blob: 34985a9d8bffdc6ef59d6aa8a3adb3f3cb64c1c1 [file] [log] [blame]
;* SciTech OS Portability Manager Library
;* ========================================================================
;* The contents of this file are subject to the SciTech MGL Public
;* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
;* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
;* the License at
;* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
;* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
;* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
;* rights and limitations under the License.
;* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1991-1998 SciTech Software, Inc.
;* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SciTech Software, Inc.
;* All Rights Reserved.
;* ========================================================================
;* Based on original code Copyright 1994 Otto Chrons
;* Language: 80386 Assembler, TASM 4.0 or later
;* Environment: IBM PC 32 bit protected mode
;* Description: Low level page fault handler for virtual linear framebuffers.
include "scitech.mac" ; Memory model macros
header _vflat ; Set up memory model
ifdef DOS4GW
; DOS4G/W flat linear framebuffer emulation.
begdataseg _vflat
; Near pointers to the page directory base and our page tables. All of
; this memory is always located in the first Mb of DOS memory.
PDBR dd 0 ; Page directory base register (CR3)
accessPageAddr dd 0
accessPageTable dd 0
; CauseWay page directory & 1st page table linear addresses.
CauseWayDIRLinear dd 0
CauseWay1stLinear dd 0
; Place to store a copy of the original Page Table Directory before we
; intialised our virtual buffer code.
pageDirectory: resd 1024 ; Saved page table directory
ValidCS dw 0 ; Valid CS for page faults
Ring0CS dw 0 ; Our ring 0 code selector
LastPage dd 0 ; Last page we mapped in
BankFuncBuf: resb 101 ; Place to store bank switch code
BankFuncPtr dd offset BankFuncBuf
INT14Offset dd 0 ; eip of original vector
INT14Selector dw 0 ; cs of original vector
cextern _PM_savedDS,USHORT
cextern VF_haveCauseWay,BOOL
enddataseg _vflat
begcodeseg _vflat ; Start of code segment
cextern VF_malloc,FPTR
; PF_handler64k - Page fault handler for 64k banks
; The handler below is a 32 bit ring 0 page fault handler. It receives
; control immediately after any page fault or after an IRQ6 (hardware
; interrupt). This provides the fastest possible handling of page faults
; since it jump directly here. If this is a page fault, the number
; immediately on the stack will be an error code, at offset 4 will be
; the eip of the faulting instruction, at offset 8 will be the cs of the
; faulting instruction. If it is a hardware interrupt, it will not have
; the error code and the eflags will be at offset 8.
cprocfar PF_handler64k
; Check if this is a processor exeception or a page fault
push eax
mov ax,[cs:ValidCS] ; Use CS override to access data
cmp [ss:esp+12],ax ; Is this a page fault?
jne @@ToOldHandler ; Nope, jump to the previous handler
; Get address of page fault and check if within our handlers range
mov eax,cr2 ; EBX has page fault linear address
cmp eax,VFLAT_START ; Is the fault less than ours?
jb @@ToOldHandler ; Yep, go to previous handler
cmp eax,VFLAT_END ; Is the fault more than ours?
