blob: e7a0ad486d64b2595a7a0a857a6dfaab2426be38 [file] [log] [blame]
# format Pod as Texinfo.
# Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Original author: Patrice Dumas <>
# Parts from L<Pod::Simple::HTML>.
package Pod::Simple::Texinfo;
require 5;
use strict;
use Carp qw(cluck);
#use Pod::Simple::Debug (3);
use Pod::Simple::PullParser ();
use Texinfo::Convert::NodeNameNormalization qw(normalize_node);
use Texinfo::Parser qw(parse_texi_line parse_texi_text);
use Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo;
use Texinfo::Convert::TextContent;
use Texinfo::Common qw(protect_comma_in_tree protect_first_parenthesis
use vars qw(
@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::PullParser');
$VERSION = '0.01';
#use UNIVERSAL ();
# Allows being called from the comand line as
# perl -w -MPod::Simple::Texinfo -e Pod::Simple::Texinfo::go thingy.pod
sub go { Pod::Simple::Texinfo->parse_from_file(@ARGV); exit 0 }
my %head_commands_level;
foreach my $level (1 .. 4) {
$head_commands_level{'head'.$level} = $level;
my @numbered_sectioning_commands = ('part', 'chapter', 'section', 'subsection',
my @appendix_sectioning_commands = ('part', 'appendix', 'appendixsec',
'appendixsubsec', 'appendixsubsubsec');
my @unnumbered_sectioning_commands = ('part', 'unnumbered', 'unnumberedsec',
'unnumberedsubsec', 'unnumberedsubsubsec');
my @raw_formats = ('html', 'HTML', 'docbook', 'DocBook', 'texinfo',
# from other Pod::Simple modules. Creates accessor subroutine.
my $sectioning_style = 'numbered';
#my $sectioning_base_level = 2;
my $sectioning_base_level = 0;
my $man_url_prefix = '';
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $new = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$new->texinfo_sectioning_base_level ($sectioning_base_level);
$new->texinfo_man_url_prefix ($man_url_prefix);
$new->texinfo_sectioning_style ($sectioning_style);
return $new;
sub run
my $self = shift;
# In case the caller changed the formats
my @formats = $self->accept_targets();
foreach my $format (@formats) {
if (lc($format) eq 'texinfo') {
$self->{'texinfo_raw_format_commands'}->{$format} = '';
$self->{'texinfo_if_format_commands'}->{':'.$format} = '';
} else {
$self->{'texinfo_raw_format_commands'}->{$format} = lc($format);
$self->{'texinfo_if_format_commands'}->{':'.$format} = lc($format);
my $base_level = $self->texinfo_sectioning_base_level;
$base_level = 1 if ($base_level <= 1);
if ($self->texinfo_sectioning_style eq 'numbered') {
$self->{'texinfo_sectioning_commands'} = \@numbered_sectioning_commands;
} elsif ($self->texinfo_sectioning_style eq 'unnumbered') {
$self->{'texinfo_sectioning_commands'} = \@unnumbered_sectioning_commands;
} else {
$self->{'texinfo_sectioning_commands'} = \@appendix_sectioning_commands;
foreach my $heading_command (keys(%head_commands_level)) {
my $level = $head_commands_level{$heading_command} + $base_level -1;
if (!defined($self->{'texinfo_sectioning_commands'}->[$level])) {
= $self->{'texinfo_sectioning_commands'}->[-1];
} else {
= $self->{'texinfo_sectioning_commands'}->[$level];
$self->{'texinfo_internal_pod_manuals_hash'} = {};
my $manuals = $self->texinfo_internal_pod_manuals();
if ($manuals) {
foreach my $manual (@$manuals) {
$self->{'texinfo_internal_pod_manuals_hash'}->{$manual} = 1;
if ($self->bare_output()) {
} else {
my $STDIN_DOCU_NAME = 'stdin';
sub _preamble($)
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
if (!defined($self->texinfo_short_title)) {
my $short_title = $self->get_short_title();
if (defined($short_title) and $short_title =~ m/\S/) {
if ($self->texinfo_sectioning_base_level == 0) {
#print STDERR "$fh\n";
print $fh '\input texinfo'."\n";
my $setfilename;
if (defined($self->texinfo_short_title)) {
$setfilename = _pod_title_to_file_name($self->texinfo_short_title);
