blob: 07eca0ddc4492b548b1730e2bb7cad6033a7ced2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
class ViEToFileRenderer;
#include "common_types.h"
namespace webrtc {
class VideoCaptureModule;
class ViEBase;
class ViECapture;
class ViECodec;
class ViERender;
class ViERTP_RTCP;
struct VideoCodec;
// This constant can be used as input to various functions to not force the
// codec resolution.
const int kDoNotForceResolution = 0;
// Finds a suitable capture device (e.g. camera) on the current system
// and allocates it. Details about the found device are filled into the out
// parameters. If this operation fails, device_id is assigned a negative value
// and number_of_errors is incremented.
void FindCaptureDeviceOnSystem(webrtc::ViECapture* capture,
unsigned char* device_name,
const unsigned int kDeviceNameLength,
int* device_id,
webrtc::VideoCaptureModule** device_video);
// Sets up rendering in a window previously created using a Window Manager
// (See vie_window_manager_factory.h for more details on how to make one of
// those). The frame provider id is a source of video frames, for instance
// a capture device or a video channel.
void RenderInWindow(webrtc::ViERender* video_render_interface,
int frame_provider_id,
void* os_window,
float z_index);
// Similar in function to RenderInWindow, this function instead renders to
// a file using a to-file-renderer. The frame provider id is a source of
// video frames, for instance a capture device or a video channel.
void RenderToFile(webrtc::ViERender* renderer_interface,
int frame_provider_id,
ViEToFileRenderer* to_file_renderer);
// Stops all rendering given the normal case that we have a capture device
// and a video channel set up for rendering.
void StopAndRemoveRenderers(webrtc::ViEBase* base_interface,
webrtc::ViERender* render_interface,
int channel_id,
int capture_id);
// Configures RTP-RTCP.
void ConfigureRtpRtcp(webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP* rtcp_interface,
int video_channel);
// Finds a codec in the codec list. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
// The resulting codec is filled into result on success but is zeroed out
// on failure.
bool FindSpecificCodec(webrtc::VideoCodecType of_type,
webrtc::ViECodec* codec_interface,
webrtc::VideoCodec* result);
// Sets up the provided codec with a resolution that takes individual codec
// quirks into account (except if the forced* variables are
// != kDoNotForceResolution)
void SetSuitableResolution(webrtc::VideoCodec* video_codec,
int forced_codec_width,
int forced_codec_height);