blob: 96079cf63bd3876baaa00c9dea7ad8182f973dba [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Manuel Novoa III <>
* GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later.
* Dedicated to Toni. See uClibc/DEDICATION.mjn3 for details.
#ifndef _STDIO_H
#error Always include <stdio.h> rather than <bits/uClibc_stdio.h>
/* ANSI/ISO mandate at least 256. */
/* Fake this because some apps use stdio.h BUFSIZ. */
#define __STDIO_BUFSIZ 256
#define __STDIO_BUFSIZ 4096
#define __need_wchar_t
#include <stddef.h>
/* Note: we don't really need mbstate for 8-bit locales. We do for UTF-8.
* For now, always use it. */
#define __need_mbstate_t
#include <wchar.h>
/* Currently unimplemented/untested */
#define __STDIO_IOFBF 0 /* Fully buffered. */
#define __STDIO_IOLBF 1 /* Line buffered. */
#define __STDIO_IONBF 2 /* No buffering. */
typedef struct {
__off_t __pos;
__mbstate_t __mbstate;
int __mblen_pending;
} __STDIO_fpos_t;
typedef struct {
__off64_t __pos;
__mbstate_t __mbstate;
int __mblen_pending;
} __STDIO_fpos64_t;
typedef __off64_t __offmax_t; /* TODO -- rename this? */
typedef __ssize_t __io_read_fn(void *__cookie, char *__buf, size_t __bufsize);
typedef __ssize_t __io_write_fn(void *__cookie,
const char *__buf, size_t __bufsize);
/* NOTE: GLIBC difference!!! -- fopencookie seek function
* For glibc, the type of pos is always (__off64_t *) but in our case
* it is type (__off_t *) when the lib is built without large file support.
typedef int __io_seek_fn(void *__cookie, __offmax_t *__pos, int __whence);
typedef int __io_close_fn(void *__cookie);
typedef struct {
__io_read_fn *read;
__io_write_fn *write;
__io_seek_fn *seek;
__io_close_fn *close;
} _IO_cookie_io_functions_t;
#ifdef __USE_GNU
typedef __io_read_fn cookie_read_function_t;
typedef __io_write_fn cookie_write_function_t;
typedef __io_seek_fn cookie_seek_function_t;
typedef __io_close_fn cookie_close_function_t;
typedef _IO_cookie_io_functions_t cookie_io_functions_t;
#if defined __UCLIBC_HAS_THREADS__ && !defined __UCLIBC_IO_MUTEX
/* keep this in sync with uClibc_mutex.h */
# include <bits/stdio-lock.h>
# define __UCLIBC_IO_MUTEX(M) _IO_lock_t M
# else
# include <bits/pthreadtypes.h>
# define __UCLIBC_IO_MUTEX(M) pthread_mutex_t M
unsigned short __modeflags;
/* There could be a hole here, but modeflags is used most.*/
unsigned char __ungot_width[2]; /* 0: current (building) char; 1: scanf */
/* Move the following futher down to avoid problems with getc/putc
* macros breaking shared apps when wchar config support is changed. */
/* wchar_t ungot[2]; */
int __filedes;
unsigned char *__bufstart; /* pointer to buffer */
unsigned char *__bufend; /* pointer to 1 past end of buffer */
unsigned char *__bufpos;
unsigned char *__bufread; /* pointer to 1 past last buffered read char */
unsigned char *__bufgetc_u; /* 1 past last readable by getc_unlocked */
#endif /* __STDIO_GETC_MACRO */
unsigned char *__bufputc_u; /* 1 past last writeable by putc_unlocked */
#endif /* __STDIO_PUTC_MACRO */
#endif /* __STDIO_BUFFERS */
struct __STDIO_FILE_STRUCT *__nextopen;
void *__cookie;
_IO_cookie_io_functions_t __gcs;
wchar_t __ungot[2];
__mbstate_t __state;
int __user_locking;
/* Everything after this is unimplemented... and may be trashed. */
unsigned char __builtinbuf[__STDIO_BUILTIN_BUF_SIZE];
#endif /* __STDIO_BUILTIN_BUF_SIZE > 0 */
/* Having ungotten characters implies the stream is reading.
* The scheme used here treats the least significant 2 bits of
* the stream's modeflags member as follows:
* 0 0 Not currently reading.
* 0 1 Reading, but no ungetc() or scanf() push back chars.
* 1 0 Reading with one ungetc() char (ungot[1] is 1)
* or one scanf() pushed back char (ungot[1] is 0).
* 1 1 Reading with both an ungetc() char and a scanf()
* pushed back char. Note that this must be the result
* of a scanf() push back (in ungot[0]) _followed_ by
* an ungetc() call (in ungot[1]).
* Notes:
* scanf() can NOT use ungetc() to push back characters.
* (See section of the C9X rationale -- WG14/N897.)