} else {
# FIXME maybe output filename would be better than source_filename?
my $source_filename = $self->source_filename();
if (defined($source_filename) and $source_filename ne '') {
if ($source_filename eq '-') {
$setfilename = $STDIN_DOCU_NAME;
} else {
$setfilename = $source_filename;
$setfilename =~ s/\.(pod|pm)$//i;
if (defined($setfilename) and $setfilename =~ m/\S/) {
$setfilename = _protect_text($setfilename, 1);
$setfilename .= '.info';
print $fh "\@setfilename $setfilename\n\n"
# FIXME depend on =encoding
print $fh '@documentencoding utf-8'."\n\n";
my $title = $self->get_title();
if (defined($title) and $title =~ m/\S/) {
print $fh "\@settitle "._protect_text($title, 1)."\n\n";
print $fh "\@node Top\n";
if (defined($self->texinfo_short_title)) {
print $fh "\@top "._protect_text($self->texinfo_short_title, 1)."\n\n";
} elsif (defined($self->texinfo_short_title)
and $self->texinfo_add_upper_sectioning_command) {
my $level = $self->texinfo_sectioning_base_level() - 1;
my $name = _protect_text($self->texinfo_short_title, 1);
my $node_name = _prepare_anchor($self, $name);
my $anchor = '';
my $node = '';
if ($node_name =~ /\S/) {
if (!$self->texinfo_section_nodes
or $self->{'texinfo_sectioning_commands'}->[$level] eq 'part') {
$anchor = "\@anchor{$node_name}\n";
} else {
$node = "\@node $node_name\n";
print $fh "$node\@$self->{'texinfo_sectioning_commands'}->[$level] "
._protect_text($self->texinfo_short_title, 1)."\n$anchor\n";
# 'out' is out of the context, for now for index entries.
sub _output($$$;$)
my $fh = shift;
my $accumulated_stack = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $out = shift;
if (scalar(@$accumulated_stack)) {
if ($out) {
$accumulated_stack->[-1]->{'out'} .= $text;
} else {
$accumulated_stack->[-1]->{'text'} .= $text;
} else {
print $fh $text;
sub _begin_context($$)
my $accumulated_stack = shift;
my $tag = shift;
push @$accumulated_stack, {'text' => '', 'tag' => $tag,
'out' => ''};
sub _end_context($)
my $accumulated_stack = shift;
my $previous_context = pop @$accumulated_stack;
return ($previous_context->{'text'}, $previous_context->{'out'});
sub _protect_text($;$)
my $text = shift;
my $remove_new_lines = shift;
cluck if (!defined($text));
$text =~ s/\n/ /g if ($remove_new_lines);
$text =~ s/([\@\{\}])/\@$1/g;
return $text;
sub _pod_title_to_file_name($)
my $name = shift;
$name =~ s/\s+/_/g;
$name =~ s/::/-/g;
$name =~ s/[^\w\.-]//g;
$name = '_' if ($name eq '');
return $name;
sub _protect_comma($)
my $texinfo = shift;
my $tree = parse_texi_line(undef, $texinfo);
$tree = protect_comma_in_tree($tree);
return Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert($tree);
sub _protect_hashchar($)
my $texinfo = shift;
# protect # first in line
if ($texinfo =~ /#/) {
my $tree = parse_texi_text(undef, $texinfo);
protect_hashchar_at_line_beginning(undef, $tree);
return Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert($tree);
} else {
return $texinfo;
sub _reference_to_text_in_texi($)
my $texinfo = shift;
my $tree = parse_texi_text(undef, $texinfo);
Texinfo::Structuring::reference_to_arg_in_tree(undef, $tree);
return Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert($tree);
sub _section_manual_to_node_name($$$)
my $self = shift;
my $manual = shift;
my $section = shift;
my $base_level = shift;
if (defined($manual) and $base_level > 0) {
return _protect_text($manual, 1). " $section";
} else {
return $section;
sub _normalize_texinfo_name($$)
# Pod may be more forgiven than Texinfo, so we go through
# a normalization, by parsing and converting back to Texinfo
my $name = shift;
my $command = shift;
my $texinfo_text;
if ($command eq 'anchor') {
$texinfo_text = "\@anchor{$name}";
} else {
# item is not correct since it cannot happen outside of a table
# context, so we use @center which accepts the same on the line
if ($command eq 'item') {
$command = 'center';
$texinfo_text = "\@$command $name\n";
my $tree = parse_texi_text(undef, $texinfo_text);
if ($command eq 'anchor') {
#print STDERR "GGG $tree->{'contents'}->[0]->{'cmdname'}\n";
= protect_first_parenthesis($tree->{'contents'}->[0]->{'args'}->[-0]->{'contents'});
my $fixed_text = Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert($tree, 1);
my $result = $fixed_text;
if ($command eq 'anchor') {
$result =~ s/^\@anchor\{(.*)\}$/$1/s;
} else {
$result =~ s/^\@$command (.*)$/$1/s;
return $result;
sub _node_name($$)
my $self = shift;
my $texinfo_node_name = shift;
chomp $texinfo_node_name;
= $self->_section_manual_to_node_name($self->texinfo_short_title,
# also change refs to text
return _reference_to_text_in_texi($texinfo_node_name);
sub _prepare_anchor($$)
my $self = shift;
my $texinfo_node_name = shift;
my $node = _normalize_texinfo_name($texinfo_node_name, 'anchor');
if ($node !~ /\S/) {
return '';
