blob: 2c49f35fd35ec05cd03e52933ade1e9a82d8cdec [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2007 ARC International (UK) LTD */
/* Code was copied from ARC GCC toolchain, ucLibc packet (GPL) */
#include "newlib_asm.h"
#ifndef __A4__
#define SMALL 7 /* Must be at least 6 to deal with alignment/loop issues. */
#ifndef __ARC700__
#undef SMALL
#define SMALL 8 /* Even faster if aligned. */
brls.d r2,SMALL,.Ltiny
mov_s r4,r0
or r12,r0,r2
bmsk.f r12,r12,1
extb_s r1,r1
asl r3,r1,8
beq.d .Laligned
or_s r1,r1,r3
#ifdef __ARC700__
brls r2,SMALL,.Ltiny
add r3,r2,r0
stb r1,[r3,-1]
bclr_s r3,r3,0
stw r1,[r3,-2]
bmsk.f r12,r0,1
add_s r2,r2,r12 r2,r2,4
stb.ab r1,[r4,1]
and r4,r4,-2
stw.ab r1,[r4,2]
and r4,r4,-4
.Laligned: ; This code address should be aligned for speed.
#ifdef __ARC700__
asl r3,r1,16
lsr.f lp_count,r2,2
or_s r1,r1,r3
lpne .Loop_end
st.ab r1,[r4,4]
j_s [blink]
#else /* !__ARC700 */
lsr.f lp_count,r2,3
asl r3,r1,16
or_s r1,r1,r3
lpne .Loop_end
st.ab r1,[r4,4]
st.ab r1,[r4,4]
.Loop_end: r4,r4,4
j_s.d [blink]
st r1,[r4]
#endif /* !__ARC700 */
#ifdef __ARC700__
.balign 4
mov.f lp_count,r2
lpne .Ltiny_end
stb.ab r1,[r4,1]
j_s [blink]
#else /* !__ARC700__ */
#if SMALL > 8
.balign 4
stb_s r1,[r0,7]
stb_s r1,[r0,6]
stb_s r1,[r0,5]
stb_s r1,[r0,4]
stb_s r1,[r0,3]
stb_s r1,[r0,2]
stb_s r1,[r0,1]
stb_s r1,[r0]
j_s [blink]
.Ltiny: ; must be misaligned - so that we hit the j_s [blink] for zero bytes!
sub1 r3,pcl,r2
j_s [r3]
#endif /* !__ARC700 */
#endif /* !__A4__ */