pcie-c2000: fix /sys/devices/platform/pcie.0/device_reset behaviour.

The code for actually resetting the PCI slots was just empty macros(!!)
which is very confusing.  Define these macros for gfrg2x0 devices, and add
an error for any future board where they aren't defined.

- switch the naming of the reset assert/deassert macros, which were
  backwards.  ("Asserted" means "0" in this case, because "0" means
- Uncomment the code that saves and restores PCIe device structures, so that
  they won't be lost on PCIe reset.  This might not be needed if your driver
  itself does the power saving, but that's not what we're using this
  feature for.

Change-Id: I36ca2ef36a9771eac555210d0da328065df1b205
1 file changed