blob: 84835e76e05282680c4225b242c3ab985ac88570 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007-2010, 2011-2012 Synopsys, Inc. (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* I-Cache and D-cache control functionality.
* vineetg: May 2011: for Non-aliasing VIPT D-cache following can be NOPs
* -flush_cache_dup_mm (fork)
* -likewise for flush_cache_mm (exit/execve)
* -likewise for flush_cache_{range,page} (munmap, exit, COW-break)
* vineetg: Apr 2011
* -Now that MMU can support larger pg sz (16K), the determiniation of
* aliasing shd not be based on assumption of 8k pg
* vineetg: Mar 2011
* -optimised version of flush_icache_range( ) for making I/D coherent
* when vaddr is available (agnostic of num of aliases)
* vineetg: Mar 2011
* -Added documentation about I-cache aliasing on ARC700 and the way it
* was handled up until MMU V2.
* -Spotted a three year old bug when killing the 4 aliases, which needs
* bottom 2 bits, so we need to do paddr | {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03}
* instead of paddr | {0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x11}
* (Rajesh you owe me one now)
* vineetg: Dec 2010
* -Off-by-one error when computing num_of_lines to flush
* This broke signal handling with bionic which uses synthetic sigret stub
* vineetg: Mar 2010
* -GCC can't generate ZOL for core cache flush loops.
* Conv them into iterations based as opposed to while (start < end) types
* Vineetg: July 2009
* -In I-cache flush routine we check for aliasing for every line INV.
* Instead now we setup routines per cache geometry and invoke them
* via function pointers.
* Vineetg: Mar 2009
* -D-Cache Invalidate mode set to INV ONLY as that is more common than
* FLUSH BEFORE INV (not called at all)
* Vineetg: Jan 2009
* -Cache Line flush routines used to flush an extra line beyond end addr
* because check was while (end >= start) instead of (end > start)
* =Some call sites had to work around by doing -1, -4 etc to end param
* ==Some callers didnt care. This was spec bad in case of INV routines
* which would discard valid data (cause of the horrible ext2 bug
* in ARC IDE driver)
* Vineetg: Oct 3rd 2008:
* -Got rid of un-necessary globals such as Cache line size,
* checks if cache enabled in entry of each cache routine etc
* -Cache Meta data (sz, alising etc) saved in a seperate structure rather than
* in the big cpu info struct
* vineetg: June 11th 2008:
* -Fixed flush_icache_range( )
* + As an API it is called by kernel while doing insmod after copying module
* code from user space to kernel space in load_module( ).
* Later kernel executes module out of this COPIED OVER kernel memory.
* Since ARC700 caches are not coherent (I$ doesnt snoop D$) both need
* to be flushed in flush_icache_range() which it was not doing.
* + load_module( ) passes vmalloc addr (Kernel Virtual Addr) to the API,
* however ARC cache maintenance OPs require PHY addr. Thus need to do
* vmalloc_to_phy.
* + Also added optimisation there, that for range > PAGE SIZE we flush the
* entire cache in one shot rather than line by line. For e.g. a module
* with Code sz 600k, old code flushed 600k worth of cache (line-by-line),
* while cache is only 16 or 32k.
* Amit Bhor, Rahul Trivedi: Codito Technologies 2004
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <asm/cache.h>
#include <asm/cacheflush.h>
#include <asm/mmu_context.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
extern int running_on_hw;
static void __arc_icache_inv_lines_no_alias(unsigned long, int);
static void __arc_icache_inv_lines_2_alias(unsigned long, int);
static void __arc_icache_inv_lines_4_alias(unsigned long, int);
/* Holds the ptr to flush routine, dependign on size due to aliasing issues */
static void (* ___flush_icache_rtn)(unsigned long, int);
char * arc_cache_mumbojumbo(int cpu_id, char *buf)
int num = 0;
struct cpuinfo_arc_cache *p_cache = &cpuinfo_arc700[0].icache;
num += sprintf(buf+num,"Detected I-cache : \n");
num += sprintf(buf+num," Type=%d way set-assoc, Line length=%u, Size=%uK",
p_cache->assoc, p_cache->line_len, TO_KB(p_cache->sz));
num += sprintf(buf+num," (enabled)\n");
num += sprintf(buf+num," (disabled)\n");
p_cache = &cpuinfo_arc700[0].dcache;
num += sprintf(buf+num,"Detected D-cache : \n");
num += sprintf(buf+num," Type=%d way set-assoc, Line length=%u, Size=%uK",
p_cache->assoc, p_cache->line_len, TO_KB(p_cache->sz));
num += sprintf(buf+num," (enabled)\n");
num += sprintf(buf+num," (disabled)\n");
return buf;
/* Read the Cache Build Confuration Registers, Decode them and save into
* the cpuinfo structure for later use.
