blob: 41da78573f19309409a619b897b507a7c0333864 [file] [log] [blame]
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef __QTN_SKB_CB_H
#define __QTN_SKB_CB_H
struct qtn_skb_cb {
uint8_t encap; /* Encapsulation type */
uint8_t ip_protocol; /* IP protocol */
uint16_t ether_type; /* Ethernet Type */
void *ni; /* Node structure pointer */
uint32_t flags;
#define M_LINK0 0x0001 /* frame needs WEP encryption */
#define M_FF 0x0002 /* fast frame */
#define M_PWR_SAV 0x0004 /* bypass powersave handling */
#define M_UAPSD 0x0008 /* frame flagged for u-apsd handling */
#define M_RAW 0x0010
#define M_CLASSIFY 0x0020 /* Packet has been classified */
#define M_VSP_CHK 0x0040 /* VSP check done */
#define M_VSP_NOT_FOUND 0x0080 /* VSP stream not found - usually first pkts from Eth */
#define M_VSP_RX_BSS 0x0100 /* VSP stream originating from the BSS */
#define M_RATE_TRAINING 0x0200 /* Empty data frame used to do rate training */
#define M_NO_AMSDU 0x0400 /* AMSDU is prohibited for this frame */
#define M_ENQUEUED_SCH 0x0800 /* Enqueued in qdrv_sch */
#define M_ENQUEUED_MUC 0x1000 /* Enqueued to MuC */
#define M_TX_DONE_IMM_INT 0x2000 /* Immediately interrupt lhost when tx done */
#define M_VLAN_TAGGED 0x4000 /* skb belongs to some VLAN */
#define M_VLAN_TAG_OWE 0x8000 /* VLAN tag is stripped of this skb */
#define QTN_SKB_ENCAP_80211_MGMT 1
#define QTN_SKB_ENCAP_80211_DATA 2
#define QTN_SKB_ENCAP(_skb) ((_skb)->qtn_cb.encap)
#define QTN_SKB_ENCAP_IS_80211(_skb) ((_skb)->qtn_cb.encap > 0)
#define QTN_SKB_ENCAP_IS_80211_MGMT(_skb) \
((_skb)->qtn_cb.encap == QTN_SKB_ENCAP_80211_MGMT)
#define QTN_SKB_CB_NI(_skb) ((_skb)->
#define QTN_SKB_CB_ETHERTYPE(_skb) ((_skb)->qtn_cb.ether_type)
#define QTN_SKB_CB_IPPROTO(_skb) ((_skb)->qtn_cb.ip_protocol)
#define M_FLAG_SET(_skb, _flag) ((_skb)->qtn_cb.flags |= _flag)
#define M_FLAG_CLR(_skb, _flag) ((_skb)->qtn_cb.flags &= ~_flag)
#define M_FLAG_GET(_skb, _flag) ((_skb)->qtn_cb.flags & _flag)
#define M_FLAG_ISSET(_skb, _flag) (!!((_skb)->qtn_cb.flags & _flag))
#define M_FLAG_KEEP_ONLY(_skb, _flag) ((_skb)->qtn_cb.flags &= _flag)
#define M_PWR_SAV_SET(skb) M_FLAG_SET((skb), M_PWR_SAV)
#define M_PWR_SAV_CLR(skb) M_FLAG_CLR((skb), M_PWR_SAV)
#define M_PWR_SAV_GET(skb) M_FLAG_GET((skb), M_PWR_SAV)
#endif /* #ifndef __QTN_SKB_CB_H */