blob: 450d713614d951630df3f1451794877c68c89385 [file] [log] [blame]
* \page ChangeLog
* \section v36_4TO_v36_5 Version v36.4 to version v36.5 changes
* \subsection v36_4_TO_v36_5Added Added functions
* The following functions were added between versions v36.4 and v36.4
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_set_dscp_ac_map (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_get_congestion_index (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_set_tx_power (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_get_dscp_ac_map (
* \li \ref qcsapi_registrar_get_default_pbc_bss (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_get_priority (
* \li \ref qcsapi_regulatory_get_db_version (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_get_carrier_interference (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_set_priority (
* \li \ref qcsapi_registrar_set_default_pbc_bss (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wps_on_hidden_ssid_status (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wps_get_runtime_state (
* \li \ref qcsapi_regulatory_overwrite_country_code (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_get_spinor_jedecid (
* \li \ref qcsapi_get_custom_value (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_get_michael_errcnt (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_get_bw_power (
* \li \ref qcsapi_wifi_set_bw_power (
* \li \ref qcsapi_regulatory_set_bw_power (
* \subsection v36_4TO_v36_5Removed Removed functions
* The following functions were removed between versions v36.4 and v36.5
* \li qcsapi_regulatory_get_supported_tx_power_levels (
* \li qcsapi_regulatory_get_current_tx_power_level (