jae @@ToOldHandler ; Yep, go to previous handler
; This is our page fault, so we need to handle it
push ds
push es
mov ebx,eax ; EBX := page fault address
and ebx,invert 0FFFFh ; Mask to 64k bank boundary
mov ds,[cs:_PM_savedDS]; Load segment registers
mov es,[cs:_PM_savedDS]
; Map in the page table for our virtual framebuffer area for modification
mov edi,[PDBR] ; EDI points to page directory
mov edx,ebx ; EDX = linear address
shr edx,22 ; EDX = offset to page directory
mov edx,[edx*4+edi] ; EDX = physical page table address
mov eax,edx
mov edx,[accessPageTable]
or eax,7
mov [edx],eax
mov eax,cr3
mov cr3,eax ; Update page table cache
; Mark all pages valid for the new page fault area
mov esi,ebx ; ESI := linear address for page
shr esi,10
and esi,0FFFh ; Offset into page table
add esi,[accessPageAddr]
ifdef USE_NASM
%assign off 0
%rep 16
or [DWORD esi+off],0000000001h ; Enable pages
%assign off off+4
off = 0
or [DWORD esi+off],0000000001h ; Enable pages
off = off+4
; Mark all pages invalid for the previously mapped area
xchg esi,[LastPage] ; Save last page for next page fault
test esi,esi
jz @@DoneMapping ; Dont update if first time round
ifdef USE_NASM
%assign off 0
%rep 16
or [DWORD esi+off],0FFFFFFFEh ; Disable pages
%assign off off+4
off = 0
and [DWORD esi+off],0FFFFFFFEh ; Disable pages
off = off+4
mov eax,cr3
mov cr3,eax ; Flush the TLB
; Now program the new SuperVGA starting bank address
mov eax,ebx ; EAX := page fault address
shr eax,16
and eax,0FFh ; Mask to 0-255
call [BankFuncPtr] ; Call the bank switch function
pop es
pop ds
pop eax
add esp,4 ; Pop the error code from stack
iretd ; Return to faulting instruction
pop eax
ifdef USE_NASM
jmp far dword [cs:INT14Gate]; Chain to previous handler
jmp [FWORD cs:INT14Gate]; Chain to previous handler
; PF_handler4k - Page fault handler for 4k banks
; The handler below is a 32 bit ring 0 page fault handler. It receives
; control immediately after any page fault or after an IRQ6 (hardware
; interrupt). This provides the fastest possible handling of page faults
; since it jump directly here. If this is a page fault, the number
; immediately on the stack will be an error code, at offset 4 will be
; the eip of the faulting instruction, at offset 8 will be the cs of the
; faulting instruction. If it is a hardware interrupt, it will not have
; the error code and the eflags will be at offset 8.
cprocfar PF_handler4k
; Fill in when we have tested all the 64Kb code
ifdef USE_NASM
jmp far dword [cs:INT14Gate]; Chain to previous handler
jmp [FWORD cs:INT14Gate]; Chain to previous handler
; void InstallFaultHandler(void *baseAddr,int bankSize)
; Installes the page fault handler directly int the interrupt descriptor
; table for maximum performance. This of course requires ring 0 access,
; but none of this stuff will run without ring 0!
cprocstart InstallFaultHandler
ARG baseAddr:ULONG, bankSize:UINT
mov [DWORD LastPage],0 ; No pages have been mapped
mov ax,cs
mov [ValidCS],ax ; Save CS value for page faults
; Put address of our page fault handler into the IDT directly
sub esp,6 ; Allocate space on stack
ifdef USE_NASM
sidt [ss:esp] ; Store pointer to IDT
sidt [FWORD ss:esp] ; Store pointer to IDT
pop ax ; add esp,2
pop eax ; Absolute address of IDT
add eax,14*8 ; Point to Int #14
; Note that Interrupt gates do not have the high and low word of the
; offset in adjacent words in memory, there are 4 bytes separating them.
mov ecx,[eax] ; Get cs and low 16 bits of offset
mov edx,[eax+6] ; Get high 16 bits of offset in dx
shl edx,16
mov dx,cx ; edx has offset
mov [INT14Offset],edx ; Save offset
shr ecx,16
mov [INT14Selector],cx ; Save original cs
mov [eax+2],cs ; Install new cs
mov edx,offset PF_handler64k
cmp [UINT bankSize],4
jne @@1
mov edx,offset PF_handler4k
@@1: mov [eax],dx ; Install low word of offset
shr edx,16
mov [eax+6],dx ; Install high word of offset
; void RemoveFaultHandler(void)
; Closes down the virtual framebuffer services and restores the previous
; page fault handler.
