blob: db520f97418765c16bd6f94937b327afc36588f5 [file] [log] [blame]
# See log-delay script for explanation.
# In the common case upload-logs-loop will be waiting in sleep. In the
# uncommon case an upload is happening, so we have to wait until it
# finishes, then trigger another one. upload-logs has its own timeout
# feature, so we shouldn't have to ever kill it ourselves.
# If using upload-crash-log2, we have to send it a signal to wake it up.
# There's no point differentiating between the two types of loguploader;
# we'll just do both actions in all cases.
# This script exits before the newly-started upload has finished.
# If you want to wait, use upload-logs-and-wait instead.
if pgrep upload-logs-loo >/dev/null && [ ! -e /tmp/logs-uploaded ]; then
# log uploader running, and upload currently in progress.
# We check that the uploader is running so that we don't accidentally
# sleep here indefinitely.
wait-until-created /tmp/logs-uploaded
rm -f /tmp/logs-uploaded
# first try v2 uploader; if that doesn't work, try v1.
if ! pkill -USR1 -f '^[^ ]*upload-crash-log2'; then
sleep 1 # give upload-logs-loop time to start log-delay
pkill -x log-delay # kill v1 uploader; auto-restarts
exit 0