blob: 33bcc26fa5cd2ccce1e6da9eeb6c6bdc00735460 [file] [log] [blame]
# Header Generator Configuration File
# Header Format
# |-----------------------|
# | Magic Number |
# |-----------------------|
# | Timestamp |
# |-----------------------|
# | CRC |
# |-----------------------|
# | Key Length |
# |-----------------------|
# | Image Hash Type |
# |-----------------------|
# | Image Length |
# |-----------------------|
# | Hash Value |
# |-----------------------|
# | Public Key |
# |-----------------------|
# 1. Magic Number : Fix string « MSPD - 0x4D535044 »
# 2. Timestamp: Image creation timestamp.
# 3. CRC: 32 Bit CRC on full header. At the time of CRC calculation this field should be 0.
# 4. Image Hash Type: Hash Type 0/Sha-256/Rsa-Sha-256.
# I. Zero -- Initialized with all zero [size 32 bytes].
# II. SHA-256 . SHA-256 hash on the image [size 32 bytes].
# III. RSA-SHA-256 . RSA encrypted sha-256 hash on the image [size key size].
# 5. Key Length: Length of Public Key 0/1K,2K. Zero means no key.
# 6. Image Length: Length of Current Image (excluding header).
# 7. Hash value: Hash result 256/1K/2K bits.
# 8. Public key (optional): Public key used for firmware authentication (Size 1K/2K/4K)
# Sample configurations
# To generate uloader image with NULL hash
# nonlegacy:null:::barebox.bin:
# To generate firmware image with SHA256
# sha256 barebox.bin
# nonlegacy:sha256:::barebox.bin:
# To generate firmware image with RSA signature and key inbuilt to the header
# nonlegacy:rsa:private.pem:insertkey:barebox.bin:
# To generate firmware image with RSA signature and no key inserted in the header
# nonlegacy:rsa:private.pem:nokey:barebox.bin: