blob: f52a850532e24b7373b26bb6c048463035f99b26 [file] [log] [blame]
[From on 2014-04-07]
D. J. Bernstein
Frequently asked questions from distributors
This page is for people who want to distribute copies of my software or
derivative works: for example, an operating system that includes the
You don't need to read this page if you simply want to use my software. You
are free to download the software from my web server; you then own that copy
of the software, and you are free to compile it and run it.
You also don't need to read this page if you simply want to set up a mirror
of my web pages.
What are the distribution terms for clockspeed?
2013.01.09: I hereby place the clockspeed package (in particular,
clockspeed-0.62.tar.gz, with MD5 checksum 425614174fcfe2ad42d22d3d02e2d567)
into the public domain. The package is no longer copyrighted.