HDHomeRun OTA tuning improvements

1) Make OTA tuning more robust
After tuning to physical channel, let the tuner settle for 1 second before
collecting the first tuner status sample. If needed, collect 4 more tuner
status samples at 500 msec intervals. Normally, on a good quality channel,
the first sample is already good (SEQ=100).

Once the tuner status is good, immediately get the first stream info sample
and try to translate virtual channel to program number. If needed, collect
4 more stream info samples at 500 msec intervals and try to translate again.
Normally, on a good quality channel, the first sample is enough.

2) Add tuner status logging
chsrv: hdhr:hdhomerun tuner status: lock=8vsb ss=91 snq=69 seq=100

Change-Id: I585ccb17a59442761c704343d6056ec18bb180df
1 file changed