blob: e7b1d927af5c63e76c4c4c687a149e699a16bc2b [file] [log] [blame]
var files = {};
function lookup(filename, line) {
var f = files[filename];
if (!f) {
f = files[filename] = read(filename).split('\n');
return f[line-1]; // file line numbers are 1-based
function trace() {
var FILELINE_RE = /[\b\s]\(?([^:\s]+):(\d+)/;
var out = [];
var e = Error().stack;
var lines = e.split('\n');
for (i in lines) {
if (i > 2) {
g = lines[i].match(FILELINE_RE);
if (g) {
out.push([g[1], parseInt(g[2])]);
} else {
out.push(['UNKNOWN', 0]);
return out;
function _pad(len, s) {
s += '';
while (s.length < len) {
s += ' ';
return s;
function _check(cond, trace, condstr) {
print('!', _pad(15, trace[0] + ':' + trace[1]),
_pad(54, condstr),
cond ? 'ok' : 'FAILED');
function _content(trace) {
var WV_RE = /WV[\w_]+\((.*)\)/;
var line = lookup(trace[0], trace[1]);
var g = line.match(WV_RE);
return g ? g[1] : '...';
function WVPASS(cond) {
var t = trace()[1];
if (arguments.length >= 1) {
var condstr = _content(t);
return _check(cond, t, condstr);
} else {
// WVPASS() with no arguments is a pass, although cond would
// default to false
return _check(true, t, '');
function WVFAIL(cond) {
var t = trace()[1];
if (arguments.length >= 1) {
var condstr = 'NOT(' + _content(t) + ')';
return _check(!cond, t, condstr);
} else {
// WVFAIL() with no arguments is a fail, although cond would
// default to false (which is a pass)
return _check(false, t, 'NOT()')
function WVEXCEPT(etype, func) {
var t = trace()[1];
try {
} catch (e) {
return _check(e instanceof etype, t, e);
return _check(false, t, 'no exception: ' + etype);
function WVPASSEQ(a, b, precision) {
var t = trace()[1];
var cond = precision ? Math.abs(a-b) < precision : (a == b);
return _check(cond, t, '' + a + ' == ' + b);
function WVPASSNE(a, b, precision) {
var t = trace()[1];
var cond = precision ? Math.abs(a-b) >= precision : (a != b);
return _check(a != b, t, '' + a + ' != ' + b);
function WVPASSLT(a, b) {
var t = trace()[1];
return _check(a < b, t, '' + a + ' < ' + b);
function WVPASSGT(a, b) {
var t = trace()[1];
return _check(a > b, t, '' + a + ' > ' + b);
function WVPASSLE(a, b) {
var t = trace()[1];
return _check(a <= b, t, '' + a + ' <= ' + b);
function WVPASSGE(a, b) {
var t = trace()[1];
return _check(a >= b, t, '' + a + ' >= ' + b);
function wvtest(name, f) {
print('\nTesting "' + name + '" in ' + trace()[1][0] + ':');
return f();
function print_trace() {
function x() {
function y(a) {
print("y(", a, ")");
z(a+5, a+6);
function z(a,b) {
print("z(", a, b, ")");
print("Hello world");
wvtest('selftests', function() {
WVFAIL(1 == 2);
WVEXCEPT(ReferenceError, function() { does_not_exist });
WVEXCEPT(TypeError, null);
WVPASSEQ('5', 5);
WVPASSNE('5', 6);
WVPASSNE(0.3, 1/3);
WVPASSEQ(0.3, 1/3, 0.04);
WVPASSNE(0.3, 1/3, 0.03);
WVPASSLT('5', 6);
WVPASSGT('6', '5');
WVPASSLE('5', '6');
WVPASSGE('5', 4);