#define __MASK_READING 0x0003U /* (0x0001 | 0x0002) */
#define __FLAG_READING 0x0001U
#define __FLAG_UNGOT 0x0002U
#define __FLAG_EOF 0x0004U
#define __FLAG_ERROR 0x0008U
#define __FLAG_WRITEONLY 0x0010U
#define __FLAG_READONLY 0x0020U /* (__FLAG_WRITEONLY << 1) */
#define __FLAG_WRITING 0x0040U
#define __FLAG_NARROW 0x0080U
#define __FLAG_FBF 0x0000U /* must be 0 */
#define __FLAG_LBF 0x0100U
#define __FLAG_NBF 0x0200U /* (__FLAG_LBF << 1) */
#define __MASK_BUFMODE 0x0300U /* (__FLAG_LBF|__FLAG_NBF) */
#define __FLAG_APPEND 0x0400U /* fixed! == O_APPEND for linux */
#define __FLAG_WIDE 0x0800U
/* available slot 0x1000U */
#define __FLAG_FREEFILE 0x2000U
#define __FLAG_FREEBUF 0x4000U
#define __FLAG_LARGEFILE 0x8000U /* fixed! == 0_LARGEFILE for linux */
/* Note: In no-buffer mode, it would be possible to pack the necessary
* flags into one byte. Since we wouldn't be buffering and there would
* be no support for wchar, the only flags we would need would be:
* 2 bits : ungot count
* 2 bits : eof + error
* 2 bits : readonly + writeonly
* 1 bit : freefile
* 1 bit : appending
* So, for a very small system (< 128 files) we might have a
* 4-byte FILE struct of:
* unsigned char flags;
* signed char filedes;
* unsigned char ungot[2];
#define __CLEARERR_UNLOCKED(__stream) \
((void)((__stream)->__modeflags &= ~(__FLAG_EOF|__FLAG_ERROR)))
#define __FEOF_UNLOCKED(__stream) ((__stream)->__modeflags & __FLAG_EOF)
#define __FERROR_UNLOCKED(__stream) ((__stream)->__modeflags & __FLAG_ERROR)
# define __CLEARERR(__stream) (clearerr)(__stream)
# define __FERROR(__stream) (ferror)(__stream)
# define __FEOF(__stream) (feof)(__stream)
extern int __fgetc_unlocked(FILE *__stream);
extern int __fputc_unlocked(int __c, FILE *__stream);
/* First define the default definitions.
They are overridden below as necessary. */
#define __FGETC_UNLOCKED(__stream) (__fgetc_unlocked)((__stream))
#define __FGETC(__stream) (fgetc)((__stream))
#define __GETC_UNLOCKED_MACRO(__stream) (__fgetc_unlocked)((__stream))
#define __GETC_UNLOCKED(__stream) (__fgetc_unlocked)((__stream))
#define __GETC(__stream) (fgetc)((__stream))
#define __FPUTC_UNLOCKED(__c, __stream) (__fputc_unlocked)((__c),(__stream))
#define __FPUTC(__c, __stream) (fputc)((__c),(__stream))
#define __PUTC_UNLOCKED_MACRO(__c, __stream) (__fputc_unlocked)((__c),(__stream))
#define __PUTC_UNLOCKED(__c, __stream) (__fputc_unlocked)((__c),(__stream))
#define __PUTC(__c, __stream) (fputc)((__c),(__stream))
extern FILE *__stdin; /* For getchar() macro. */
# define __GETC_UNLOCKED_MACRO(__stream) \
( ((__stream)->__bufpos < (__stream)->__bufgetc_u) \
? (*(__stream)->__bufpos++) \
: __fgetc_unlocked(__stream) )
# if 0
/* Classic macro approach. getc{_unlocked} can have side effects. */
# define __GETC_UNLOCKED(__stream) __GETC_UNLOCKED_MACRO((__stream))
# else
/* Using gcc extension for safety and additional inlining. */
# define __FGETC_UNLOCKED(__stream) \
(__extension__ ({ \
FILE *__S = (__stream); \
}) )
# define __GETC_UNLOCKED(__stream) __FGETC_UNLOCKED((__stream))
# undef __FGETC
# define __FGETC(__stream) \
(__extension__ ({ \
FILE *__S = (__stream); \
((__S->__user_locking ) \
: (fgetc)(__S)); \
}) )
# undef __GETC
# define __GETC(__stream) __FGETC((__stream))
# endif
# define __stdin stdin
#endif /* __STDIO_GETC_MACRO */
extern FILE *__stdout; /* For putchar() macro. */
# define __PUTC_UNLOCKED_MACRO(__c, __stream) \
( ((__stream)->__bufpos < (__stream)->__bufputc_u) \
? (*(__stream)->__bufpos++) = (__c) \
: __fputc_unlocked((__c),(__stream)) )
# if 0
/* Classic macro approach. putc{_unlocked} can have side effects.*/
# define __PUTC_UNLOCKED(__c, __stream) \
__PUTC_UNLOCKED_MACRO((__c), (__stream))
# else
/* Using gcc extension for safety and additional inlining. */
# define __FPUTC_UNLOCKED(__c, __stream) \
(__extension__ ({ \
FILE *__S = (__stream); \
}) )
# define __PUTC_UNLOCKED(__c, __stream) __FPUTC_UNLOCKED((__c), (__stream))
# undef __FPUTC
# define __FPUTC(__c, __stream) \
(__extension__ ({ \
FILE *__S = (__stream); \
((__S->__user_locking) \
? __PUTC_UNLOCKED_MACRO((__c),__S) \
: (fputc)((__c),__S)); \
}) )
# undef __PUTC
# define __PUTC(__c, __stream) __FPUTC((__c), (__stream))
# endif
# define __stdout stdout
#endif /* __STDIO_PUTC_MACRO */