treeify(grid, keys.length);
+    grid = treeJoinKeys(grid, keys.length);
+    console.debug('grid:', grid);
+    return grid;
+  }
+  function doFinishTree(grid, argval) {
+    console.debug('finishTree:', argval);
+    var keys = splitNoEmpty(argval, ',');
+    console.debug('finishtree with keys', keys);
+    grid = finishTree(grid, keys);
+    console.debug('grid:', grid);
+    return grid;
+  }
+  function doCrackTree(grid, argval) {
+    console.debug('crackTree:', argval);
+    var keys = splitNoEmpty(argval, ',');
+    console.debug('cracktree with key', keys[0]);
+    grid = crackTree(grid, keys[0]);
     console.debug('grid:', grid);
     return grid;
@@ -922,6 +1005,10 @@
         transform(doGroupBy, argval);
       } else if (argkey == 'treegroup') {
         transform(doTreeGroupBy, argval);
+      } else if (argkey == 'finishtree') {
+        transform(doFinishTree, argval);
+      } else if (argkey == 'cracktree') {
+        transform(doCrackTree, argval);
       } else if (argkey == 'pivot') {
         transform(doPivotBy, argval);
       } else if (argkey == 'filter') {
@@ -986,6 +1073,10 @@
         } else if (charttype == 'pie') {
           t = new google.visualization.PieChart(el);
         } else if (charttype == 'tree') {
+	  if (grid.headers[0] == '_tree') {
+	    grid = finishTree(grid, ['_tree']);
+	    grid = crackTree(grid, '_tree');
+	  }
 	  maybeSet(options, 'maxDepth', 3);
 	  maybeSet(options, 'maxPostDepth', 1);
 	  maybeSet(options, 'showScale', 1);
@@ -1235,7 +1326,6 @@
       groupBy: groupBy,
       pivotBy: pivotBy,
       stringifiedCols: stringifiedCols,
-      treeify: treeify,
       filterBy: filterBy,
       queryBy: queryBy,
       orderBy: orderBy,