* No Validation is done here, simply read/convert the BCRs
void __init read_decode_cache_bcr(void)
struct bcr_cache ibcr;
struct cpuinfo_arc_cache *p_ic = &cpuinfo_arc700[0].icache;
if (ibcr.config == 0x3)
p_ic->assoc = 2;
p_ic->line_len = 8 << ibcr.line_len;
p_ic->sz = 0x200 <<;
p_ic->ver = ibcr.ver;
struct bcr_cache dbcr;
struct cpuinfo_arc_cache *p_dc = &cpuinfo_arc700[0].dcache;
if (dbcr.config == 0x2)
p_dc->assoc = 4; // 4 way set assoc
p_dc->line_len = 16 << dbcr.line_len;
p_dc->sz = 0x200 <<;
p_dc->ver = dbcr.ver;
/* 1. Validate the Cache Geomtery (compile time config matches hardware)
* 2. If I-cache suffers from aliasing, setup work arounds (difft flush rtn)
* 3. Enable the Caches, setup default flush mode for D-Cache
* 3. Calculate the SHMLBA used by user space
void __init arc_cache_init(void)
struct cpuinfo_arc_cache *dc, *ic;
unsigned int temp;
int way_pg_ratio;
char str[512];
printk(arc_cache_mumbojumbo(0, str));
ARC_shmlba = max(ARC_shmlba, (unsigned int)PAGE_SIZE);
* I-Cache related init
ic = &cpuinfo_arc700[0].icache;
/* 1. Confirm some of I-cache params which Linux assumes */
if ( ( ic->assoc != ICACHE_COMPILE_WAY_NUM) ||
( ic->line_len != ICACHE_COMPILE_LINE_LEN ) ) {
panic("Cache H/W doesn't match kernel Config");
if (ic->ver != 3) {
if (!running_on_hw)
printk("Use -prop=icache_version=3,-prop=dcache_version=3\n");
panic("Cache ver doesn't match MMU ver\n");
/* if Cache way size is <= page size then no aliasing exhibited
* otherwise ratio determines num of aliases.
* e.g. 32K I$, 2 way set assoc, 8k pg size
* way-sz = 32k/2 = 16k
* way-pg-ratio = 16k/8k = 2, so 2 aliases possible
* (meaning 1 line could be in 2 possible locations).
way_pg_ratio = ic->sz/ICACHE_COMPILE_WAY_NUM/PAGE_SIZE;
switch(way_pg_ratio) {
case 0:
case 1:
___flush_icache_rtn = __arc_icache_inv_lines_no_alias;
case 2:
___flush_icache_rtn = __arc_icache_inv_lines_2_alias;
case 4:
___flush_icache_rtn = __arc_icache_inv_lines_4_alias;
panic("Unsupported I-Cache Sz\n");
if (way_pg_ratio > 1) {
ic->has_aliasing = 1;
ARC_shmlba = max(ARC_shmlba, ic->sz / ICACHE_COMPILE_WAY_NUM);
/* Enable/disable I-Cache */
temp = read_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_CTRL) | BIT_IC_CTRL_ADDRESS_DEBUG_TYPE;
#elif defined(CONFIG_ARC700_USE_ICACHE)
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_CTRL, temp);
* D-Cache related init
dc = &cpuinfo_arc700[0].dcache;
if ( ( dc->assoc != DCACHE_COMPILE_WAY_NUM) ||
( dc->line_len != DCACHE_COMPILE_LINE_LEN ) ) {
panic("Cache H/W doesn't match kernel Config");
/* check for D-Cache aliasing */
panic("D$ aliasing not handled right now\n");
dc->has_aliasing = 1;
ARC_shmlba = max(ARC_shmlba, dc->sz / DCACHE_COMPILE_WAY_NUM);
/* Set the default Invalidate Mode to "simpy discard dirty lines"
* as this is more frequent then flush before invalidate
* Ofcourse we toggle this default behviour when desired
temp = read_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL);