# Now we know that we have something.
my $node_tree = parse_texi_line(undef, $node);
my $normalized_base = normalize_node($node_tree);
my $normalized = $normalized_base;
my $number_appended = 0;
while ($self->{'texinfo_nodes'}->{$normalized}) {
$normalized = "${normalized_base}-$number_appended";
my $node_name;
if ($number_appended) {
$texinfo_node_name = "$node $number_appended";
$node_tree = parse_texi_line(undef, $texinfo_node_name);
$node_tree = protect_comma_in_tree($node_tree);
$self->{'texinfo_nodes'}->{$normalized} = $node_tree;
my $final_node_name = Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert($node_tree, 1);
return $final_node_name;
# from Pod::Simple::HTML general_url_escape
sub _url_escape($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/join '', map sprintf('%%%02X',$_), unpack 'C*', $1/eg;
# express Unicode things as urlencode(utf(orig)).
# A pretty conservative escaping, behoovey even for query components
# of a URL (see RFC 2396)
$string =~ s/([^-_\.!~*()abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/sprintf('%%%02X',ord($1))/eg;
# Yes, stipulate the list without a range, so that this can work right on
# all charsets that this module happens to run under.
# Altho, hmm, what about that ord? Presumably that won't work right
# under non-ASCII charsets. Something should be done
# about that, I guess?
return $string;
my %tag_commands = (
'F' => 'file',
'S' => 'w',
'I' => 'emph',
'B' => 'strong', # or @b?
'C' => 'code'
my %environment_commands = (
'Verbatim' => 'verbatim',
'over-text' => 'table @asis',
'over-bullet' => 'itemize',
'over-number' => 'enumerate',
'over-block' => 'quotation',
my %line_commands = (
'item-bullet' => 'item',
'item-text' => 'item',
'item-number' => 'item',
'encoding' => 'documentencoding'
foreach my $tag (keys(%head_commands_level)) {
$line_commands{$tag} = 1;
my %tags_index_before;
my %context_tags;
foreach my $context_tag (keys(%line_commands), 'L', 'X', 'Para') {
$context_tags{$context_tag} = 1;
# do not appear as parsed token
# E entity/character
sub _convert_pod($)
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
my ($token, $type, $tagname, $top_seen);
my @accumulated_output;
my @format_stack;
while($token = $self->get_token()) {
my $type = $token->type();
#print STDERR "* type $type\n";
#print STDERR $token->dump()."\n";
if ($type eq 'start') {
my $tagname = $token->tagname();
if ($context_tags{$tagname}) {
if ($tagname eq 'L') {
my $linktype = $token->attr('type');
my $content_implicit = $token->attr('content-implicit');
#print STDERR " L: $linktype\n";
#my @attrs = keys %{$token->attr_hash};
#print STDERR " @attrs\n";
#my $raw_L = $token->attr('raw').'';
#print STDERR " $token->attr('raw'): $raw_L\n";
my ($url_arg, $texinfo_node, $texinfo_manual, $texinfo_section);
if ($linktype eq 'man') {
# NOTE: the .'' is here to force the $token->attr to ba a real
# string and not an object.
# NOTE 2: It is not clear that setting the url should be done
# here, maybe this should be in the Texinfo HTML converter.
# However, there is a 'man' category here and not in Texinfo,
# so the information is more precise in pod.
my $replacement_arg = $token->attr('to').'';
# regexp from Pod::Simple::HTML resolve_man_page_link
# since it is very small, it is likely that copyright cannot be
# claimed for that part.
$replacement_arg =~ /^([^(]+)(?:[(](\d+)[)])?$/;
my $page = $1;
my $section = $2;
if (defined($page) and $page ne '') {
$section = 1 if (!defined($section));
# it is unlikely that there is a comma because of _url_escape
# but to be sure there is still a call to _protect_comma.
= _protect_comma(_protect_text(
} else {
$url_arg = '';
$replacement_arg = _protect_text($replacement_arg);
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output, "\@url{$url_arg,, $replacement_arg}");
