blob: 300f61425768ae366f9a2cec5f7de379fd4476c1 [file] [log] [blame]
; Copyright:
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; This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as authorised
; by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited.
; The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised copies and
; copies may only be made to the extent permitted by a licensing agreement
; from ARM Limited.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; $LastChangedRevision: 2887 $
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Standard definitions of ARM processor mode bits
#define Mode_MON 0x16
#define Mode_FIQ 0x11
#define Mode_IRQ 0x12
#define Mode_SVC 0x13
#define Mode_ABT 0x17
#define Mode_UND 0x1B
#define Mode_SYS 0x1F
; Standard definitions of interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRs
#define CPSR_I_BIT 0x80 /*when I bit is set, IRQ is disabled*/
#define CPSR_F_BIT 0x40 /*when F bit is set, FIQ is disabled*/
; Standard definitions of SCR IRQ and FIQ bits(Secure Configuration Register)
#define SCR_FIQ_BIT 0x04 /*when SCR[1](FIQ) bit is set, branch to
Monitor mode on an FIQ exception*/
#define SCR_IRQ_BIT 0x02 /*when SCR[2](IRQ) bit is set, branch to
Monitor mode on an FIQ exception*/
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Standard definitions of Non-Secure Access Control register configuration
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define NSACR_BIT_CP 0x03FFF /*Bit 0-13 */
#define NSACR_BIT_CL 0x10000 /*Bit 16 */
#define NSACR_BIT_TL 0x20000 /*Bit 17 */
#define NSACR_BIT_DMA 0x40000 /*Bit 18 */
; Standard definitions Secure Debug Enable Register value
#define DEBUG_ENABLE_BIT 0x03 /*Enable non-invasive and invasive debug in
secure user mode*/
#define MON_STACK_BASE 0x10008000
#define MON_STACK_BASE 0x83004000
#define MON_STACK_LEN 0X400 /* 1 KB */