/* Enable D-Cache: Clear Bit 0 */
if ((readl(RUBY_SYS_CTL_CSR) & 0xff) == TOPAZ_BOARD_REVA) {
qtn_cache_topaz_war_dcache_lock(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL, temp & (~BIT_IC_CTRL_CACHE_DISABLE));
} else {
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL, temp & (~BIT_IC_CTRL_CACHE_DISABLE));
/* Flush D cache */
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_FLSH, 0x1);
/* Disable D cache */
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL, temp | BIT_IC_CTRL_CACHE_DISABLE);
* Machine specific helpers for Entire D-Cache or Per Line ops
#define OP_INV 0x1
#define OP_FLUSH 0x2
#define OP_FLUSH_N_INV 0x3
/* Operation on Entire D-Cache
* @cacheop = {OP_INV, OP_FLUSH, OP_FLUSH_N_INV}
* @aux_reg: Relevant Register in Cache
* Note that constant propagation ensures all the checks are gone
* in generated code, while havign a signle core routine to maintain
static inline void __arc_dcache_entire_op(const int aux_reg, const int cacheop)
unsigned long flags, tmp = tmp;
if (cacheop == OP_FLUSH_N_INV) {
/* Dcache provides 2 cmd: FLUSH or INV
* INV inturn has sub-modes: DISCARD or FLUSH-BEFORE
* flush-n-inv is achieved by INV cmd but with IM=1
* Default INV sub-mode is DISCARD, which needs to be wiggled here
tmp = read_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL);
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL, tmp|BIT_DC_CTRL_INV_MODE_FLUSH);
if ((readl(RUBY_SYS_CTL_CSR) & 0xff) == TOPAZ_BOARD_REVA) {
qtn_cache_topaz_war_dcache_lock(aux_reg, 0x1);
} else {
write_new_aux_reg(aux_reg, 0x1);
if (cacheop & OP_FLUSH) {
/* wait for writeback to complete */
while (read_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL) & BIT_DC_CTRL_FLUSH_STATUS);
if (cacheop == OP_FLUSH_N_INV) {
/* Switch back the DISCARD ONLY Invalidate mode */
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL, tmp & ~BIT_DC_CTRL_INV_MODE_FLUSH);
/* Per Line Operation on D-Cache
* Doesn't deal with type-of-op/IRQ-disabling/waiting-for-flush-to-complete
* It's sole purpose is to help gcc generate ZOL
static inline void __arc_dcache_per_line_op(unsigned long start, unsigned long sz, int aux_reg)
int num_lines, slack;
/* Ensure we properly floor/ceil the non-line aligned/sized requests
* and have @start - aligned to cache line and integral @num_lines
* However page sized flushes can be compile time optimised.
* -@start will be cache-line aligned already (being page aligned)
* -@sz will be integral multiple of line size (being page sized).
if (!(__builtin_constant_p(sz) && sz == PAGE_SIZE )) {
slack = start & ~DCACHE_LINE_MASK;
sz += slack;
start -= slack;
while (num_lines-- > 0) {
/* Just as for I$, in MMU v3, D$ ops also require
* "tag" bits in DC_PTAG, "index" bits in {FL|IV}DL
* But we pass phy addr for both. This works for now since Linux
* doesn't support aliasing configs for D$, yet. Thus paddr is
* enough to provide both tag and index.