cprocstart RemoveFaultHandler
; Remove page fault handler from IDT
sub esp,6 ; Allocate space on stack
ifdef USE_NASM
sidt [ss:esp] ; Store pointer to IDT
sidt [FWORD ss:esp] ; Store pointer to IDT
pop ax ; add esp,2
pop eax ; Absolute address of IDT
add eax,14*8 ; Point to Int #14
mov cx,[INT14Selector]
mov [eax+2],cx ; Restore original CS
mov edx,[INT14Offset]
mov [eax],dx ; Install low word of offset
shr edx,16
mov [eax+6],dx ; Install high word of offset
; void InstallBankFunc(int codeLen,void *bankFunc)
; Installs the bank switch function by relocating it into our data segment
; and making it into a callable function. We do it this way to make the
; code identical to the way that the VflatD devices work under Windows.
cprocstart InstallBankFunc
ARG codeLen:UINT, bankFunc:DPTR
mov esi,[bankFunc] ; Copy the code into buffer
mov edi,offset BankFuncBuf
mov ecx,[codeLen]
rep movsb
mov [BYTE edi],0C3h ; Terminate the function with a near ret
; int InitPaging(void)
; Initializes paging system. If paging is not enabled, builds a page table
; directory and page tables for physical memory
; Exit: 0 - Successful
; -1 - Couldn't initialize paging mechanism
cprocstart InitPaging
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
; Are we running under CauseWay?
mov ax,0FFF9h
int 31h
jc @@NotCauseway
cmp ecx,"CAUS"
jnz @@NotCauseway
cmp edx,"EWAY"
jnz @@NotCauseway
mov [BOOL VF_haveCauseWay],1
mov [CauseWayDIRLinear],esi
mov [CauseWay1stLinear],edi
; Check for DPMI
mov ax,0ff00h
push es
int 31h
pop es
shr edi,2
and edi,3
cmp edi,2
jz @@ErrExit ; Not supported under DPMI
mov eax,[CauseWayDIRLinear]
jmp @@CopyCR3
mov ax,cs
test ax,3 ; Which ring are we running
jnz @@ErrExit ; Needs zero ring to access
; page tables (CR3)
mov eax,cr0 ; Load CR0
test eax,80000000h ; Is paging enabled?
jz @@ErrExit ; No, we must have paging!
mov eax,cr3 ; Load directory address
and eax,0FFFFF000h
mov [PDBR],eax ; Save it
mov esi,eax
mov edi,offset pageDirectory
mov ecx,1024
rep movsd ; Copy the original page table directory
cmp [DWORD accessPageAddr],0; Check if we have allocated page
jne @@HaveRealMem ; table already (we cant free it)
mov eax,0100h ; DPMI DOS allocate
mov ebx,8192/16
int 31h ; Allocate 8192 bytes
and eax,0FFFFh
shl eax,4 ; EAX points to newly allocated memory
add eax,4095
and eax,0FFFFF000h ; Page align
mov [accessPageAddr],eax
mov eax,[accessPageAddr] ; EAX -> page table in 1st Mb
shr eax,12
and eax,3FFh ; Page table offset
shl eax,2
cmp [BOOL VF_haveCauseWay],0
jz @@NotCW0
mov ebx,[CauseWay1stLinear]
jmp @@Put1st
mov ebx,[PDBR]
mov ebx,[ebx]
and ebx,0FFFFF000h ; Page table for 1st megabyte
add eax,ebx
mov [accessPageTable],eax
sub eax,eax ; No error
jmp @@Exit
mov eax,-1
@@Exit: pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
; void ClosePaging(void)
; Closes the paging system
cprocstart ClosePaging
push eax
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
mov eax,[accessPageAddr]
call AccessPage ; Restore AccessPage mapping
mov edi,[PDBR]
mov esi,offset pageDirectory
mov ecx,1024
rep movsd ; Restore the original page table directory
@@Exit: pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop eax
; long AccessPage(long phys)
