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/**@page mypage7 QCSAPI and the SDK
* @brief The QCSAPI is a key part of the SDK. This section describes how to use the SDK and how to access the QCSAPI binary library from within the SDK.
* @section mysection7_1 SDK Contents
* The Quantenna SDK is a Linux based distribution (ARC kernel version 2.6.30). Its contents include:
* - Sources:
* - Linux Kernel
* - User-space applications
* - C library programs
* - Toolchain (gcc, etc.)
* - Binaries
* - Quantenna MuC firmware
* - Selected Linux drivers
* @section mysection7_2 SDK Make Environment
* We have tested the SDK build process on the following distributions:
* \ul Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) x86 PC running Linux version,
* with native mode gcc compiler version 4.1.2 (versions 4.1 - 4.4 have been tested) and make version GNU Make 3.81.
* \ul Ubuntu version 9.10 X86 with kernel version 2.6.31-14-generic.
* \ul Ubuntu version 11.04 X86 SMP with kernel version 2.6.38-8-generic.
* The ARC cross compiler for the Quantenna target is included in the SDK. The toolchain is created during the make fromscratch process shown below.
* @section mysection7_3 Installing the SDK
* The SDK is delivered as a compressed TAR archive. Download the archive onto the system where the build is to be completed.
* It is recommended to store the archive in an empty folder, although since the SDK TAR archive stores all files in its own subfolder,
* an empty folder is not absolutely required.
* After unpacking the archive, change directory to the SDK subfolder, e.g.<br>
* <c>quantenna-sdk-021009</c><br>
* Now enter this command:<br>
* <c>make fromscratch</c>
* This completes the first comprehensive build and will take a significant amount of time, say 30 minutes.
* At the end of the make process, a new subfolder within the SDK subfolder will be present: <c>tftp</c>.
* This subfolder has the file <c>ruby-linux.img</c> (uncompressed image file), and <c>ruby-linux.img.lzma</c> (compressed image file).
* @section mysection7_4 QCSAPI components in the SDK
* The QCSAPI has two components, the header file and the binary library. In addition the application / interface program,
* call_qcsapi is included. Each is built or installed as part of the overall SDK build process.
* The library file will be installed in <c>buildroot/build_arc/staging_dir/lib</c>, (path relative to the top-level SDK folder,
* e.g. quantenna-sdk-021009) as this is the folder the cross compiler searches by default for binary libraries.
* Thus to build an application that calls the QCSAPI, it is only necessary to pass the option <c>-lqcsapi</c> to the cross-linker.
* The header file will be installed in buildroot/include.
* Thus to locate this include file, when building an application to call QCSAPIs, include the path to this folder.
* The application <c>call_qcsapi</c> will be present in <c>/sbin/</c> when the Quantenna device boots up with a build from the SDK.
* Within the SDK, the contents of the QCSAPI are available in the subdirectory <c>buildroot/package/qcsapi/qcsapi-1.0.1/</c>