uloader: Turn blue LED off, red LED on

In order to comply with the LED policy, we need to turn the blue LED off
and the red LED on when we initialize the uloader. The downside of this
is that we can no longer tell if the uloader or bootloader crashed.
Previously, people confused solid blue with the state where the unit
successfully connected to the ACS.

Change-Id: I1d5eed20470436d81fa15cf45f241f498d0775a7
diff --git a/arch/arm/boards/optimus/optimus.c b/arch/arm/boards/optimus/optimus.c
index 133fae0..ce2c480 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boards/optimus/optimus.c
+++ b/arch/arm/boards/optimus/optimus.c
@@ -297,11 +297,9 @@
 	 *          set high
-	/* Turn off red LED to indicate that the uloader is running. */
-	comcerto_gpio_set_0(GPIO_13);
-	/* Leave blue LED on to indicate that the boot loader is not yet
-	 * running. */
-	comcerto_gpio_set_1(GPIO_12);
+	/* Turn blue LED off, red LED on, to indicate the uloader is running. */
+	comcerto_gpio_set_0(GPIO_12);
+	comcerto_gpio_set_1(GPIO_13);