; Maps a known page to given physical memory
; Entry: EAX - Physical memory
; Exit: EAX - Linear memory address of mapped phys mem
cprocstatic AccessPage
push edx
mov edx,[accessPageTable]
or eax,7
mov [edx],eax
mov eax,cr3
mov cr3,eax ; Update page table cache
mov eax,[accessPageAddr]
pop edx
; long GetPhysicalAddress(long linear)
; Returns the physical address of linear address
; Entry: EAX - Linear address to convert
; Exit: EAX - Physical address
cprocstatic GetPhysicalAddress
push ebx
push edx
mov edx,eax
shr edx,22 ; EDX is the directory offset
mov ebx,[PDBR]
mov edx,[edx*4+ebx] ; Load page table address
push eax
mov eax,edx
call AccessPage ; Access the page table
mov edx,eax
pop eax
shr eax,12
and eax,03FFh ; EAX offset into page table
mov eax,[edx+eax*4] ; Load physical address
and eax,0FFFFF000h
pop edx
pop ebx
; void CreatePageTable(long pageDEntry)
; Creates a page table for specific address (4MB)
; Entry: EAX - Page directory entry (top 10-bits of address)
cprocstatic CreatePageTable
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push edi
mov ebx,eax ; Save address
mov eax,8192
push eax
call VF_malloc ; Allocate page table directory
add esp,4
add eax,0FFFh
and eax,0FFFFF000h ; Page align (4KB)
mov edi,eax ; Save page table linear address
sub eax,eax ; Fill with zero
mov ecx,1024
rep stosd ; Clear page table
sub edi,4096
mov eax,edi
call GetPhysicalAddress
mov edx,[PDBR]
or eax,7 ; Present/write/user bit
mov [edx+ebx*4],eax ; Save physical address into page directory
mov eax,cr3
mov cr3,eax ; Update page table cache
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
; void MapPhysical2Linear(ulong pAddr, ulong lAddr, int pages, int flags);
; Maps physical memory into linear memory
; Entry: pAddr - Physical address
; lAddr - Linear address
; pages - Number of 4K pages to map
; flags - Page flags
; bit 0 = present
; bit 1 = Read(0)/Write(1)
cprocstart MapPhysical2Linear
ARG pAddr:ULONG, lAddr:ULONG, pages:UINT, pflags:UINT
and [ULONG pAddr],0FFFFF000h; Page boundary
and [ULONG lAddr],0FFFFF000h; Page boundary
mov ecx,[pflags]
and ecx,11b ; Just two bits
or ecx,100b ; Supervisor bit
mov [pflags],ecx
mov edx,[lAddr]
shr edx,22 ; EDX = Directory
mov esi,[PDBR]
mov edi,[pages] ; EDI page count
mov ebx,[lAddr]
mov ecx,[esi+edx*4] ; Load page table address
test ecx,1 ; Is it present?
jnz @@TableOK
mov eax,edx
call CreatePageTable ; Create a page table
mov eax,ebx
shr eax,12
and eax,3FFh
sub eax,1024
neg eax ; EAX = page count in this table
inc edx ; Next table
mov ebx,0 ; Next time we'll map 1K pages
sub edi,eax ; Subtract mapped pages from page count
jns @@CreateLoop ; Create more tables if necessary
mov ecx,[pages] ; ECX = Page count
mov esi,[lAddr]
shr esi,12 ; Offset part isn't needed
mov edi,[pAddr]
mov eax,esi
shr eax,10 ; EAX = offset to page directory
mov ebx,[PDBR]
mov eax,[eax*4+ebx] ; EAX = page table address
call AccessPage
mov ebx,esi
and ebx,3FFh ; EBX = offset to page table
mov edx,edi
add edi,4096 ; Next physical address
inc esi ; Next linear page
or edx,[pflags] ; Update flags...
mov [eax+ebx*4],edx ; Store page table entry
loop @@MappingLoop
mov eax,cr3
mov cr3,eax ; Update page table cache
endcodeseg _vflat
END ; End of module