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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Marvell GCC Toolchain
1. What is the difference between Marvell GCC Toolchain and any other GCC Toolchain for ARM?
Does it cause any problem if I use other compiler?
In general, all compilers generate code for ARM v5 ISA will work with Marvell Sheeva
based processors. We can support the compiler release by Marvell only. We can not
guarantee that any open source compiler is workable because:
a) Anyone can take any code to build any version of compiler with any modification,
which we do not know, thus we can not guarantee it.
b) This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty;
So, there is no any confirmation about the compiler that is not released by us.
2. How reliable is it?
The Marvell toolchain is extensively tested and tortured before release.
We maintain at least the SAME level of quality, which means no new unknown errors,
when compared with the Codesourcery (CSL) release we base on.
3. What are the differences between soft, softfp, and hardfp?
soft - Completely compile for integer code in the default GCC configuration and
the associated C libraries. All floating point is done using by emulation, implemented
in GCC runtime libraries.
softfp - Compile for VFP floating point unit. This toolchain generates VFP instructions
for the hardware FPU, but uses the same procedure call ABI as the soft toolchain;
this means that FP values are passed in the same manner, using r0-r3 ARM registers.
hard - Compile for VFP floating point unit, while using a different ABI that uses the
FPU registers when calling functions. This utilizes the s0-s15 VFP registers when
passing FP values in procedure calls.
4. Under what scenarios should I use the soft/softfp/hard toolchain?
The soft toolchain is for completely FPU-less environments; all compiler generated code,
and all the C libraries, are integer only code. The math library in glibc is also compiled
using all integer code emulated FP library calls inside the GCC runtime.
The softfp toolchain uses the VFP unit, but retains the same ABI as the soft toolchain.
Binaries compiled under a soft environment, should link and run under a softfp library
environment without any issues. If the program called any math library functions,
the softfp math library's use of VFP instructions inside should only provide a healthy
boost of performance. This toolchain should be used when your platform possesses a VFP unit,
while also wishing to retain compatibility with binaries compiled for using the soft ABI
The hard FP toolchain, however, uses not only the VFP unit, but also different call
conventions for FP values; it uses the VFP FPU registers directly for passing values
between procedures. This means a higher level of FP performance compared to the other
toolchains, but at the cost of incompatiblity with code compiled using "soft" conventions.
This toolchain should be used when FP compatibility is no concern, such as when you are
ready to build a completely new Linux root filesystem. Another simple way of using hard FP
for individual programs, is to simply statically link those binaries requiring better FP
5. By how much faster is the FP performance of the hard toolchain, compared to softfp?
It really depends. Remember the performance edge that hard has over softfp is when
passing arguments/returning values across functions. So for code with intensive
function calling, i.e. lots of calls in the inner loop, hard FP ABI may help boost
To remind of a presumably common scenario, take note that in C/C++, arrays are
passed by reference. This means that arrays are NOT passed in registers even under
VFP hard float, for example:
void transform (float vec[4], /* other args */)
Here, vec[4] is passed in memory through a pointer in r0 under all toolchains.
So the hard toolchain will not help here. In this example, if you must pass vec[]
in registers, wrap it in a struct. :P
6. The hardfp toolchain refuses to compile programs when using -mthumb!?
The VFP floating point unit is mostly unaccessible under Thumb-1 mode,
therefore the Thumb-1 + hardfp configuration is unsupported.
Such a case means that you are probably using a V5 or V6 CPU option.
Under V6T2 or V7 CPU options, -mthumb means Thumb-2, which is capable of using
VFP instructions. The hardfp toolchain will work with -mthumb in that configuration.
7. Why doesn't the optimization options for non-Marvell processors work anymore?
Marvell provides official support for our own processors only, other tuning options
are from the original CSL release. While unsupported by us, they can still be enabled
by simply adding this GCC flag:
This re-enables all existing tuning options for other non-Marvell ARM processors.
8. The 4.2.x CSL-release based toolchain is a little old,
when will Marvell-specific support be added to the current (newest) mainline sources?
This is still being discussed.
9. What are the licenses of packages in the Marvell toolchain?
All licenses of packages are as their original ones.
GCC 4.2.0: GPLv2.
Binutils: GPLv2.
GDB: GPLv3+.
Glibc: LGPLv2.1.
10. Anything that Marvell added to the license?
Copyright c Marvell International Ltd. and/or its affiliates
This software file (the ``File'') is owned and distributed by Marvell International Ltd.
and/or its affiliates (``Marvell'') under the terms and conditions of the General
Public License Version 2, June 1991 (the ``GPL License''), a copy of which is available
along with the File in the license.txt file or by writing to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 or on the
worldwide web at <>.
The GPL License provides additional details about this warranty disclaimer.