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_PTAG, start);
write_new_aux_reg(aux_reg, start);
/* D-Cache : Per Line FLUSH (wback)
static inline void __arc_dcache_flush_lines(unsigned long start, unsigned long sz)
unsigned long flags;
__arc_dcache_per_line_op(start, sz, ARC_REG_DC_FLDL);
/* wait for the flush to complete, poll on the FS Bit */
while (read_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL) & BIT_DC_CTRL_FLUSH_STATUS) ;
/* D-Cache : Per Line INV (discard or wback+discard)
static inline void __sram_text __arc_dcache_inv_lines(unsigned long start, unsigned long sz,
int flush_n_inv)
unsigned long flags, orig_d_ctrl = orig_d_ctrl;
if (flush_n_inv) {
/* Dcache provides 2 cmd: FLUSH or INV
* INV inturn has sub-modes: DISCARD or FLUSH-BEFORE
* Default INV sub-mode is DISCARD, hence this check
orig_d_ctrl = read_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL);
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL, orig_d_ctrl | BIT_DC_CTRL_INV_MODE_FLUSH);
__arc_dcache_per_line_op(start, sz, ARC_REG_DC_IVDL);
if (flush_n_inv) {
/* wait for the flush to complete, poll on the FS Bit */
while (read_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL) & BIT_DC_CTRL_FLUSH_STATUS) ;
/* Switch back the DISCARD ONLY Invalidate mode */
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_DC_CTRL, orig_d_ctrl & ~BIT_DC_CTRL_INV_MODE_FLUSH);
* Exported APIs
void inv_dcache_all()
/* Throw away the contents of entrie Dcache */
__arc_dcache_entire_op(ARC_REG_DC_IVDC, OP_INV);
void flush_and_inv_dcache_all(void)
__arc_dcache_entire_op(ARC_REG_DC_IVDC, OP_FLUSH_N_INV);
void flush_dcache_all()
__arc_dcache_entire_op(ARC_REG_DC_FLSH, OP_FLUSH);
void flush_dcache_range(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
__arc_dcache_flush_lines(start, end - start);
void flush_dcache_page(struct page *page)
__arc_dcache_flush_lines((unsigned long)page_address(page), PAGE_SIZE);
* page is the kernel virtual addr and ARC_REG_DC_FLDL expects a phy addr
* TODO: need to remove this
void flush_dcache_page_virt(unsigned long *page)
__arc_dcache_flush_lines((unsigned long)page,PAGE_SIZE);
void __sram_text flush_and_inv_dcache_range(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
__arc_dcache_inv_lines(start, end-start, 1);
__attribute__((section(".sram.text"))) void inv_dcache_range(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
__arc_dcache_inv_lines(start, end-start, 0);
#define __arc_dcache_flush_lines(a,b)
* Machine specific helpers for per line I-Cache invalidate
* We have 3 different routines to take care of I-cache aliasing
* in specific configurations of ARC700
* For VIPT caches on ARC700, the internal logic of CPU, when fetching code,
* needs to lookup I$. It uses vaddr (embedded in program code) to calc
* the set-idx of cache-line and the corresponding paddr from MMU to match
* the cache-line-tag. However the CDU iterface (to flush/inv) lines from
* software, only takes paddr (partially to have simpler interface and moreso
* because lot of times page is not yet mapped, so vaddr is not avail).
* For simpler cases, using paddr alone suffices.
* e.g. 2-way-set-assoc, 16K I$ (8k MMU pg sz, 32b cache line size):
* way_sz = cache_sz / num_ways = 16k/2 = 8k
* num_sets = way_sz / line_sz = 8k/32 = 256 => 8 bits
* Ignoring the bottom 5 bits corresp to the pffset within a 32b cacheline,
* bits req for calc set-index = bits 12:5 (0 based). Since this range fits
* inside the bottom 13 bits of paddr, which are same for vaddr and paddr
* (with 8k pg sz), paddr alone can be safely used by CDU to calc line's
* set-index
* However for a difft sized cache, say 32k I$, above math yields need
* for 14 bits of vaddr to locate a cache line, which can't be provided by
* paddr, since the bit 13 may differ between the two.
* This lack of extra bits needed for correct line addressing, defines the
* classical problem of Cache aliasing with VIPT architectures
* num_aliases = 1 << extra_bits
* e.g. 2-way-set-assoc, 32K I$ with 8k MMU pg sz => 2 aliases
* 2-way-set-assoc, 64K I$ with 8k MMU pg sz => 4 aliases
* 2-way-set-assoc, 16K I$ with 8k MMU pg sz => NO aliases
* ------------------
* MMU v2
* ------------------
* The solution was to provide CDU with these additonal vaddr bits. These
* would be bits [x:13], x would depend on cache-geom.
* H/w folks chose [17:13] to be a future safe range, and moreso these 5 bits
* of vaddr could easily be "stuffed" in the paddr as bits [4:0] since the
* orig 5 bits of paddr were anyways ignored by CDU line ops, since they
* represent the offset within cache-line. The adv of using this "clumsy"
* interace for additional info was no new reg was needed in CDU.
* 17:13 represented the max num of bits passable, actual bits needed were
* fewer, based on the num-of-aliases possible.
* -for 2 alias possibility, only bit 13 needed (32K cache)
* -for 4 alias possibility, bits 14:13 needed (64K cache)
* Since vaddr was not available for all instances of I$ flush req by core
* kernel, the only safe way (non-optimal though) was to kill all possible
* lines which could represent an alias (even if they didnt represent one
* in execution).