} elsif ($linktype eq 'url') {
# NOTE: the .'' is here to force the $token->attr to be a real
# string and not an object.
$url_arg = _protect_comma(_protect_text($token->attr('to').''));
} elsif ($linktype eq 'pod') {
my $manual = $token->attr('to');
my $section = $token->attr('section');
$manual .= '' if (defined($manual));
$section .= '' if (defined($section));
if (0) {
my $section_text = 'UNDEF';
if (defined($section)) {
$section_text = $section;
my $manual_text = 'UNDEF';
if (defined($manual)) {
$manual_text = $manual;
print STDERR "L: $linktype $manual_text/$section_text\n";
if (defined($manual)) {
if (! defined($section) or $section !~ m/\S/) {
if ($self->{'texinfo_internal_pod_manuals_hash'}->{$manual}) {
$section = 'NAME';
if ($self->{'texinfo_internal_pod_manuals_hash'}->{$manual}) {
$texinfo_node =
$self->_section_manual_to_node_name($manual, $section,
} else {
$texinfo_manual = _protect_text(_pod_title_to_file_name($manual));
if (defined($section)) {
$texinfo_node = $section;
} else {
$texinfo_node = '';
} elsif (defined($section) and $section =~ m/\S/) {
$texinfo_node =
$self->texinfo_short_title, $section,
$texinfo_section = _normalize_texinfo_name(
_protect_comma(_protect_text($section)), 'section');
#print STDERR "L: internal: $texinfo_node/$texinfo_section\n";
$texinfo_node = _normalize_texinfo_name(
_protect_comma(_protect_text($texinfo_node)), 'anchor');
#print STDERR "L: normalized node: $texinfo_node\n";
# for pod, 'to' is the pod manual name. Then 'section' is the
# section.
push @format_stack, [$linktype, $content_implicit, $url_arg,
$texinfo_manual, $texinfo_node, $texinfo_section];
#if (defined($to)) {
# print STDERR " | $to\n";
#} else {
# print STDERR "\n";
#print STDERR $token->dump."\n";
_begin_context(\@accumulated_output, $tagname);
} elsif ($tag_commands{$tagname}) {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output, "\@$tag_commands{$tagname}\{");
} elsif ($environment_commands{$tagname}) {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output, "\@$environment_commands{$tagname}\n");
if ($tagname eq 'Verbatim') {
push @format_stack, 'verbatim';
} elsif ($tagname eq 'for') {
my $target = $token->attr('target');
push @format_stack, $target;
if ($self->{'texinfo_raw_format_commands'}->{$target}) {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
} elsif ($self->{'texinfo_if_format_commands'}->{$target}) {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
} elsif ($type eq 'text') {
my $text;
if (@format_stack and !ref($format_stack[-1])
and ((defined($self->{'texinfo_raw_format_commands'}->{$format_stack[-1]})
and !$self->{'texinfo_raw_format_commands'}->{$format_stack[-1]})
or ($format_stack[-1] eq 'verbatim'))) {
$text = $token->text();
} else {
$text = _protect_text($token->text());
if (@format_stack and !ref($format_stack[-1])
and ($self->{'texinfo_raw_format_commands'}->{$format_stack[-1]})) {
$text =~ s/^(\s*)#(\s*(line)? (\d+)(( "([^"]+)")(\s+\d+)*)?\s*)$/$1\@hashchar{}$2/mg;
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output, $text);
} elsif ($type eq 'end') {
my $tagname = $token->tagname();
if ($context_tags{$tagname}) {
my ($result, $out) = _end_context(\@accumulated_output);
#print STDERR "end: $tagname: $result, $out\n";
my $texinfo_node = '';
if ($line_commands{$tagname}) {
my ($command, $command_argument);
if ($head_commands_level{$tagname}) {
$command = $self->{'texinfo_head_commands'}->{$tagname};
} elsif ($line_commands{$tagname}) {
$command = $line_commands{$tagname};
if ($head_commands_level{$tagname} or $tagname eq 'item-text') {
chomp ($result);
$result =~ s/\n/ /g;
$result =~ s/^\s*//;
$result =~ s/\s*$//;
$command_argument = _normalize_texinfo_name($result, $command);
if ($result =~ /\S/ and $command_argument !~ /\S/) {
# use some raw text if the expansion lead to an empty section
my $tree = parse_texi_line(undef, $result);
my $converter = Texinfo::Convert::TextContent->converter();
$command_argument = _protect_text($converter->convert_tree($tree));
my $anchor = '';
my $node_name = _prepare_anchor($self, _node_name($self, $result));
if ($node_name =~ /\S/) {
if ($tagname eq 'item-text' or !$self->texinfo_section_nodes) {
$anchor = "\n\@anchor{$node_name}";
} else {
$texinfo_node = "\@node $node_name\n";
$command_argument .= $anchor;
} else {
$command_argument = $result;
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
"$texinfo_node\@$command $command_argument\n$out\n");
} elsif ($tagname eq 'Para') {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output, $out.
