| /* |
| * Driver for the NXP SAA7164 PCIe bridge |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Steven Toth <stoth@kernellabs.com> |
| * |
| * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
| * (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * |
| * GNU General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. |
| */ |
| |
| /* TODO: Cleanup and shorten the namespace */ |
| |
| /* Some structues are passed directly to/from the firmware and |
| * have strict alignment requirements. This is one of them. |
| */ |
| struct tmComResHWDescr { |
| u8 bLength; |
| u8 bDescriptorType; |
| u8 bDescriptorSubtype; |
| u16 bcdSpecVersion; |
| u32 dwClockFrequency; |
| u32 dwClockUpdateRes; |
| u8 bCapabilities; |
| u32 dwDeviceRegistersLocation; |
| u32 dwHostMemoryRegion; |
| u32 dwHostMemoryRegionSize; |
| u32 dwHostHibernatMemRegion; |
| u32 dwHostHibernatMemRegionSize; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* This is DWORD aligned on windows but I can't find the right |
| * gcc syntax to match the binary data from the device. |
| * I've manually padded with Reserved[3] bytes to match the hardware, |
| * but this could break if GCC decies to pack in a different way. |
| */ |
| struct tmComResInterfaceDescr { |
| u8 bLength; |
| u8 bDescriptorType; |
| u8 bDescriptorSubtype; |
| u8 bFlags; |
| u8 bInterfaceType; |
| u8 bInterfaceId; |
| u8 bBaseInterface; |
| u8 bInterruptId; |
| u8 bDebugInterruptId; |
| u8 BARLocation; |
| u8 Reserved[3]; |
| }; |
| |
| struct tmComResBusDescr { |
| u64 CommandRing; |
| u64 ResponseRing; |
| u32 CommandWrite; |
| u32 CommandRead; |
| u32 ResponseWrite; |
| u32 ResponseRead; |
| }; |
| |
| enum tmBusType { |
| NONE = 0, |
| TYPE_BUS_PCI = 1, |
| TYPE_BUS_PCIe = 2, |
| TYPE_BUS_USB = 3, |
| TYPE_BUS_I2C = 4 |
| }; |
| |
| struct tmComResBusInfo { |
| enum tmBusType Type; |
| u16 m_wMaxReqSize; |
| u8 __iomem *m_pdwSetRing; |
| u32 m_dwSizeSetRing; |
| u8 __iomem *m_pdwGetRing; |
| u32 m_dwSizeGetRing; |
| u32 m_dwSetWritePos; |
| u32 m_dwSetReadPos; |
| u32 m_dwGetWritePos; |
| u32 m_dwGetReadPos; |
| |
| /* All access is protected */ |
| struct mutex lock; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| struct tmComResInfo { |
| u8 id; |
| u8 flags; |
| u16 size; |
| u32 command; |
| u16 controlselector; |
| u8 seqno; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| enum tmComResCmd { |
| SET_CUR = 0x01, |
| GET_CUR = 0x81, |
| GET_MIN = 0x82, |
| GET_MAX = 0x83, |
| GET_RES = 0x84, |
| GET_LEN = 0x85, |
| GET_INFO = 0x86, |
| GET_DEF = 0x87 |
| }; |
| |
| struct cmd { |
| u8 seqno; |
| u32 inuse; |
| u32 timeout; |
| u32 signalled; |
| struct mutex lock; |
| wait_queue_head_t wait; |
| }; |
| |
| struct tmDescriptor { |
| u32 pathid; |
| u32 size; |
| void *descriptor; |
| }; |
| |
| struct tmComResDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 unitid; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| struct tmComResExtDevDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 unitid; |
| u32 devicetype; |
| u16 deviceid; |
| u32 numgpiopins; |
| u8 numgpiogroups; |
| u8 controlsize; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| struct tmComResGPIO { |
| u32 pin; |
| u8 state; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| struct tmComResPathDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 pathid; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* terminaltype */ |
| enum tmComResTermType { |
| ITT_ANTENNA = 0x0203, |
| LINE_CONNECTOR = 0x0603, |
| SPDIF_CONNECTOR = 0x0605, |
| SVIDEO_CONNECTOR = 0x0402, |
| STANDARD_DMA = 0xF101 |
| }; |
| |
| struct tmComResAntTermDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 terminalid; |
| u16 terminaltype; |
| u8 assocterminal; |
| u8 iterminal; |
| u8 controlsize; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| struct tmComResTunerDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 unitid; |
| u8 sourceid; |
| u8 iunit; |
| u32 tuningstandards; |
| u8 controlsize; |
| u32 controls; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| enum tmBufferFlag { |
| /* the buffer does not contain any valid data */ |
| |
| /* the buffer is filled with valid data */ |
| |
| /* the buffer is the dummy buffer - TODO??? */ |
| }; |
| |
| struct tmBuffer { |
| u64 *pagetablevirt; |
| u64 pagetablephys; |
| u16 offset; |
| u8 *context; |
| u64 timestamp; |
| enum tmBufferFlag BufferFlag; |
| u32 lostbuffers; |
| u32 validbuffers; |
| u64 *dummypagevirt; |
| u64 dummypagephys; |
| u64 *addressvirt; |
| }; |
| |
| struct tmHWStreamParameters { |
| u32 bitspersample; |
| u32 samplesperline; |
| u32 numberoflines; |
| u32 pitch; |
| u32 linethreshold; |
| u64 **pagetablelistvirt; |
| u64 *pagetablelistphys; |
| u32 numpagetables; |
| u32 numpagetableentries; |
| }; |
| |
| struct tmStreamParameters { |
| struct tmHWStreamParameters HWStreamParameters; |
| u64 qwDummyPageTablePhys; |
| u64 *pDummyPageTableVirt; |
| }; |
| |
| struct tmComResDMATermDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtyle; |
| u8 unitid; |
| u16 terminaltype; |