* e.g. for 64K I$, 4 aliases possible, so we did
* flush start
* flush start | 0x01
* flush start | 0x2
* flush start | 0x3
* The penalty was invoking the operation itself, since tag match is anyways
* paddr based, a line which didn't represent an alias would not match the
* paddr, hence wont be killed
* Note that aliasing concerns are independent of line-sz for a given cache
* geometry (size + set_assoc) because the extra bits required by line-sz are
* reduced from the set calc.
* e.g. 2-way-set-assoc, 32K I$ with 8k MMU pg sz and using match above
* 32b line-sz: 9 bits set-index-calc, 5 bits offset-in-line => 1 extra bit
* 64b line-sz: 8 bits set-index-calc, 6 bits offset-in-line => 1 extra bit
* ------------------
* MMU v3
* ------------------
* This ver of MMU supports var page sizes (1k-16k) - Linux will support
* 8k (default), 16k and 4k.
* However from hardware perspective, smaller page sizes aggrevate aliasing
* meaning more vaddr bits needed to disambiguate the cache-line-op ;
* the existing scheme of piggybacking won't work for certain configurations.
* Two new registers IC_PTAG and DC_PTAG inttoduced.
* "tag" bits are provided in PTAG, index bits in existing IVIL/IVDL/FLDL regs
* start, end - PHY Address
static void __arc_icache_inv_lines_no_alias(unsigned long start, int num_lines)
while (num_lines-- > 0) {
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_PTAG, start);
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start);
static void __arc_icache_inv_lines_2_alias(unsigned long start, int num_lines)
while (num_lines-- > 0) {
/* MMU v3, CDU prog model (for line ops) now uses a new IC_PTAG reg
* to pass the "tag" bits and existing IVIL reg only looks at bits
* relevant for "index" (details above)
* Programming Notes:
* -when writing tag to PTAG reg, bit chopping can be avoided,
* CDU ignores non-tag bits.
* -Ideally "index" must be computed from vaddr, but it is not avail
* in these rtns. So to be safe, we kill the lines in all possible
* indexes corresp to num of aliases possible for given cache config.
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_PTAG, start);
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start & ~(0x1 << PAGE_SHIFT));
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start | (0x1 << PAGE_SHIFT));
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start);
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start | 0x01);
static void __arc_icache_inv_lines_4_alias(unsigned long start, int num_lines)
while (num_lines-- > 0) {
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_PTAG, start);
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start & ~(0x3 << PAGE_SHIFT));
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start & ~(0x2 << PAGE_SHIFT));
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start & ~(0x1 << PAGE_SHIFT));
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start | (0x3 << PAGE_SHIFT));
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start);
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start | 0x01);
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start | 0x02);
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, start | 0x03);
static void __arc_icache_inv_lines(unsigned long start, unsigned long sz)
unsigned long flags;
int num_lines, slack;
/* Ensure we properly floor/ceil the non-line aligned/sized requests
* and have @start - aligned to cache line, and integral @num_lines
* However page sized flushes can be compile time optimised.
* -@start will be cache-line aligned already (being page aligned)
* -@sz will be integral multiple of line size (being page sized).
if (!(__builtin_constant_p(sz) && sz == PAGE_SIZE )) {
slack = start & ~ICACHE_LINE_MASK;
sz += slack;
start -= slack;
(*___flush_icache_rtn)(start, num_lines);
/* Unlike routines above, having vaddr for flush op (along with paddr),
* prevents the need to speculatively kill the lines in multiple sets
* based on ratio of way_sz : pg_sz
static void __arc_icache_inv_lines_vaddr(unsigned long phy_start,
unsigned long vaddr, unsigned long sz)
unsigned long flags;
int num_lines, slack;
unsigned int addr;
slack = phy_start & ~ICACHE_LINE_MASK;
sz += slack;
phy_start -= slack;
addr = phy_start;
// bits 17:13 of vaddr go as bits 4:0 of paddr
addr = phy_start | (( vaddr >> 13 ) & 0x1F);
while (num_lines-- > 0) {
/* tag comes from phy addr */
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_PTAG, addr);
/* index bits come from vaddr */
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, vaddr);
/* this paddr contains vaddrs bits as needed */
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIL, addr);
* Exported APIs
/* This is API for making I/D Caches consistent when modifying code
* (loadable modules, kprobes, etc)
* This is called on insmod, with kernel virtual address for CODE of
* the module. ARC cache maintenance ops require PHY address thus we
* need to convert vmalloc addr to PHY addr
void flush_icache_range(unsigned long kstart, unsigned long kend)
int tot_sz;
unsigned long phy, pfn;
unsigned long flags;
//printk("Kernel Cache Cohenercy: %lx to %lx\n",kstart, kend);
/* This is not the right API for user virtual address */
if (kstart < TASK_SIZE) {
BUG_ON("Flush icache range for user virtual addr space");
/* Shortcut for bigger flush ranges.