} elsif ($tagname eq 'L') {
my $format = pop @format_stack;
my ($linktype, $content_implicit, $url_arg,
$texinfo_manual, $texinfo_node, $texinfo_section) = @$format;
if ($linktype ne 'man') {
my $explanation;
if (defined($result) and $result =~ m/\S/ and !$content_implicit) {
$explanation = ' '. _protect_comma($result);
if ($linktype eq 'url') {
if (defined($explanation)) {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
} else {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
} elsif ($linktype eq 'pod') {
if (defined($texinfo_manual)) {
$explanation = '' if (!defined($explanation));
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
"\@ref{$texinfo_node,$explanation,, $texinfo_manual}");
} elsif (defined($explanation)) {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
} else {
if (defined($texinfo_section)
and $texinfo_section ne $texinfo_node) {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
"\@ref{$texinfo_node,, $texinfo_section}");
} else {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
} elsif ($tagname eq 'X') {
my $next_token = $self->get_token();
if ($next_token) {
if ($next_token->type() eq 'text') {
my $next_text = $next_token->text;
$next_text =~ s/^\s*//;
#_output($fh, \@accumulated_output, "\n");
chomp ($result);
$result =~ s/\n/ /g;
$result .= "\n";
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output, "\@cindex $result", 1);
} elsif ($tag_commands{$tagname}) {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output, "}");
} elsif ($environment_commands{$tagname}) {
if ($tagname eq 'Verbatim') {
pop @format_stack;
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output, "\n");
my $tag = $environment_commands{$tagname};
$tag =~ s/ .*//;
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output, "\@end $tag\n\n");
} elsif ($tagname eq 'for') {
my $target = pop @format_stack;
if ($self->{'texinfo_raw_format_commands'}->{$target}) {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
"\n\@end $self->{'texinfo_raw_format_commands'}->{$target}\n");
} elsif ($self->{'texinfo_if_format_commands'}->{$target}) {
_output($fh, \@accumulated_output,
"\@end if$self->{'texinfo_if_format_commands'}->{$target}\n");
sub _postamble($)
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
if ($self->texinfo_sectioning_base_level == 0) {
#print STDERR "$fh\n";
print $fh "\@bye\n";
=head1 NAME
Pod::Simple::Texinfo - format Pod as Texinfo
# From the command like
perl -MPod::Simple::Texinfo -e Pod::Simple::Texinfo::go thingy.pod
# From perl
my $new = Pod::Simple::Texinfo->new;
my $from = shift @ARGV;
my $to = $from;
$to =~ s/\.(pod|pm)$/.texi/i;
$new->parse_from_file($from, $to);
This class is for making a Texinfo rendering of a Pod document.
This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple::PullParser> and inherits all its
methods (and options).
It supports producing a standalone manual per Pod (the default) or
render the Pod as a chapter, see L</texinfo_sectioning_base_level>.
=head1 METHODS
=item texinfo_sectioning_base_level
Sets the level of the head1 commands. 1 is for the @chapter/@unnumbered
level. If set to 0, the head1 commands level is still 1, but the output
manual is considered to be a standalone manual. If not 0, the pod file is
rendered as a fragment of a Texinfo manual.
=item texinfo_man_url_prefix
String used as a prefix for man page urls. Default
is C<>.
=item texinfo_sectioning_style
Default is C<numbered>, using the numbered sectioning Texinfo @-commands
(@chapter, @section...). Giving C<unnumbered> leads to using unnumbered
sectioning command variants (@unnumbered...), and any other value would
lead to using appendix sectioning command variants (@appendix...).
=item texinfo_add_upper_sectioning_command
If set (the default case), a sectioning command is added at the beginning
of the output for the whole document, using the module name, at the level
above the level set by L<texinfo_sectioning_base_level>. So there will be
a C<@part> if the level is equal to 1, a C<@chapter> if the level is equal
to 2 and so on and so forth. If the base level is 0, a C<@top> command is
output instead.
=item texinfo_section_nodes
If set, add C<@node> and not C<@anchor> for each sectioning command.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Pod::Simple>. L<Pod::Simple::PullParser>. The Texinfo manual.
Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
C<_url_escape> is C<general_url_escape> from L<Pod::Simple::HTML>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Patrice Dumas E<lt>pertusus@free.frE<gt>. Parts from L<Pod::Simple::HTML>.