blob: c838aa93b4ca1c603e76cc33a77bad6e2cd7b920 [file] [log] [blame]
/**@page mypage2 Background
* The packetlogger debug facility of the embedded Quantenna software is a debug feature
* which is used to monitor realtime statistics in the embedded system.
* The feature exports internally visible statistics (from the LHost, MuC, MAC and baseband)
* via the network. A statistics gathering process runs on the network, and packages the
* data into machine readable formats, in the first instance as comma separated values (CSVs).
* The following diagram gives a high level component view of the packetlogger facility.
* \anchor image-of-top
* \image latex pktlogger_high_level.png "Pktlogger high level setup" width=\textwidth
* The source of the data containing board statistics comes from an individual board such
* as a QHS710. This is the first component in the packet logger architecture. The device that
* consumes and formats the data is generally run on a host PC connected to the same Ethernet
* segment as the Quantenna board. This is the second component in the packet logger architecture.
* The pktlogger environment consists of two device roles, sender and receiver.
* The DUT as sender, collects data and constructs a UDP packet, which is then sent via Ethernet,
* PCIe or WiFi. The receiver creates a UDP socket to receive these packets, and saves
* them to a file which can be processed at a later time.