* Here we dont care if this was kernel virtual or phy addr
tot_sz = kend - kstart + 1;
if (tot_sz > PAGE_SIZE) {
/* Now it could be kernel virtual addr space (0x7000_0000 to 0x7FFF_FFFF)
* or Kernel Physical addr space (0x8000_0000 onwards)
* The caveat is ARC700 Cache flushes require PHY address, thus need
* for seperate handling for virtual addr
/* Kernel Paddr */
if (kstart > PAGE_OFFSET) {
__arc_icache_inv_lines(kstart, kend-kstart);
__arc_dcache_flush_lines(kstart, kend-kstart);
/* Kernel Vaddr */
while (tot_sz > 0) {
int sz;
pfn = vmalloc_to_pfn((void *)kstart);
phy = pfn << PAGE_SHIFT;
sz = (tot_sz >= PAGE_SIZE)? PAGE_SIZE : tot_sz;
//printk("Flushing for virt %lx Phy %lx PAGE %lx\n", kstart, phy, pfn);
__arc_dcache_flush_lines(phy, sz);
__arc_icache_inv_lines(phy, sz);
kstart += PAGE_SIZE;
tot_sz -= PAGE_SIZE;
/* Optimised ver of flush_icache_range() with spec callers: ptrace/signals
* where vaddr is also available. This allows passing both vaddr and paddr
* bits to CDU for cache flush, short-circuting the current pessimistic algo
* which kills all possible aliases.
* An added adv of knowing that vaddr is user-vaddr avoids various checks
* and handling for k-vaddr, k-paddr as done in orig ver above
void flush_icache_range_vaddr(unsigned long paddr, unsigned long u_vaddr,
int len)
__arc_icache_inv_lines_vaddr(paddr, u_vaddr, len);
__arc_dcache_flush_lines(paddr, len);
* This is called when a page-cache page is about to be mapped into a
* user process' address space. It offers an opportunity for a
* port to ensure d-cache/i-cache coherency if necessary.
void flush_icache_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct page *page)
if (!(vma->vm_flags & VM_EXEC))
__arc_icache_inv_lines((unsigned long)page_address(page), PAGE_SIZE);
void flush_icache_all()
unsigned long flags;
write_new_aux_reg(ARC_REG_IC_IVIC, 1);
* lr will not complete till the icache inv operation is not over
void noinline flush_cache_all()
unsigned long flags;
#define __arc_icache_inv_lines(a,b)
/* Explicit Cache flush request from user space via syscall
* Needed for JITs which generate code on the fly
* XXX: this code is a bit of overkill for the purpose it serves,
* lean it down
int sys_cacheflush(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t flags)
struct vm_area_struct *vma;
vma = find_vma(current->mm, start);
while ((vma) && (vma->vm_start < end)) {
uint32_t lstart, lend, laddr;
lstart = (vma->vm_start < start) ? start : vma->vm_start;
lend = (vma->vm_end > end ) ? end : vma->vm_end;
lstart &= PAGE_MASK;
for (laddr = lstart; laddr <= lend; laddr += PAGE_SIZE) {
uint32_t pfn, sz, phy;
unsigned long flags;
pgd_t *pgd = pgd_offset(current->mm, laddr);
pud_t *pud = pud_offset(pgd, laddr);
pmd_t *pmd = pmd_offset(pud, laddr);
pte_t *page_table = pte_offset_kernel(pmd, laddr);
pte_t pte = *page_table;
pfn = pte_pfn(pte);
phy = pfn << PAGE_SHIFT;
sz = (lend < (laddr + PAGE_SIZE)) ?
(lend - laddr) : PAGE_SIZE;
if (start > laddr) {
phy += start - laddr;
sz -= start - laddr;
__arc_dcache_flush_lines(phy, sz);
__arc_icache_inv_lines(phy, sz);
start = vma->vm_end;
vma = find_vma(current->mm, start);
return 0;
return -EINVAL;