| u8 assocterminal; |
| u8 sourceid; |
| u8 iterminal; |
| u32 BARLocation; |
| u8 flags; |
| u8 interruptid; |
| u8 buffercount; |
| u8 metadatasize; |
| u8 numformats; |
| u8 controlsize; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* |
| * |
| * Description: |
| * This is the transport stream format header. |
| * |
| * Settings: |
| * bLength - The size of this descriptor in bytes. |
| * bDescriptorType - CS_INTERFACE. |
| * bDescriptorSubtype - VS_FORMAT_MPEG2TS descriptor subtype. |
| * bFormatIndex - A non-zero constant that uniquely identifies the |
| * format. |
| * bDataOffset - Offset to TSP packet within MPEG-2 TS transport |
| * stride, in bytes. |
| * bPacketLength - Length of TSP packet, in bytes (typically 188). |
| * bStrideLength - Length of MPEG-2 TS transport stride. |
| * guidStrideFormat - A Globally Unique Identifier indicating the |
| * format of the stride data (if any). Set to zeros |
| * if there is no Stride Data, or if the Stride |
| * Data is to be ignored by the application. |
| * |
| */ |
| struct tmComResTSFormatDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 bFormatIndex; |
| u8 bDataOffset; |
| u8 bPacketLength; |
| u8 bStrideLength; |
| u8 guidStrideFormat[16]; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* Encoder related structures */ |
| |
| /* A/V Mux Selector */ |
| struct tmComResSelDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 unitid; |
| u8 nrinpins; |
| u8 sourceid; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* A/V Audio processor definitions */ |
| struct tmComResProcDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 unitid; |
| u8 sourceid; |
| u16 wreserved; |
| u8 controlsize; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* Video bitrate control message */ |
| struct tmComResEncVideoBitRate { |
| u8 ucVideoBitRateMode; |
| u32 dwVideoBitRate; |
| u32 dwVideoBitRatePeak; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* Video Encoder Aspect Ratio message */ |
| struct tmComResEncVideoInputAspectRatio { |
| u8 width; |
| u8 height; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* Video Encoder GOP IBP message */ |
| /* 3. IBBPBBPBBPBBP */ |
| #define SAA7164_ENCODER_DEFAULT_GOP_DIST (1) |
| #define SAA7164_ENCODER_DEFAULT_GOP_SIZE (15) |
| struct tmComResEncVideoGopStructure { |
| u8 ucGOPSize; /* GOP Size 12, 15 */ |
| u8 ucRefFrameDist; /* Reference Frame Distance */ |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* Encoder processor definition */ |
| struct tmComResEncoderDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 unitid; |
| u8 vsourceid; |
| u8 asourceid; |
| u8 iunit; |
| u32 dwmControlCap; |
| u32 dwmProfileCap; |
| u32 dwmVidFormatCap; |
| u8 bmVidBitrateCap; |
| u16 wmVidResolutionsCap; |
| u16 wmVidFrmRateCap; |
| u32 dwmAudFormatCap; |
| u8 bmAudBitrateCap; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* Audio processor definition */ |
| struct tmComResAFeatureDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 unitid; |
| u8 sourceid; |
| u8 controlsize; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* Audio control messages */ |
| struct tmComResAudioDefaults { |
| u8 ucDecoderLevel; |
| u8 ucDecoderFM_Level; |
| u8 ucMonoLevel; |
| u8 ucNICAM_Level; |
| u8 ucSAP_Level; |
| u8 ucADC_Level; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* Audio bitrate control message */ |
| struct tmComResEncAudioBitRate { |
| u8 ucAudioBitRateMode; |
| u32 dwAudioBitRate; |
| u32 dwAudioBitRatePeak; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* Tuner / AV Decoder messages */ |
| struct tmComResTunerStandard { |
| u8 std; |
| u32 country; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| struct tmComResTunerStandardAuto { |
| u8 mode; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* EEPROM definition for PS stream types */ |
| struct tmComResPSFormatDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; |
| u8 bFormatIndex; |
| u16 wPacketLength; |
| u16 wPackLength; |
| u8 bPackDataType; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| /* VBI control structure */ |
| struct tmComResVBIFormatDescrHeader { |
| u8 len; |
| u8 type; |
| u8 subtype; /* VS_FORMAT_VBI */ |
| u8 bFormatIndex; |
| u32 VideoStandard; /* See KS_AnalogVideoStandard, NTSC = 1 */ |
| u8 StartLine; /* NTSC Start = 10 */ |
| u8 EndLine; /* NTSC = 21 */ |
| u8 FieldRate; /* 60 for NTSC */ |
| u8 bNumLines; /* Unused - scheduled for removal */ |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| struct tmComResProbeCommit { |
| u16 bmHint; |
| u8 bFormatIndex; |
| u8 bFrameIndex; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| struct tmComResDebugSetLevel { |
| u32 dwDebugLevel; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| struct tmComResDebugGetData { |
| u32 dwResult; |
| u8 ucDebugData[256]; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |
| |
| struct tmFwInfoStruct { |
| u32 status; |
| u32 mode; |
| u32 devicespec; |
| u32 deviceinst; |
| u32 CPULoad; |
| u32 RemainHeap; |
| u32 CPUClock; |
| u32 RAMSpeed; |
| } __attribute__((packed)); |