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.TH TIME 3am "Jan 15 2013" "Free Software Foundation" "GNU Awk Extension Modules"
time \- time functions for gawk
.ft CW
@load "time"
time = gettimeofday()
ret = sleep(amount)
.ft R
.I time
extension adds two functions named
.B gettimeofday()
.BR sleep() ,
as follows.
.B gettimeofday()
This function returns the number of seconds since the Epoch
as a floating-point value. It should have subsecond precision.
It returns \-1 upon error and sets
to indicate the problem.
.BI sleep( seconds )
This function attempts to sleep for the given amount of seconds, which
may include a fractional portion.
.I seconds
is negative, or the attempt to sleep fails,
then it returns \-1 and sets
Otherwise, the function should return 0 after sleeping
for the indicated amount of time.
... .SH BUGS
.ft CW
@load "time"
printf "It is now %g seconds since the Epoch\en", gettimeofday()
printf "Pausing for a while... " ; sleep(2.5) ; print "done"
.ft R
.IR "GAWK: Effective AWK Programming" ,
.IR filefuncs (3am),
.IR fnmatch (3am),
.IR fork (3am),
.IR inplace (3am),
.IR ordchr (3am),
.IR readdir (3am),
.IR readfile (3am),
.IR revoutput (3am),
.IR rwarray (3am).
.IR gettimeofday (2),
.IR nanosleep (2),
.IR select (2).
Arnold Robbins,
.BR .
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